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1. Anita Roddick started The Body Shop in 1976. Nevertheless, the shop that sold beauty
and health products was successful and multiplied into a chain of what is now more than
2,000 shops in over fifty countries. It made its founder into a multimillionaire. Bono, lead
singer for the rock group U2, Joined with several others to launch a project called the
ONE Campaign.
2. Both Bono and Anita are people that are socially conscious and always try to give back
to the community using their own wealth.
3. African nations that were affected with HIV/Aids had to Pay off their debts on medical
and human supplies during that period.
4. Anita Roddick travelled extensively and spent time in many rural communities, where
she learned about women’s beauty rituals all over the world. These ideas formed the
foundation of The Body Shop’s environmental and social activism. Since the beginning,
Roddick’s business has been deeply involved in the Community Trade program.

1. Launch
2. Fronts
3. Battle
5. Assets
6. vowed
7. Frugality

1. This dessert is fabulous, but it’s so rich that I can cat only a little. Answer: 6B

2. If I could invest in that company, I’d soon be rich.

Answer: 1

3. Taylor’s rich baritone voice filled the theater. Answer: 4B

4. Ashley’s joke made me laugh until my stomach hurt, “Oh, that’s rich,” I said, shaking
with laughter. Answer: 7A

5. The library is a rich source of information. Answer: 2B

6. The sunset splashed rich purples, reds, and yellows across the western sky. Answer: 4A

1. The section is about how Anita Roddick’s business is different from any other business
in terms of giving back at the community.

2. The author says that Anita Roddick's social consciousness and values shaped The Body
Shop's success.

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