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Name : Nuraini Jafar

Student id : 02042211066

Class : IV Bilingual







A. Background

In an effort to welcome the challenges of competition in educational institutions in the global

realm and/or welcome the rollout of the AEC, it is mandatory to implement strategic management in
Islamic educational institutions. The scientific discipline which initially became a powerful way for a
general to lead his soldiers in war, at that time called strategy, was later adopted into the study of
business economics to become strategic management, considered very relevant when applied to
educational institutions. Although the field of business economics is not completely the same as the
problems faced by educational institutions. Indeed, the object of institutions operating in the business
economics sector which leads to profit-based activities, is different from that of non-profit
organizations, especially in the field of education.

The presence of Management and Strategy is basically a new paradigm. As a new paradigm, if it
is implemented in an educational organization environment, it is not possible to carry out a takeover
activity as carried out in a profit organization (business) environment, because the two organizations are
different from each other in many aspects, especially in terms of the underlying philosophy and goals. to
be achieved. In other words, the world of education is now required to develop strategic and
operational management which is basically mostly applied in the business world, as an anticipatory step
towards new trends in order to achieve and maintain its competitive position, so that in the future it can
produce people who have the resources and quality. which is in line with the needs of the times. And
what is no less important, morals and the formation of character output from Islamic educational
institutions must be truly reflected and clearly visible. So that the characteristics of Islamic education as
the front guard in efforts to shape the noble character of the nation's children are not neglected by
other missions.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is the meaning of customer satisfaction?

2. What is the strategy for achieving customer satisfaction?

3. What are the factors that support customer satisfaction?

C. Research Objectives

1. To understand the meaning of customer satisfaction.

2. To find out strategies for achieving customer satisfaction.

3. To find out the factors that support customer satisfaction



I. Understanding Customer Satisfaction

Nowadays, attention to customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction has become greater because
basically the goal of companies or educational institutions is to create a sense of satisfaction in
customers. The higher the level of customer satisfaction, the greater the profits for the company,
because customers will repurchase the company's products. However, if the level of satisfaction felt by
the customer is small, then there is a possibility that the customer will move to a competitor's product.

Customer satisfaction is one of the factors that affect customer loyalty (Gontur et al., 2022;
Purwanto et al., 2021). Customer satisfaction is a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment that
arise after comparing their perceptions or impressions of the performance or results of a product and
their expectations. The concept of customer satisfaction has two influencing elements, namely
expectations and performance (Bernarto et al., 2022). Performance is the consumer's perception of
what people received after consuming the product. Expectation is a consumer's estimate of what will be
received if he/she consumes the product means that customer satisfaction is the difference between
what consumers expect and the situation provided by the company to meet consumer expectations.
Satisfied and loyal customers are an opportunity to get new customers (Chan et al., 2022). On the other
hand, satisfied customers provide many advantages for the company, including providing consistent
repurchase opportunities, expanding the consumed product line, spreading good news, decreasing price
elasticity and decreasing promotional costs in order to attract new customers.(Jasin dkk. 2023)

Customer satisfaction is the extent to which the benefits of a product are felt (perceived) in
accordance with what the customer expects. Kotler said that customer satisfaction is the level of a
person's feelings after comparing the product performance he feels with his expectations. Customer
satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a response to an evaluation of the perceived discrepancy or
disconfirmation between previous expectations and the actual performance of a product that is felt
after use. Tse and Wilson in Nasution, Oliver in Peter and Olson state that customer satisfaction is a
summary of the psychological conditions that result when emotions surround expectations. does not
match and is multiplied by the feelings formed about the consumption experience. Westbrook & Reilly
in Tjiptono, stated that customer satisfaction is an emotional response to experiences related to the
product or service purchased. Gaspers in Nasution, said that customer satisfaction really depends on
customer perceptions and expectations. The factors that influence customer perceptions and
expectations include:

a. Needs and desires related to things that customers feel when trying to make transactions
with product manufacturers.

b. Past experience when consuming products from the company or its competitors.

c. Experiences from friends.

Customer satisfaction concept scheme

II. Improving Service Quality as an effort to satisfy customers

The company's success in providing quality services can be determined by the service quality
approach that has been developed by Parasuraman, Berry and Zenthaml.[6]Service Quality is how far
the difference is between customers' expectations and reality regarding the service they receive. Service
Quality can be determined by comparing customer perceptions of the service they actually receive with
the actual service they expect. Service quality is the main thing that companies pay serious attention to,
which involves all the company's resources. The definition of service quality is centered on meeting
customer needs and desires and the accuracy of delivery to match customer expectations. According to
Wyckof in Wisnalmawati[7]Service quality is the expected level of excellence and control over the level
of excellence to meet customer desires. If the service received is as expected, then the quality of the
service is perceived as good and satisfactory. If the service received exceeds customer expectations,
then the quality of the service is perceived as ideal. Conversely, if the service received is lower than
expected, then the quality of the service is considered poor.[8] Referring to the definition of service
quality, the concept of service quality is the responsiveness and reality of the services provided by the
company. Service quality must start from customer needs and end with customer perceptions Kotler, in
Wisnalmawati.[9]This means that good quality is not based on the perception of service provision, but
rather based on customer perception. Service quality refers to customer assessments about the core of
the service, namely the service provider himself or the entire service organization, most people are now
starting to show demands for excellent service, they no longer just need quality products but they prefer
to enjoy the comfort of service in Nanang Tasunar.

