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24 Jan 2018 – describe your favorite time of day

ALMOST ANY TIME OF DAY is wonderful; every time is wonderful really, but my
favorite time of day is the late afternoon right before the sun goes down. To me,
the best part of the day is between five and seven in the evening. It is the time
when the sun is setting and the air is cooling down. It is truly a quiet and peaceful
time for the family after a hectic morning at school.
If the day has been clear the afternoon light is golden. It seems as though I can see
every blade of grass, every leaf, every piece of bark clearly and distinctly. Colors
seem brighter, and clearer, as some things get lit up from behind. This is by far my
favorite time of day, as I’m almost never up for fresh early mornings. The only other
“time of day” which rivals it is when I get my first glimpse of the thinnest new moon.
The compound surrounding my house is a large one.My mother, who has
been busy from 6.00 a.m., would be relaxing in the garden, enjoying the lovely
flowers and I would be sitting by her chatting away in the pleasant surroundings.
my father has planted many trees in it. Birds of all sorts come to the tree in
the evening to sing their sweet songs. I just sit under my favourite
rambutan tree and listen to these lovely songs.My father would be in his
favorite chair, reading the newspapers. After a while, I would play with my pet,
Snowy, a white puppy which loves to run around and round the garden, chasing a
ball.Then my brother and sister would join me at the playground and we have
great fun on the swings. We scream and shout to our hearts' content after a hard
day at school.

Later, as I sit on the grass to rest, I admire the scenery around me. The sun, a
golden ball of fire, is sinking beneath the hills in the distance and what a
wonderful view of colors is displayed. Gold, pink, orange and yellow tint the sky
and birds are seen flying back to their nests. All the plants and trees look strangely
pretty in the twilight, with bees and butterflies flitting around.

The stillness and quiet of the later part of the evening make me feel at peace with
everyone and everything. This is my favorite time of the day, a time of beauty and
tranquility when we can relax in the cool of the evening after the rush of the day.

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