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It is understandable that some people believe that the physical and ge’netic

differences between men and women equip them for different activities and skills.
However, in today’s scenario both men and women are working shoulder to
shoulder in all jobs. Men are successfully working in caring jobs such as nursing
and teaching and women are proving their mettle in the army and police force.
Therefore, I disagree with the above notion.

Women can do any jobs that men can. To make this statement clearer, let’s
turn back time a little bit. Before the Second World War, the labour force was
dominated by the males. Female workers could find a very little area in the job
market to work but during and after the Second World War the producing chains
need even more workers. But because of a significant number of men was in the
military services, they started to hire female workers. Especially in the USA. This
was the first time which the female workers show they can do the same job
with male workers.

After the following years, female workers became more qualified and they started
to penetrate higher positions. In the seventies and eighties, females were all over
the job market and in any position. That shows us that if they have given
opportunities, women can do any job which a man can do.

Some people thought that the women have physical weaknesses according
to men and that prevented to do jobs which need physical endurance. That
opinion is old fashioned and wrong. In the times of Second World War nearly
all the jobs which needed physical endurance were getting done by the women
both in the USA and in the Soviet Union before it collapsed. Even such hard work
like the mining operations were getting done by the women. Another example in
the same kind of situation is about the textile (ˈtek.staɪl) business. In the 19th
century, the labour force in textile works was dominated by the men but today
women have outnumbered men in that area. Or another very remarkable
example is Hillary Clinton, a very potential candidate for the last presidential
election over the US.Although she was eliminated, we cannot deny that she have
a major impact on the USA citizen. She is not only a successful businesswoman
but also leading politician who is decisive and knowledgeable no less than other
Other tan this opinion, some people believe that the man can't do the jobs
which need gentleness. This idea is also wrong. The best example of the
wrongness of this idea is kindergarten teachers and nurses. In the seventies and
eighties, there were nearly no male kindergarten teachers or nurses, even in the
well-developed countries like USA or Canada but after nineties men started to
work as kindergarten teachers or nurses. Today, it is not difficult to see male
kindergarten teachers or nurses. In the republic of Ireland, a man who is a former
tax lawyer is trying to be Olympic synchronised (sɪŋ.krə.naɪz) swimmer, the sport
that is usually misunderstood as a girl-only sport. Or in another fields that used to
be women dominated, cooking. There are a lot of chefs are male. For example,
Gordon Ramsey, a very famous cook and restaurateur (ˌres.tər.əˈtɜːr). His talent is
undeniable with numourous TV programmes such as Master Chef, Ramsey’s
Kitchen Nightmares and a bunch of certifications. He also runs 7 restaurants,
with the total of 16 Michellin stars, a very hard thing to acheive. So it shows us
the fact that the gender is not an issue when concerning a job

In conclusion, in today’s world women and men can capable of doing any
jobs. Excluding a male or a female from a certain profession because of his or
her gender doesn't have any logical reason. Believing a gender is not a suitable
for a certain job is just an out fashioned thought. There is no limitation for the
men and women in the job market.

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