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Mark A. Abalajen Mr.

Julius Antonio

Persuasive Topic: MILLENIAL VS. GEN Z

In my perspective, The generation that should be emulated is the one that shared the
experience of people to inhabit this planet. This way , we can learn about the ease and
difficulty of the events they went through, as well as whether they were content with their
lives or wanted to grow even further. We can also learn about the differences between their
generation and our own, so that we can avoid drawing comparisons between the two and
realize that we should choose to be happy because our time on earth is limited.but as far
as I understand the genz generation is that their lives are not compared to the lives of their
parents because if they are asked, they no longer want to experience the life of the genz or
the biography of their parents because what they can tell their parents is that the life you
were young was harder because in fact, the life of young people was better today than
when they young people will think more to that experience the life of their parents, you
know that because today’s youth prefer to experience what their parents experienced, may
this be a useful inspiration for today’s youth because other people today prefer their own
pleasure, they no longer thought about what their parents suffererd from when they we are
still in the womb. Some young people become pregnant early for personal reasons. They
don’t know or can’t solve the difficulty they’ve gotten themselves into, so they’ll turn to their
parents for aid and patience , as well as to explain why they did this to their parents.

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