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From the book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is written by Kenneth E. Hargin
is created to show for everyone that love is never fails to show to everybody,
regardless their status and condition. In this book the researcher try to pour idea
from chapter three of book because it is interesting. From the chapter three it
describes about human and divine love that started with a story in a family, where
the writer meet with a girl who have a pianist’s skill but she has very strange act
when she meet people. The pastor who is met by the writer explain that the girl
come from the parents who never let their children go outside and hangout with
their friends. Moreover, the parents also have three brother who treated just as like
their sister without allowing them to go outside and hangout with their friends.
The pastors in the book explain to the writer that the parents love their children so
much but it is not divine love, however it is a natural human love which is very
selfish sight.
Furthermore, the writer explain that the love who come from the natural
human is selfish because they only think about their self regardless other
importance. While divine love is unselfish because it comes from the God’s love.
The writer mention that first fruit of the spirit is love and we should be responding
to that indwelling spirit. Moreover, the writer also describe the meaning of divine
love which comparing from Amplified bible which taken from Corinthians 13 and
explain about divine love as the love of God, and the love never is envious nor
boils over with jealously, also love is never arrogant, rude, and never act
unbecomingly, and also love doesnot insist in its own rights. From the explanation
of divine love, the writer ask the reader to develop of spiritually of God’s want us
and believe what God’s already sayed to us. The writer believe also that what’s
God’s say to us is a best way for every human being, therefore, join the God’s
love is the best way to get unconditional love for every of us. The writer also
emphsizes to us to see our self if we have the natural human love or divine love in
understanding they way we give love to other people. When we have natural
human love, so devil is working in us. Otherways, when we have divine love, so
God is working in our life as well.




Generally, Reading has a significant number of benefits, such like mental

stimulation that have shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow the
progress of (or possibly even prevent) Alzheimer’s and Dementia, since keeping
your brain active and engaged prevents it from losing power. Just like any other
muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy, so
the phrase “use it or lose it” is particularly apt when it comes to your mind. Doing
puzzles and playing games such as chess have also been found to be helpful with
cognitive stimulation. Then also, as stress reduction in no matter how much stress
you have at work, in your personal relationships, or countless other issues faced in
daily life, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. A well-
written novel can transport you to other realms, while an engaging article will
distract you and keep you in the present moment, letting tensions drain away and
allowing you to relax.
Moreover, choosing a book which is as our interest also is really
contribute our self in doing reading. One of the choices is book about self-
improvent. Book about self improvement will make our life become better. Self‐
improvement refers to individuals’ generic efforts to seek knowledge and acquire
skills to improve themselves in relation to their professional, personal,
psychological, social, financial and other aspects of well‐being (Bergsma, 2010).
Although self‐ improvement has been examined in a variety of contexts (e,g,
Phang, Kankanhalli, and Sabherwal 2009), systematic investigation of
individuals’ self‐improvement efforts warrants some attention. Self‐improvement
broadly relates to and overlaps with professional development, adult education,
knowledge management, information seeking, self‐help, and personal
development. Individuals generally consume self‐ improvement through attending
courses, lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops; listening to audio visual


materials; participating in social media outlets in professional or non‐professional
Therefore, the researcher here is coming for one book source that can be
used as platform for reading especially self improvent. The book the book Entitle
“Love Never Fails” is written by Kenneth E. Hargin. The book is talking about on
how our natural human love and also divine love. Natural human love is selfish,
Selfishness springs from humankind's instinctive desire for self-preservation. One
of the grand opportunities (and purposes) of life is to overcome instinct and
become masters of self. The less selfish the person, the more evolved the mind
and soul. But alas the sordid reality of our existence is that we are, all of us, a
little bit of everything. A confusing potpourri of rhyme and reason, sense and
insensibility, peace and conflict. We are, by our very natures naturally selfish and
self-less at the same time - and the attention we afford each of those propensities
will often dictate our dominate personality trait. One must be both, really to
survive and thrive. Admirable is the person who knows when to protect self whilst
being sensitive to the needs of the other.
The Divine Love of the Father, that is the Soulmate Love that God has
implanted in the two (halves of the soul) that He has Designed to become One, in
Spirit Life. This Soulmate Love is really not two Loves, but One. The same Love
manifested in the two opposite sexes, which is only a Complete One when these
two "apparently" independent souls come together in Perfect Unity. This is what
is commonly called the Love of Soulmates, which is that Essence of Spiritual
Love, which makes that happiness of the two spirits of mortals seemingly
complete. Therefore, by understanding both of the kind of love, we as a reader can
implement which one is good and not. Even if both of them are good, but
particularly implementing divine love in our daily life is essential.



