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50+ Linux Commands with Screenshots (Download PDF)

Arpit Saini 6 months ago
Contents [ hide ]

1 Introduction
2 Linux Commands: Basic
3 Basic Linux Commands you Must Know
3.1 1. ls
3.2 2. cd
3.3 3. pwd
3.4 4. Mkdir
3.5 5. rmdir
3.6 6. rm
3.7 7. cp
3.8 8. mv
3.9 9. touch
3.10 10. cat
3.11 11. less
3.12 12. head
3.13 13. tail
3.14 14. grep
3.15 15. find
3.16 16. tar
3.17 17. gzip
3.18 18. gunzip
3.19 19. bzip2
3.20 20. bunzip2
3.21 du
3.22 df
3.23 top
3.24 ps
3.25 kill
3.26 ping
3.27 ifconfig
3.28 netstat
3.29 ssh
3.30 scp
3.31 ftp
3.32 chmod
3.33 chown
3.34 passwd
3.35 su
3.36 sudo
3.37 uname
3.38 date
3.39 cal
3.40 uptime
3.41 free
3.42 top
3.43 history
3.44 tar
3.45 ssh-keygen
3.46 crontab
3.47 systemctl
3.48 ping6
3.49 traceroute
3.50 sed
3.51 awk
3.52 cut
3.53 paste
3.54 sort
3.55 uniq
3.56 diff
3.57 patch
3.58 tar
3.59 zip
3.60 unzip
3.61 curl
3.62 wget
3 g
3.63 scp
3.64 rsync
3.65 mount
3.66 umount
3.67 killall
3.68 ps aux
3.69 who
4 Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
5 Conclusion


Without a doubt, Linux is very prevalent and famous for its powerful Linux commands. In order to employ
Linux effectively, all users must be aware of how to utilize terminal commands. Although the Linux commands
operating system has a GUI (Graphical User Interface), you can discover that various functionalities operate faster
when they are operated as commands via the terminal. Thus, under this guide, we have provided insights into the
most basic commands of Linux one must know while working on the Linux-based system. Plunge into the
segments below and acquire all the details.

Linux Commands: Basic

Before you learn about the basic commands in Linux, you must ensure to meet the prerequisites –

A system that operates Linux

Accessibility to the command line or terminal

Moreover, all the commands of Linux can fall into one of the following four classifications:

Shell builtins – These include commands that are constructed directly into the shell with the fastest
Shell functions – These include shell scripts that are basically grouped commands.
Aliases – They incorporate custom command shortcuts.
Executable programs – These include compiled and installed programs or scripts.

Basic Linux Commands you Must Know

1. ls

It lists the files and directories in the current directory.

Syntax: ls [options] [directory]

2. cd

Changes the current directory.

Syntax: cd [directory]

3. pwd

Shows the current working directory.

Syntax: pwd

4. Mkdir

Creates a new directory.

Syntax: mkdir [directory]

5. rmdir
Deletes an empty directory.

Syntax: rmdir [directory]

6. rm

Deletes a file or directory.

Syntax: rm [file/directory]

7. cp

Copies a file or directory.

Syntax: cp [options] [source] [destination]

8. mv

Moves or renames a file or directory.

Syntax: mv [options] [source] [destination]

9. touch

Creates a new empty file.

Syntax: touch [filename]

10. cat

Displays the contents of a file.

Syntax: cat [filename]

11. less

Displays the contents of a file one screen at a time.

Syntax: less [filename]

12. head

Displays the first few lines of a file.

Syntax: head [filename]

13. tail

Displays the last few lines of a file.

Syntax: tail [filename]

14. grep

Searches for a pattern in a file.

Syntax: grep [options] [pattern] [filename]

15. find
Searches for files in a directory hierarchy.

Syntax: find [directory] [options] [expression]

16. tar

Creates or extracts a compressed archive.

Syntax: tar [options] [archive-filename] [files/directories]

17. gzip

Compresses a file.

Syntax: gzip [filename]

18. gunzip

Decompresses a compressed file.

Syntax: gunzip [filename]

19. bzip2

Compresses a file.

Syntax: bzip2 [filename]

20. bunzip2

Decompresses a compressed file.

Syntax: bunzip2 [filename]


Shows the disk usage of files and directories.

