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a demi-goddess in Bicolano myths, she is mentioned in the epic Ibalong. Believed to be

the daughter of the deity Asuang. Oryol possesses inhuman beauty and prowess when

it comes to seduction. In Bikolano stories she is both a villain and a hero. She

commanded monsters to battle the human colonies in Ibalong, later she will teach the

secret of the gods to Handiog and together, in their reign Ibalong flurished. Aside from

having a beautiful face and seductive upper body, it is told that she has a beautiful voice

that could lure anyone (both men and women, even animals) Half of her body is a

serpent. It is believed that the Naga and the Magindara obey her every command for

she is a demigoddess.


Duwendes are known mainly for their magical ability to make someone who hurts or

offends them suffer from usually disease ranging from skin rashes to inflammations and

fever that can`t be cured by any medical intervention. They also have the special ability

that they can run faster than humans, have sharp nails and the color of the cloth is

brown and green. They look like an old man with emaral eyes and a magical power in

his hand.


The mananagal is scariest, often hideous and she`s female who can turn into half and

fly because of her ability to having a wings, but it will work at night only. She is powerful

at full moon and her weapon is her claw and sharp teeth. She can lift a victim into air

and bite with her sharp teeth.


Kikik is a bird. Wherever the kikik sounds, the aswang is around it. Also, when the kikik

is above the aswang is below. Kikik is a half bird and half human. He has red eyes that

glowing in the dark. The feathers are black and red, and he has a curb horn.


The mambabarang is known as a witch who can cast spells using insects. She is an

ordinary human that has cursed black spells. She is hiding as a normal human person

in the village, and if there is one person that she hates or something that makes her

mad, she will barang or put a curse on them. The cloth of the mambabarang is black

and purple and has an insect on it, and she has coldron and a cursed book.

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