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Systems analysis and design

Trip coordination system proposal

Asia Barghouti, Layal AL Khatib, Faris Odaibat, Sara Abdullah

Table of Contents
1. Set of current campus trips coordination documents........................................................2
2. Requirements for the new Campus Trips Coordinating System........................................4
3. Stakeholders....................................................................................................................7
4. Functional and Nonfunctional requirements...................................................................7
1. Set of current campus trips coordination documents
P CDAC India
HTU recently arranged multiple trips with the Indian government and the India Jordan
center for technology to India, Noida and Pune. Multiple courses have been arranged and
many HTU students have been chosen such as Machine learning, big data, and high
performance computing. The announcement was sent via email.
P Catholic university of Lille exchange

2. Requirements for the new Campus Trips Coordinating System

Using some document analysis techniques such as surveys, we’ve created a google form (survey)
to collect data from part of the end users (students) to know why they need the system, what they
want the system to contain, etc.

How do you usually find out about trips organized outside the university campus?

We asked about the source that students know about the trips that the university arrange from and
the results showed that 40% of students know about trips from email announcements. 30% of
them find out about the trips from social media platforms and the other 30% of them from word
of mouth.

Do you actively seek out information about upcoming trips?

We found out that half of the students actively seek out information about upcoming trips that the
university arrange and they are interested to participate in these trips.

If yes, which sources do you rely on the most?

Most students rely on email announcements to find out about trips then 35% of them from
university’s social media accounts and 20% rely on other sources.

In your opinion, what are the common challenges or issues you have encountered with
the current trip coordination process? (Select all that apply)

To design and analyze a new system requirement we see that we want to know about the
problems or issues in the existing system to solve them in the to be system. As the survey
showed, 70% of students face a problem with lack of communication regarding the trips details,
they are not aware enough of the trips details so they cannot effectively participate and apply.
60% of them barely find the announcements in email and social media.50% see that trips
information are limited, 50% of them are not being notified of trips, and 30% find difficulty in
registration process.

How would you rate the effectiveness of the current trip coordination system?

To know how the end users are satisfied with the existing system we asked them how they would
rate the effectiveness of the system. The results were 40% of them rate the system 3/5 , other
40% rate the system 2/5, 10% rate it 1/5 and other 10% rate it 4/5.

If a new Trip Coordination System were to be implemented, what functionalities would

you suggest to improve the trip planning and management process? (Select all that

We tried to engage the end users in the functionalities they want the system to provide. 85%
wants the system to provide detailed information for trips such as costs, accomodation, etc…
75% of them want the system to list the available trips each semester. 65% want the system to
update the status of their requests, 55% wants to promote more for the trips via social media and
email. 50% wants the system to enable them to register for the trips.

How interested would you be in using a new Trip Coordination System that addresses
the challenges and issues you've mentioned?
We asked the students to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 how interested they are in this system and the
results showed that 40% of them are 4/5 interested in the system, 25% are extremely interested
(5/5) in the system.

3. Stakeholders
To design and create a system we must identify our stakeholders and their needs. The main and
only stakeholder of this project are HTU. This system is designed to
P Efficiency in trip organization
P Enhanced communication
P Improved students’ engagement
P Enhanced reputation

4. Functional and Nonfunctional requirements

Functional requirements

1. User Authentication and Access Control

- The system should enable secure user login using university credentials or guest account for
third party.
- Different user roles (e.g., administrators, third party, students) should have distinct access
privileges within the system.

2. Trip Management
- Administrators should have the capability to create, modify, and remove trip listings.
- Trip details like destination, dates, expenses, accommodation information, and specific
prerequisites should be included.

3. Registration and Enrollment

- Students should be able to browse available trips each semester and register for participation.
- Students can apply their motivation letters for each trip .
- Administrators and third-party members should have access to view and manage trip
registrations, including approving or rejecting registrations and managing participant lists.

4. Communication Features
- The system should support automated email notifications for trip announcements, updates,
and reminders.

5. request status
The system can show for each student the status of his request for participation.

Nonfunctional requirements

1. Usability
- The system's user interface should be intuitive to ensure ease of use across all user groups.
2. Reliability
- The system should maintain availability 24/7 with minimal downtime.
- It should incorporate backup and recovery mechanisms to safeguard against data loss.

3. Security
- User data should undergo encryption during transmission and storage.
- Access controls should be implemented to protect sensitive information based on user roles
and permissions.
- Measures should be in place to prevent unauthorized access and mitigate cybersecurity risks.

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