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Nguyễn Anh Khoa

Au Duong Lan Ward 6 District 8 HCM Viet Nam

I am considered myself as an intermediate fullstack developer. I have always been fascinated by the world of
programming, and I feel lucky to have found a career that aligns with my passions. While I have gained a
considerable amount of knowledge and experience, I am always eager to continue learning and improving.
Thank you for considering my application.

CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science 1/2023 – 4/2023
(Harvard University online course)
CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python 3/2023 – 4/2023
(Harvard University online course)

T4 TEK COMPANY LIMITED | HCM, Viet Nam 4/2023 – Present
Au Duong Lan Ward 6 District 8 HCM Viet Nam
Participating in developing enterprise management software products (ERP), system deployment, and
writing document.
Spotify Clone 10/2023 – 11/2023
Description: A Full Stack Spotify Clone with Next.js 14, App Router: React, Tailwind, Supabase, PostgreSQL.
Live web:

Youtube To Mp3 Converter 10/2023 – 11/2023

Description: A tool to convert youtube link to mp3 file and let user download.
Live web:

Odoo Sale Module 6/2023 – 8/2023

Description: A web service using Odoo framework, applied into creating quotation, sale order, delivery order.
Technology description: framework Odoo, container Docker, server Ubuntu, language Python and Javascript.

Programming languages: C, C++, Javascript, Python Frameworks: Odoo, Express, Flask
Container: Docker Styling library: Tailwind, Bootstrap
Database: SQLite, PostgreSQL, Mongodb Javascript library: Reactjs
Operating system: Linux (Ubuntu distro) React framework: Nextjs
English: Proficient in reading and comprehending English documents.

Feel free to visit my portfolio!

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