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Question: What do you think is an evidence-based practice number 1 or 2?

Rationalize your
answers. (10 points)
a. Oxygen use of patients with pneumonia
b. Turning bedridden patient to sides q 2 hours

Answer: Oxygen use of patients with pneumonia

Rationalization: Option 1 is the better of two evidence-based procedures because it combines
the best available research evidence, clinical expertise, and patient value. In pneumonia, oxygen
therapy is crucial because it ensures vital organs receive enough oxygen, preventing low levels
and supporting organ function. Because lung inflammation and infection can impair oxygen
exchange, administering oxygen helps in maintaining adequate levels and preventing
hypoxemia. The use of oxygen for pneumonia patients is considered an evidence-based practice
because it is supported by guidelines and research. It improves oxygenation and strengthens the
body's ability to fight infection, making it a well-established practice that has been shown to
improve patient outcomes in pneumonia cases.

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