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Read the question, circle the

Year 4 word key information, write a

problems using all 4 number sentence and answer..

Kasper wanted to travel Dexter slept in his favourite Dexter collected 5157
1458 miles to another position in the sun for 95 criminals in one year. He
country. He travelled for minutes on Monday, 89 put them into 6 jail cells.
745miles by car and the minutes on Wednesday and How many people were in
rest by aeroplane. How far 73 minutes on Friday. How each cell?
did he travel by aeroplane? long did he sleep there for

Kasper chased 2123 mice in Dood’s trike had three It takes Dexter 265 seconds
one year. Every time he wheels. In one year, due to to wolf down his dinner. If
caught one, he placed them accidents, his Mum had to he does this for 7 days a
into 5 different cages. How buy him 265 different week, how many minutes
many mice in each cage? trikes. How many wheels and seconds does he spend
was that altogether? eating?

Dexter was hiding from Dood collected 2356 fish There are 154 days bones
Dood, he hid there for 15 from the ocean floor for his in Dexter’s lunch bag.
and a half minutes. They tea. He placed them in When full the bag has 499
swapped over and Dood hid bags of 7 to freeze. How bones in it. How many has
for double the amount of many were there in each he eaten already?
time. How long were they bag?
hiding for altogether?

If Dexter flies at 145 miles Worms for Kasper’s fishing Dexter has 4 legs. When he
per hour. How far will he are put into tubs of 255. If looks in the mirror he sees
have travelled after 4 he has 8 tubs, how many four more. If he had 215
hours? 7 hours? worms altogether? mirrors altogether. How
many of his fine legs would
he see?

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