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Alejandra Doku Peláez – 192210020

Teacher: Wendy Zabaleta

 Send a PDF document with 10 job interview questions related to your career or
dreamed job. Write also the answers according to your personal information.

My dream job is being a forensic psychologist, I’ve always loved the idea of the
psychologic test and the interviews with the criminals.
Some interview questions about this job could be:

1. What motivated you to apply to this job?

R /I’ve always wanted to work in this field, I feel very motivated and interested
in the themes and I also really like studying the reasons of the behavior of

2. How good is your capacity to apply psychometric tests?

R/ Currently I’m learning, but I’d love to keep learning to master my skill

3. Rate your capacity to work with different types of population

R/ I think like a 8, because I can adapt to different types of people and cultures

4. How many types of tools could you implement to your daily work?
R/ I would use all the tolos that I have in my hands to solve the questions in the
case, fom inerviews, psycometrics,batteries, tests, etc

5. If you had to choose an area to work with, what would it be?

R/ My first opción woud be the penal área

6. Could you work under pressure?

R/ Yes, I can work very well under pression

7. Rate your capability to block your emotions when you are working with
R/ I think i’m prettty Good blocking my emotions and differentiatin the work
from the personal emotions

8. How do you describe your co working capability, even at working with different
kinds of people and careers, like lawyers or judges?
R/ I can work in groups and with different kinds of people and careers, always
from the respect and professionalism

9. Do you understand the relation between the psychology and the legal system in
our country?
R/ Of course, it is importat to know that the psychology and the mental health of
a person can lead towards a problematic or Good behavior

10. Do you have a clear answer on you moral and ethics?

R/ yes, I can understand the good and bad actions and the reason of why is it
Good or bad.

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