In composing the book, the writer explain what is the differentiation both
of human natural love versus divine love from the story of the family, by telling to
the reader of the family’s condition and situation on how they treat their children.
From the story that already explain the writer, as a purpose of the study is telling
and call out the parents who treat their children with natural human love,
therefore, the parents can be able change their treatment toword to the children by
using and implement divine love. Another purpose also, that by reading and
analysing what the story that already conveyed by the writer, the the reader can of
the book can learn the content and improve their way in treating other by using
divine love which is unselfish rather than using natural human love which is
selfish. Also, another purpose of the book, that we know that as the era are going
to develop, so the implementation of love also will increase. We know that, the
era nowadays is more individualistic. Therefore, by creating and composing about
self-improvemnt book in term of love, will not delete the glorification of love
itself, especially for divining love that coming from God’s love.


By learning the book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is written by Kenneth E.

Hargin, the reader or the writer can get some advantages as follows :

- Increasing the knowledge about Natural Human Love and Divine Love.
- Increasing in understanding how to treat other people by loving them with
divine love.
- Increasing the implementation of loving each other from divine love sight
and not natural human Love.
- To evaluate our self, the we can be a human being who treated others as a
human being.
- Be able to organize our self whether we are in divine love track or not.
- Increasing reading comprehension for the reader of an English textbook.





In making a good book, it should be made from up-to-date references and

information in recently related to the literature review. The use of up to date
information or references in making a good book is really beneficially to the
reader and to complete the content of the book itself. The book Entitle “Love
Never Fails” is written by Kenneth E. Hargin is written since 1984 but still exist
nowadays. We do believe that the book quite old because the writer write it in a
very long time but let’s talk about the content. The content of the book talks about
love. Love is endless, no matter year where you are or the era you are, talking
about love is always exist every where, and you know it’s not only exist in human
being but also appear in living things. Therefore, talking about love can not be
separated from our life, and the book of love should be published, even if it is
written in very long time, but love always exist all the time, therefore, we should
learn what kinds of true love is. If love never appear, the book will never be
existed or never talk about that by the author as well.

The book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is written by Kenneth E. Hargin is

book book written in very quite long time. Nevertheless, even if it is written quite
old, it gives and also offers us the comprehension about love which is called as
human nature love and also divine love. The comparison both of this love is quite
different. Human nature love is related to selfish act, that can make a person's
personality becomes twisted in such cases and that's not love, that's natural human
love, and it's selfish. It's what I want, not what you need or want. If nature of
human love is unselfish, they will treated others like they appreciate others need.
Even arbitrary things are really done for ones self. Giving to charity makes you
feel good: if it didn't, you wouldn't do it. People commit suicide either to prevent
further pain, or because they believe they have a negative impact on those around
them. Everything we do, even if done "for" other people, are really for ourselves.


Another, even Charles Darwin’s, The modern Neo-Darwinian consensus
says that Homo sapiens is a moderately selfish-social mammal with a hefty dose
of fellow-feeling,which reveals itself naturally toward close kin,the young,and the
helpless,and that can beextended to those with whom one regularly, reciprocally
interacts, orto those one has reason to think can or will affect one’s own,one’s
kin,and one’s descendants’ well-being.

Moreover, divine love is unconditionally love which is uselfish for other.