Therefore, in formulating service strategies and programs, organizations must be oriented

towards customer interests and pay close attention to the quality dimensions. Dimensions in an effort to
increase customer satisfaction. Sunarto identified seven basic dimensions of quality, namely:

a. Performance

Namely the absolute level of performance of goods or services on key attributes identified by

b. Employee Interaction

Namely such as friendliness, respect and empathy shown by people who provide services or

c. Reliability

Namely the consistency of performance of goods, services and shops.

d. Durability

Namely vulnerable product life and general strength.

e. Timeliness and Convenience

Namely how quickly the product is delivered or repaired, how quickly the information product
or service is provided.

f. Aesthetics

This is more about the physical appearance of the goods or shop and the attractiveness of the
service presentation.

g. Brand Awareness

That Is the additional positive or negative impact of visible quality, which recognizes the brand
or store name on customer evaluations.

There are five dimensions of service quality according to Parasuraman in Lupiyoadi, namely:

a. Tangibles, or physical evidence, namely the company's ability to demonstrate its existence to
external parties. What is meant is that the appearance and capability of the company's physical facilities
and infrastructure and the condition of the surrounding environment are concrete evidence of the
services provided.

b. Reliability, or dependability, is the company's ability to provide services as promised

accurately and reliably.

c. Responsiveness, or responsiveness, is a willingness to help and provide fast and accurate

service to customers, by conveying clear information.

d. Assurance, or guarantee and certainty, namely the knowledge, politeness and ability of
company employees to foster customers' trust in the company. Consists of several components,
including communication, credibility, security, competence and courtesy.

e. Empathy, namely providing sincere and individual or personal attention given to customers
by trying to understand the customer's desires. For example, companies must know specific customer
desires, from the physical form of the product or service to proper distribution.

To measure the level of customer satisfaction, Kotler believes there are four methods that can
be used to measure customer satisfaction, namely:

1. Complaint and suggestion, system Companies that provide full opportunities for their
customers to express opinions or even complaints are customer-oriented companies.

2. Customer satisfaction survey, every now and then a company needs to conduct a customer
satisfaction survey regarding the quality of the company's services or products. This survey can be
carried out by distributing questionnaires by company employees to customers. Through this survey,
companies can find out the advantages and disadvantages of the company's products or services, so
that the company can make improvements to things that customers consider lacking.
3. Ghost Shopping, this method is implemented by employing several company people (ghost
shoppers) to act as customers at competing companies, with the aim of these ghost shoppers being able
to find out the service quality of competing companies so that it can be used as a correction to the
company's own service quality.

4. Analysis of lost customers, this method is used by companies by recontacting customers who
have not visited or made another purchase at the company for a long time because they have moved to
competing companies. In addition, companies can ask about the reasons why customers move to
competing companies

Creating customer satisfaction can provide several benefits, including the relationship between
the institution or company and customers becoming harmonious, providing a good basis for repeat
purchases and creating customer loyalty and forming a word of mouth recommendation that is
profitable for the company, the company's reputation becomes good in the eyes of customers. , and the
profits obtained increase.


Some people consider educational institutions to be social institutions, and some also consider
them to be institutions that provide services, so that educational institutions have clear customers who
receive and experience the services directly, namely students and parents. According to Rangkuti,
services are the provision of an invisible performance or action from one party to another party.[15]This
understanding can be a basis for determining factors that support the creation of customer satisfaction,

1. Physical Form (Tangiable)

Because a form of service cannot be seen, cannot be smelled and cannot be touched, the
physical aspect becomes important as a measure of service. Customers will use their sense of sight to
assess the quality of service. According to Zeithaml. et al. Aviliani and Wilfridus, the physical form
(tangible) is the customer's needs that are focused on physical facilities such as buildings and rooms,
available parking, cleanliness, neatness and comfort of the room, complete equipment, communication
facilities and employee appearance. Good physical evidence will influence customer perceptions. At the
same time, this aspect is also one of the sources that influences customer expectations. Because with
good physical evidence, customer expectations become higher. Therefore, it is important for companies
to know how far the most appropriate aspect of physical form is, namely still giving a positive
impression of the quality of service provided but not causing customer expectations to be too high so
that it can meet customer needs and provide satisfaction to customers. The attributes in this dimension

a. Modern equipment

b. Interesting facilities
The relationship between physical form and customer satisfaction is that physical form has a
positive influence on customer satisfaction. The better the customer's perception of the physical form,
the higher customer satisfaction will be. And if the customer's perception of the physical form is poor,
customer satisfaction will also be lower.

