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1. "On cloud nine": This idiom means to be extremely

happy or joyful. It implies a feeling of euphoria or
2. "Happy as a clam": This idiom suggests a state of
great contentment and happiness. The full phrase is
"happy as a clam at high water," implying that clams
are particularly happy during high tide when they
are safe from being harvested.
3. "Walking on sunshine": This idiom describes a
person who is exuberantly happy and full of positive
energy. It conveys a sense of buoyancy and
4. "Grinning from ear to ear": This idiom refers to
someone who is smiling broadly, indicating immense
happiness. It suggests that the person's joy is so
great that it stretches their smile to the edges of
their face.
5. "In seventh heaven": This idiom conveys a state of
utmost happiness and delight. It refers to being in a
place or state of blissful harmony, akin to being in
the highest of heavens.

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