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Thank you for downloading this

Curse of Strahd supplement!

I hope you enjoy using these handouts and props in

your campaign. To make things easier, I’ve put together
some basic information on printing the Booklet files.

Print double-sided. If your printer offers to print double-sided for you,
be wary: oftentimes it will print the next page upside-down, or the
registration (meaning the placement of the image on the paper) will be
off. I’ve had the most success printing one page, placing it back into the
printer’s paper tray, printing the next page, and so on. It’s tedious, but
worth it! Experiment with a few pages to make sure you have the right
setup for yourself, since all printers are different.

2 Each Booklet file is meant to be

put together using signatures.
That means you are folding the
first piece of paper in half, and
placing the second folded piece
of paper inside of it, and so on.

Some of the Booklet sizes vary in how many pages go into a

signature – sometimes it will be four pages folded inside each
other, and sometimes it will be a single-page signature.

Once you’ve created the signatures, you line them up in order to create
what’s called a “text block”. I created the Booklet files with the “Perfect
Bound” setting, which means you put all the signatures in order, the
folded edge becoming the spine of the book, press them tightly together
using those big paper clips, and brush some PVA glue on them.
That... is a lot of information, huh? Which is why I recommend watching
this simple video from YouTube user SeaLemon:
com/watch?v=GFbgW0r7uXw&ab_channel=SeaLemon. They have plenty
of additional videos that go more in depth with bookbinding in case you
need extra support.

I hope this was helpful! I’m not a professional bookbinder, and I made these props for my
home game for fun, so I can’t answer every question. If you’re totally stuck, please reach
out! But I encourage you to do some web searching, as there are more informed people
out there than me, who can probably explain things a lot better. :)

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