2. Reliability

According to Parasuraman, et al. In Lupiyoadi and Hamdani's opinion, reliability is the company's
ability to provide services according to what is promised accurately and reliably.[17]Performance must
be in accordance with customer expectations, which means punctuality, the same service to all
customers without errors, a sympathetic attitude, and high accuracy. Fulfilling promises in service will
reflect the company's credibility. According to Zeithaml. et al. Aviliani and Wilfridus reliability is the
fulfillment of the company's promise of immediate and satisfactory service.[18]The attributes in this
dimension include Parasuraman in Ramdan. a. Provide service as promised b. Accountability regarding
customer handling of service problems. c. Provide good service as a first impression to customers, and
do not differentiate between them. d. Provide timely service. e. Providing information to customers
about when the promised service will be realized. The relationship between reliability and customer
satisfaction is that reliability has a positive influence on customer satisfaction. The better the customer's
perception of the company's reliability, the higher customer satisfaction will be. And if customer
perceptions of reliability are poor, customer satisfaction will also be lower.Research conducted by Hasan
states that the variables compliance, assurance, tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy have a
positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.

3. Responsiveness (Responsiveness)

Namely the response or alertness of employees in helping customers and providing fast and
responsive service, which includes employee alacrity in serving customers, employee speed in handling
transactions and handling customer complaints. According to Parasuraman. et al. Lupiyoadi & Hamdani
Responsiveness is a policy to help and provide fast (responsive) and appropriate service to customers,
by conveying clear information. And leaving customers waiting is a negative perception of service
quality.[19] Based on many studies conducted, there is one thing that often disappoints customers,
namely that customers are often ping-ponged when they need information. One staff member is passed
on to another staff then the other staff does not know or answer what the customer wants.
Unresponsive service will definitely make customers feel dissatisfied. Responsiveness/responsiveness
provided by a good company will increase the satisfaction felt by customers. Meanwhile, the attributes
in this dimension are:

a. Provide fast service. b. Willingness to help / assist customers.

b. Ready and responsive to handle requests from customers.

The relationship between responsiveness and customer satisfaction is that responsiveness has a
positive influence on customer satisfaction. The better the customer's perception of the company's
responsiveness, the higher customer satisfaction will be. And if customer perceptions of responsiveness
are poor, customer satisfaction will also be lower. Research conducted by Hasan (2006) states that the
variables compliance, assurance, tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy have a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction.

4. Assurance

Kotler defines assurance as accurate knowledge of the product, politeness of employees in

providing service, skills in providing information, ability to provide security and ability to instill customer
trust and confidence in the company. According to Parasuraman. et al. which includes the employee's
ability to have knowledge of the product appropriately, friendliness, attention and politeness, skills in
providing information, the ability to provide security in utilizing the services offered and the ability to
instill customer trust in the company, the trustworthy nature of the staff, free from danger, risk or
doubt. The knowledge, politeness and abilities of company employees can foster customers' trust in the
company.[20]The attributes in this dimension are:

a. Employees who provide assurance in the form of confidence to customers

b. Make customers feel safe when using company services

c. Polite employees

d. Employees who have extensive knowledge so they can answer questions from customers

5. Empathy

According to Parasuraman. et al. in Lupiyoadi and Hamdani, empathy is attention by providing a

sincere and individual or personal attitude that the company provides to customers, such as ease of
contacting the company, employees' ability to communicate with customers and the company's efforts
to understand customer wants and needs.[21]Where a company is expected to have understanding and
knowledge about customers, understand specific customer needs, and have operating times that are
comfortable for customers. From his understanding above, it can be concluded that care is special or
individual attention to all customer needs and complaints, and there is good communication between
tourist attraction employees and customers. With special attention and good communication from
employees of a tourist attraction to customers, it will also have an impact on customer satisfaction,
because customers will feel that the company cares about their needs and complaints. The attributes in
this dimension are:

a. Provide individual attention to customers

b. Employees who understand the desires of their customers

The relationship between caring and customer satisfaction is that caring has a positive influence
on customer satisfaction. The better the customer's perception of the care provided by the company,
the higher customer satisfaction will be. And if the customer's perception of the care provided by the
company is bad, customer satisfaction will also be lower.


1. Customer satisfaction is a response to behavior shown by customers by comparing

perceived performance or results with expectations. If the perceived results are
below expectations, the customer will be disappointed, dissatisfied or even
dissatisfied, but on the other hand, if it meets expectations, the customer will be
satisfied and if the performance exceeds expectations, the customer will be very
2. Dimensions in efforts to increase satisfaction, namely:
a. Performance
b. Employee Interaction
c. Reliability
d. Durability
e. Timeliness and Convenience
f. Aesthetics
g. Brand Awareness
3. Factors that support the creation of customer satisfaction, among others
a. Physical Form (Tangiable)
b. Reliability
c. Responsiveness (Responsiveness)
d. Assurance
e. Empathy

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