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CMN103: Introduction to the Creative Industries Assessment Task One

Student name: Student number:

Industry segment, discipline or field:

Ideal/chosen job or role in your industry segment, discipline or field (as described in your selected job advertisement). Please paste the complete copy of
your found advertisement here.

Skills, qualities and connections I possess that will help me to be successful in my choice of industry segment

Skills and qualities Level* of Evidence of the skills and qualities you possess
skills &

Contacts/connections who may mentor or offer me advice in relation to this role:

Connection Level* of Evidence of the connection

CMN103: Introduction to the Creative Industries Assessment Task One
Skills, qualities and connections I need to develop in order to be successful in my choice of industry segment

Skill, quality or connection How I aim to develop this skill, quality or connection

 Please use a scale from 1-5 to assess your skill level, 1 is the lowest scale (novice) and 5 is the highest scale (accomplished). The scales in between 1-5 relate to
stages of development.
 Please remember that this is a self-audit designed for you to recognise your current areas of strength, and for development.
 Expand table rows as required for content.

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