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The Guambiano cosmology is based on a dual/opposition system

such as male and female, hot and cold, the sun and the moon, etc.
It is a universe inhabited by supernatural beings who are feared and
must be respected as such.

Inside the Guambiano imaginary, there is a lot of respect towards

the “contamination of the people” among other things related to
health. This concept is linked to the cold and the impurity being the
woman with her menstrual blood the one who has the possibility of
contaminating others. The Guambiano healer is named Murbik, a
person who has medicinal plants knowledge, the one who prevents
diseases and the intermediary between the man and the spirits.

In this culture, the Guambiano culture, they have this idea

(perspective of the world) that the behavior or the actions cause a
spiritual load that is considered contamination in a sense.

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