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My favorite time of day in my dad's village is sunset, when the sun goes down and the moon comes

up. I
usually go to the mountain's cliff to relax while enjoying in the nearby views.

The mountain cliff was covered in large trees. The mountain itself is not too long or very steep, and if we
have time, we are able to walk all the way to the bottom. At the bottom of the mountain is a fantastic
lake, and there's a large area nearby where we can view some mountain deer relaxing around just
before they head back to a place to stay. The town is bathed in a yellowish-red tint which makes even
the most unsettling objects appear charming.

I return home while I can still be guided around by some light. On my way to home I can see that on
sunset time everyone has done their work and all are heading to their home to rest to spent time with
their family, even the birds are flying back to their resting places. The village is light up with lump in the
night , under the moonlight every family are spending their time by talking about their days, sharing
chaotic moments or sharing fun. Most families spend time together before going to bed.Under this
calming atmosphere, family ties get deeper and the peace of the village surround everyone, resulting in
memorable moment that last till the sun sets.

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