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The sources for the Mauryan era are more varied than those from prior eras. The history of their rule is made rather reliable by the information acquired from a range of sources. Ancient archaeological findings, early Dharmasastra writings, Jain and Buddhist traditions, as well as Buddhism and Jainism continue to be essential fundamental sources for historical reconstruction. Inscriptipns:parivularlyi the reignofAshoka :The country is home to the edicts of the king himself, which are written on rocks and pillars. 2 kinds of inscriptions .... fourteen significant rock inscriptions at Kilsi, Mansehri, Shahbazgarhi, GimSr, Sopira, Yerragudi, Dhault, and Jaugada, as well as several smaller ones and inscriptions at Bairat, ROpanath, Sahasram, Barah Mahagiri, Gavunath, and Mask*. Marviaigx, PalkigAB/hi, SvidigjarL, YcsxagAriv, Gujarra, and Jhan..When the Dipatamia and the jlfoAdcamra, two early histories of Ceylon written by Buddhist monks, were researched there in 1837, Pnnsep was made aware of the appellation Piyadassi given to Aioka in those works. As a result, Aioka was able to be identified as the edicts’ author in a novel and accurate way.his edicts reach as far south as current Mysore Fahein& hsuan mentions pillars Buddhist religioussources:The reason why jatakas are helpful is not because they directly relate to the Mauryan period, but rather because they give a comprehensive overview of the social and economic conditions of the Buddhist period, which conditions persisted as broad tendencies into the Mauryan period.Finding out the extent to which Buddhist principles have influenced politics requires examining specific passages of the Buddhist texts, such as the Dtgha Nika)a. the Ceylon chronicles, in particular the Dtpatamxa and the Ma havamsa, may also be considered primary sources. In the spread of Buddhism, especially in the introduction of B uddhism to Ceylon . DIVYADANA:NOTES Arthashastra: belivedto written by kautliya : edited & rewritten multiple time Its significance comes from the fact that it provides a clear, logical study of the political and economic ideas that were prevalent at the time, and more importantly, how those ideas applied to the circumstances of the time. PURANAS:The Puranas predict that Cagakya, also known as Kaufalya, will crown Candragupta as the ruler of the country. The PurSrtas has a list of the Mauryan kings. The Maurya dynasty will rule for 137 years in all, according to the PurSnas. They state Aioka as lung for 36 years, Vindusara as lung for 25 years, and Candragupta as lung for 24 years until the list veers off into the names of a few less significant kings. C:24.... Indica :The reports acquired from ancient Greek and Latin works that describe the impressions of travellers who visited India during and around this time comprise the surviving literary sources. The most notable of these is the story of Megasthenes, a close friend of Seleucus Nikator (Alexander (Alexander's successor who ruled in Persia and Babylon), who went to the court of Candragupt.... all that is left are citations to it in various Classical sources. Material remains : numismatic evidence, some artifacts from archaeological excavations, and art object Numismatics: silver& copper punched markcoin Art remains :These are the animal capitals atop the pillars, some of which have inscribed edicts. These are capitals with a lone lion at Rampiirva, According to Panhtfapanan tradition, Candragupta turned to Jainism towards the end of his reign. The Jaina tradition also claims that Candragupta left his position in favour of his son Simh3sena (perhaps a different name for Bmdusara) and travelled to éravaga BefgolS in Mysore with the Jama saint Bhadrabadhu, where he passed away in the traditional Jaina manner, primarily through slow hunger.

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