Syntax: du [options] [directory]


Shows the disk space usage of filesystems.

Syntax: df [options]


Displays the current system status.

Syntax: top


Lists the currently running processes.

Syntax: ps [options]

Sends a signal to a process to terminate it.

Syntax: kill [options] [PID]


Tests the network connectivity to a host.

Syntax: ping [options] [hostname/IP address]


Configures network interfaces.

Syntax: ifconfig [options] [interface]


Shows network connections, routing tables, and network statistics.

Syntax: netstat [options]


Connects to a remote host using SSH.

Syntax: ssh [user@]hostname [command]


Copies files securely between hosts using SSH.

Syntax: scp [options] [source] [destination]


Transfers files between hosts using FTP.

Syntax: ftp [options] [hostname]


Changes the permissions of files and directories.

Syntax: chmod [options] [mode] [file/directory]


Changes the owner of files and directories.

Syntax: chown [options] [owner:group] [file/directory]


Changes the password of the current user.

Syntax: passwd [options] [username]


Switches to another user account.

Syntax: su [options] [username]


Executes a command with superuser privileges.

Syntax: sudo [options] [command]


Shows system information.

Syntax: uname [options]


Shows the current date and time.

Syntax: date [options]


Shows the calendar for the current month.

Syntax: cal [options]


Shows the system uptime and load average.

Syntax: uptime [options]


Shows the memory usage.

Syntax: free [options]

Also Read: How Can I Check Memory Usage in Linux?


Shows the system resource usage.

Syntax: top [options]


Shows the command history.

Syntax: history [options]


Compresses or extracts files from an archive.

Syntax: tar [options] [archive-filename] [files/directories]


Generates SSH keys for authentication.

Syntax: ssh-keygen [options] [keyfile]


Schedules commands to run at specified times.

Syntax: crontab [options] [filename]


Controls the system and service manager.

Syntax: systemctl [options] [command]


Tests the network connectivity to a host using IPv6.

Syntax: ping6 [options] [hostname/IP address]


Shows the network path to a host.

Syntax: traceroute [options] [hostname/IP address]


A stream editor for modifying files.

Syntax: sed [options] [script] [filename]


A versatile tool for working with text files.

Syntax: awk [options] [script] [filename]


Cuts out sections from a file.

Syntax: cut [options] [filename]


Combines lines from multiple files.

Syntax: paste [options] [filename1] [filename2]


Sorts lines of text.

Syntax: sort [options] [filename]


Removes duplicate lines from a file.

Syntax: uniq [options] [filename]


Compares two files and shows the differences.

Syntax: diff [options] [file1] [file2]


Applies a patch file to a file.

Syntax: patch [options] [original-file] [patch-file]


Archives files and directories into a single file.

Syntax: tar [options] [archive-filename] [files/directories]


Compresses files into a zip archive.

Syntax: zip [options] [zip-filename] [files/directories]

Also Read: How to Zip a File in Linux?


Extracts files from a zip archive.

Syntax: unzip [options] [zip-filename]


Transfers data from or to a server.

Syntax: curl [options] [url]


Downloads files from the web.

Syntax: wget [options] [url]

wget -N


Copies files between hosts securely.

Syntax: scp [options] [source] [destination]


Syncs files and directories between hosts.

Syntax: rsync [options] [source] [destination]


Mounts a filesystem.

Syntax: mount [options] [device] [mountpoint]


Unmounts a filesystem.

Syntax: umount [options] [mountpoint]


Sends a signal to all processes with a given name.

Syntax: killall [options] [process name]

ps aux

Shows all running processes.

Syntax: ps aux


Shows all logged-in users.

Syntax: who

Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

Above you have learned 50+ Linux Commands. Here, we have integrated all those commands in a cheat sheet
which you may download and save. Whenever you need to find any of the above-mentioned Linux commands you
can go through this cheat sheet.

Download the List of Linux Commands


After going through the above section thoroughly, you must have learned about some crucial Linux commands.
This guide has highlighted a list of standard Linux commands and their brief explanations. However, you must
note that there are many more commands available in Linux, and their usage may vary depending on the
distribution you’re using.

Also Read: 70+ Windows CMD Commands List with Screenshots

Categories: DevOps, Linux

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