Principally of the term is they love each other but they also give the freedom to
other to do like what they want to others. Divine love relate to unconditional love.
The term unconditional love does not mean love without limits or bounds. It
means, "I offer you my love freely without condition." What this means is that
when we offer our love, we offer it without expectation of repayment. It is
important to offer this type of unconditional love in our relationships. Otherwise,
we are offering love with "strings attached." This creates power and control

The researcher after analyzing the book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is
written by Kenneth E. Hargin is giving us the new atmosphere that through the
explanation will open our way to be someone who have a divine love. The love
that always occur in our circumstances mostly are nature human love, that can be
seen from the example or that provide the writer in his book. The story itself
describes how a family ambrace the nature human love. And the impact is the
children of the family donot have any friend, because if the parents have a divine
love, they should make their children free but still in a track of controlling.
Moreover, even if the family has a strict rule in their family, when the parents
have a divine love by not limiting their children in finding their good friends and
hangout in a positive way, it will describe the true and divine love in their family.
Finally, the family already told by the writer in his book, getting his children get
out of the home and not respect the parents anymore. As you know, that is the
result if we have a human nature love too much in our life.


Next, from the book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is written by Kenneth E.
Hargin is really helpful for everyone and even for the teenager nowadays which
has nature human love too much. The book is really beneficial and give a bunch
of advantages who are going to read the book as well. When we talk about love, it
always appears and exist where the living things is. The book Entitle “Love Never
Fails” is written by Kenneth E. Hargin is suit for those reader who are going to
find the self-improvement book to be a better life especially about the love.
Nowadays, most of the problems in this universe is about love and when the
people know and recognize what true love is, they will treat other people as good
as possible. Therefore, the book is coming to make the perception of human
nature love and divine love in a good track, and finally they can implement the
unconditionall love in their live because they already have sufficient inofrmation
about that. Moreover, the discussion of the book also, always relate it to the bible,
which means it can help the new preacher or missionary in doing their preacher
about love is. Therefore, the book really impactfull even if it is written in a very
quite long time.

Moreover, in supporting the book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is written by

Kenneth E. Hargin is suitable for the school, teacher, worker in company,
students, teacher, book company, and book authors can help to implement ideas of
the researcher in improving the values of the love both of human nature love and
also divine love. Therefore, the implementation of the love in our community can
be succesfully done and create a peace circumstances.

Furthermore, from the book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is written by

Kenneth E. Hargin is giving us the new sight of love. The steps how to know
about love we share to other. First we have to know the differentiation both of
human nature love and divine love, and then because divine love is unselfish we
have to implement in our life because divine love related to God’s love. And then
The writer also emphsizes to us to see our self if we have the natural human love
or divine love. When we have natural human love, so devil is working in us.
Otherways, when we have divine love, so God is working in our life as well.





As the conclusion of this paper, referring to the the book Entitle “Love
Never Fails” is written by Kenneth E. Hargin is book which provide us the new
sight of on how actually our love already embraced throughout the time is nature
human love and the writer explain that the nature human love is selfish which
means that the love offered to others is cause the people want it back. The nature
human love is not a pure love because it is only give the beneficial for one people
only regardless to others. Moreover, in our daily life we should develop divine
love which means divine love as the love from God, and that love is never envious
nor boils over with jealously, also love is never arrogant, rude, and never act
unbecomingly, and also love doesnot insist in its own rights.

Moreover, by understanding and implementing the true love is or divine

love, we can give and share love to others regardless repayment because we give
to them sincere and we don’t need of repayment. Therefore, making a good
decision which love you are going to give to others, will determine the way you
love others. When you have good track in sharing your love, the other people will
feel good and ofcourse they will treat you something like you already done for
them. If they feel comfortable on the way you treat them, they will treat you back
without asking them, and it’s an advantages for you.

Further more, after read the book Entitle “Love Never Fails” is written by
Kenneth E. Hargin will give you the description about the form of Natural Human
Love and Divine Love, also you will understand how to treat other people by
loving them with divine love, you can implement of loving each other from divine
love sight and not natural human Love, you can evaluate your self whether you


are in divine love or nature human love and of course it can increase your reading
skill as well.

Finally, the technique on how to know about love we share to other such
like we have to know the differentiation both of human nature love and divine
love, and then because divine love is unselfish we have to implement in our life
because divine love related to God’s love. And writer emphasizement to us to see
our self if we have the natural human love or divine love is such a great reminder
because when we have natural human love, so devil is working in us. Otherways,
when we have divine love, so God is working in our life as well. Therefore, which
one you are going to choose, do you want to develop you nature human love or
divine love. Both of them are justifiable, but they have a significant differentiation
to make our life more impactful to other.



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