Cause of The Inflation Under The Solution

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Cause of the inflation under the solution

1. Introduction
a. General idea
 Inflation is an impact act on economy and cause a rise in prise which can
be translated as the decline of purchasing power over time.
 “Economic value is the value that person places on an economic good or
service on the benefit that they derive from these items or service and
often estimated based on the person’s willingness to pay for it, typically
measured in unit of currency.” (Caroline Banton)
 “The inflation is directly proportional to the time value of money, which is
a concept that describes how the money available to you today is worth
more than the same amount of money at the future.” (Evan Traver, July
22, 2022)
b. Thesis statement
This essay will discuss how the dropping of the money value cause the inflation
and the two-solution prepared, which is increase in the public productivity and
manage the import and export value in Malaysia.

2. Body
a. Topic sentence 1
The boosting of public productivity to solve the problem of the devalued currency
for the purpose of control the inflation.
i. Elaboration
Free market always obeys the rule of balance in between the money value
and product value. In other word, all the country with a stable and strong
currency must follow by a exceedingly productive society.
ii. Citation
The level of productivity is the most fundamental and important factor
determining the standard of living. Raising it allows people to get what
they want faster or get more in the same amount of time. Supply rises
with productivity, which decreases real prices and increases real wages.
(Sean Ross, August 26, 2021)
iii. Example
Only the high GDP countries are able to own a great value currency.
iv. Conclusion
We should work harder to make change to our nation’s economy.
b. Topic sentence 2
The maintaining of the import and export value to get rid of the market turmoil and
the lack of raw material to solve the problem of the devalued currency for the
purpose of control the inflation.
i. Elaboration
Controlled import and export activities is a benefit to our country’s
economy but in this era of deglobalization and pandemic, we are
experience some crisis in international trading.
ii. Citation
“Ever since the start of the pandemic, the world had struggled to adjust to
the disruptions of international trade. As an example, the cost of air, sea,
and land freight has increased, making it more expensive for countries to
import its products.” (Afrina Arfa, 16 March, 2022)
iii. Example
The rise in the prices of fossil fuel, wheat and the transport fee.
iv. Conclusion
Government should be active in global organization to take over the global
trading activities that involve our country.

3. Conclusion
a. Restatement of the thesis statement
As the summarize, there is just two main factor that lead to inflation, which are the
rise in cost (cost-push inflation) and the increase in demand (demand-pull inflation)
and both are highly dependence to the floating of the currency.
b. Recommendation
As a Malaysian, we have endured a lot of dilemmas in these years, as such political
turmoil, economy recession, pandemic, and inflation. Hence, we need more
cooperation, collaboration and pay more effort to make change to our nation’s fate.

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