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Class - SE COMP/AI&DS/CSE OS Question Bank (IAT II) Year- 23-24


Q.1) Explain MFT with an example.(5M)

Q.2) What are semaphores? Differentiate between counting and binary semaphores.(5M)
Q.3) Explain memory allocation techniques such as first fit, best fit and worst fit.(5M)
Q.4) Explain the solution for the producer consumer problem with semaphore.(10M)
Q.5) Explain Resource Allocation Graph in deadlock handling.(5M)
Q.6) What is mutual exclusion? Describe its significance. (5M)
Q.7) What is a deadlock? What are necessary and sufficient conditions for deadlock?(5M)
Q.8) Explain the solution for the producer consumer problem with semaphore.(10M)
Q.9) Calculate no of page faults and page hits for the page replacement policies FIFO, Optimal and LRU
for given reference string 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 (assuming frame size=3). [10M]
Q.10) Explain virtual memory concept with respect to paging, segmentation and TLB. [10M]

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