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Dear staff,

I would like to announce a no tipping service policy in our restaurant from now. I realised tipping has
been degrading our restaurant’s service instead of upgrading it and made the staff work for money
instead of better service. It is also unfair to the chefs and other staffs as mostly the waiters receive tips.
The customers are getting anxious while paying tips and mostly pay tips because its expected and not for
our service.

The staff wages won’t be increased; however, the customers will have to pay 18% service tax which will
be divided between the restaurant staff. I hope it will help the staff to concentrate more on the service
and worry less about money and the customers won’t have to think about how much tip to give after a
good meal. This may also bring the team close to each other as there would be less fights about the
better shifts and better tips and lastly our service will also improve.

I hope you would agree with me in this and I expect this policy will be applied from next month. I would
welcome further suggestions related to this policy.

Yours faithfully,

Priyal Jalan

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