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Evidencia de desempeño: GA4-240202501-AA1-EV03 - Blog en el que

consolide y presente las

evidencias de vídeo, audio y texto que ha elaborado en inglés

Tecnólogo en análisis y desarrollo de software

Duban Andres Sanchez Ocampo

Evidence of performance: GA4-240202501-AA1-EV03" refers to a blog that
consolidates and presents a variety of evidence created in video, audio and
text format, all of which are produced in English. This blog serves as a
centralized space where English language related work and projects can be
displayed and shared, encompassing different types of multimedia content.
The blog description will provide an overview of the evidence presented,
highlighting the topics covered, the formats used and the objectives of each
piece. In addition, it may include information about the context and purpose
of the blog, as well as the experience in learning and practicing English.


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