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Mission 5 – Friday: What’s Even the Point, Man?

- Observe the flight paths of Mr. Spear’s demo airplanes.
- Choose a goal for your paper airplane’s flight, such as one below or another of
your own imagination:
o Farthest displacement before landing.
o Greatest time before landing.
o Highest average velocity of travel.
o Best circular motion.
o Can perform a backflip.
o Most unique construction for a functional airplane.
- Write out a clearly worded goal, explaining what you want to accomplish with
your paper airplane, and how you think you should measure that.
- Explain in your Journal and Report how you think you can accomplish your
goal, given what you now know about paper airplanes.

Mission 5 - Friday
- In class my goal was to have my plane to fly upside down . It took a minute but I got it to work
i just had to make the lip heavier.

Mission 5- Friday: I want to accomplish a paper airplane that has stability , balance and and impressive
flight range , I will do that by trying to design different airplanes or flying them from higher or lower
ranges and will measure it by using a timer

Mission 5
I want my plane to fly the farthest it can i have to be able to throw it more then a tennis court net

My goal was to create more lift.

My goal for my plane is to throw my plane in a straighter line. I think I need to work on the way I
fold my plane better in order to achieve that. I want to achieve my plane at a full court. i will measure it
by looking at the metered

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