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International Relations and National Security by Professor Vijayalakshmi

Professor KP Vijayalakshmi’s speech reflects India's unique perspective on international

relations. International relations require the study of the interaction between states and
international organizations. International relations are divided into unipolar, bipolar, and
multipolar according to the distribution of power between countries. Economic problems, ethnic
rivalries, and nuclear problems contributed to the Soviet Union's defeat during the Cold War.
Questions remain about the United Nations' role beyond national borders, especially given the
uncertainty surrounding Russia's involvement. Secret nuclear tests by India and Pakistan, as well
as Iran's actions involving American prisoners, add to the complexity of the world transition.
Addressing national objectives and regional security issues requires international action. Conflict
is inherent in international relations and is affected by many laws. Thinking about business,
cooperation, competition, and conflict are important aspects of building international
relationships. Examples such as the conflict over major rivers in Tibet illustrate the political,
economic, and military forces at play. Understanding international history through multiple
lenses highlights the importance of international relations. National security is an important part
of this framework, including the State's ability to provide protection. Power elements such as
nature, people, and technology make the state capable of security. The main issues of national
security include issues of prosperity, security, survival, self-government democratic governance,
and connectivity. Climate change represents a global problem that requires attention in this
context. The event was moderated by Shreeraj Gudi, Dr. Ravindranath addressed the audience
and Sarah Badar presented the awards. Questions by Tarush Das and Vidushi Verma explore
India's stance on conflict and reconciliation in international relations. Devashish Namjoshi asks
about solutions in international relations, focusing on issues like Kashmir. The event was
completed with the participation of MAMC first-year students and BAMC third-year students.

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