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Who is your favorite actor /actress? Can you talk to me a little bit about his /her movies?
What’s your favorite movie? What’s your favorite movie genre?
Do you watch movies on Netflix?
What do you think about some Netflix Originals?
How often do you watch movies?
What’s better for you... going to the theaters or streaming a movie at home?

When was the last time you went to the movie theater? Peter pans
What do you think about movie applications such as Netflix or HBO Go? Is the great idea
Do you usually watch movies on illegal sites? Yes
Do you think a movie app subscription is better than a cable subscription? I think is the
other way have prime I wacth more movies
Have you ever watched independent films? I think a disciple me

What do you think about superhero movies? Is very interesting the superheroes tan animals
Which movies are better, DC or Marvel movies? dc
Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with friend and family? Family
In your opinion, what’s the scariest film ever? With the lights turn off
What’s the best comedy movie of all time? Shrek

What’s the best horror film of all time? The black phone
Do you watch award ceremonies such as the Oscars? no
Have you ever attended a Film Festival? Yes
What movie star would you like to meet? The comedy’s an horror
Have you ever watched a movie more than three times? Yes

Have you ever watched The Exorcist? Yes I watch all saga
Have you ever watched any of the Tarantino Films? No I don’t remember
When was the last time you watched a movie? Tell me a little about that film. The ritual
Do you ever watch documentaries? Yes I see a ocean documents
Do you think that people are willing to pay for subscriptions? Yes

Have you ever cried during a film? Yes in a dog movie called Hachiko
Do you buy DVDs or download movies? I download movies
What kinds of films do you not like to watch? I like
Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction films? A fiction movies
What popular film do you think is a complete waste of time? The exorcist saga

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