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Points to explain:

1. The phrase “the wintry shades of narrow lanes and

alleys emerged a gaily clan humanity." means that after
the winter season, when the narrow lanes and alleys
were full of shade, it was the festival of spring. People
emerged from their homes in colorful clothes and
celebrated the arrival of spring with joy and happiness.
2. The phrase “brimming over with life and laughter”
means being full of energy and excitement, along with a
feeling of immense joy
3. The phrase “gaudy purple wings” that he went to catch
a group of dragonflies that were flying around with their
colourful wings.
4. The word “gaily” means happily.
5. The word “throngs” means a large group of people
gathered or crowded closely together.
6. The word “hawked” means shouted

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