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standing in a road
B. wearing a coat
C. bending over
D. putting on a coat

A. long grass behind a

B. a door open
C. pot with flowers by
the door
D. a window
overlooking a garden
A. looking in a mirror
B. using an exercise machine
C. A stairway is being cleaned
D. basket hanging from the

A. cleaning the floor

B. bottles - placed on shelves
C. holding a bowl
D. reading a menu
A. tablecloth - folded
on a chair
B. A dining area-
prepared for a meal
C. Some chairs -
moved to a room
D. Cups and plates
are being filled.

A. gathered in an
outdoor seating area
B. covering a buffet
C. chairs - tacked
stacked on the lawn
D. laughing at a
How audit ...? B. productive Why don't we create a video tour....?C. I thought
u already did that.
What dinner specials ....u have? A. baked salmon Isn't the food served at this time?A. There's been a schedule

A. When will the order be delivered? Do u take a bus or train to work? B. I prefer to drive
afternoon What's the monthly membership fee ...? Would u like me to make the reservation? C. Sure
A. 20 euros Did u receive the email I sent?C. I haven't looked at computer... Why are u cleaning laboratory?C. Haven't u seen the inspection

Why dont u have the meeting ...? C. Because.. What do u think of highlighted paragraphs in this document? A.

Where did u post the schedule? Who's going to receive the final delivery? B. I can wait for it.
A.I hung a copy...
Who is leading the safety seminar? I could book our flights? B. THe trade show hasn't been confirmed
B. Elizabeth ...
Could u fill out ur time ...? Why do we have to reschedule the event ? C. My doctor's
B. I'll make a note appointment
When is electrician to get ?C. ..running late should consider expanding storefront A shouldn't be
Schedule performance meeting C. calendar whose jacket that is in the conference room? B

Haven't u been trained to use ...? When do u usually exercise?

C. I use it all
time C. My doctor has suggested that I stop for a while

Did u bring ur computer home or leave it at work

B. I left it at the office.
several demonstrations

your band playing

your music

person leading it
playing music at the shopping
had another center

get there about 15

minutes before it detailed map

thinking of buying one

would u want to get together

with...for lunch next week?

HIs background
is in construction
legal assistant

would not be cheap

didn't answer

Let me take a
look at her work
history reduced spending on

front desk patient

sign off on all purchases

CAn u see Mr. COhen for

me tomorrow? He needs to
alternate do some exercises for his
accommodation wrist.

in another wing
the bill seems high

keep in mind

They use far more

parking spaces... set for the event

preparing budget
report for monthly
meeting worried that one hour wouldn't..enough to
get everything ready

celebrate that truck back at 11.30

two companies
...working together

speech you gave

come by office
to sign the last
few papers
worried after the
text you sent me

set for
environmental fair We finished stage three ....

working with interior

stand at the park designer to decide on ....
entrance and direct
people to....

only the entrance

on Court Street
- open
never have enough
Tea annual spring workers

explain how to take

the ideal mix
customers' orders
of rain and sun
- strong and
aromatic flavor

delivered to you
automatically bank accounts
each month

She's the author

of the book new training program

the topic of provide trainees with techniques

preparing for in raising cattle

Vitamin C call on....for information..

Municipal water department
prepare for annual marathon

water main break

post updates regularly
pipe - burst ...

your responsibility
to repair the pipe

use bicycle rental

take public

awards to athletes


special speaker
superb competitor

found necklace

photographs are
If I'm not here,
just ask the
As a sales representative

haul soil, garden mulch,


strong handcarts

take on roles of different

150$ characters

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