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Test I: Identification (6x2=12 pts)

1. He is the traditional points of view curriculum as permanent studies where roles of
grammar, reading, rhetoric logic and mathematics for basic education are emphasized.
2. Arthur Bestor as an essentialist believes that the mission of the school should be
intellectual training, hence curriculum should focus on the fundamental intellectual
disciples of grammar, literature and writing.
3. He is the supporters or traditionalist points of view curriculum that the sole source of
curriculum is a discipline, thus the subject area such as science, mathematics, social
studies, English and many more.
4. He asserts that curriculum should consists entirely of knowledge which comes from the
various disciplines.
5. He is a progressivist a supporter believes that education is experiencing.
6. Holin caswell and kenn campbell view curriculum as all experience children have under
guidance of teacher.

Test II: Enumeration (3x1=3pts)

7-10. Give the 3R’s should be emphasized in basic education while liberal education should be
the emphasis in college.
Test III: Essay (5pts)
1. What do you mean by teacher as a knower of curriculum.

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