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Progressive muscle relaxation is a systematic technique for managing stress and achieving a
deep state of relaxation. It was developed by Dr. Edmund Jacobson in the 1930s.


When stressors threw a person's nervous system out of balance, relaxation techniques can
bring it back into a balanced state by providing the relaxation response, a state of deep
calmness that is the polar opposite of the stress response. With practice one can relax the body
like 'liquid relaxation' poured on your head and it flowed down and completely covered the

 Long term effects of regular practice of PMR include:

 A decrease in general anxiety.

 Decrease in anticipatory anxiety related to phobias.

 Decrease in frequency and duration of panic attacks.

 Improved concentration.

 Improved ability to face phobia situations through graded exposure.

 An increased sense of control over moods.

 Increased self esteem

 Increased spontaneity and creativity.


 Anxiety disorders

 Depression

 Phobias

 Stress

 Hypertension

There is no contraindication for practicing PMR.

Before practicing Progressive Muscle Relaxation therapy, find out any history of
serious injuries, muscle spasms or back problems, because the deliberate muscle
tensing of the Progressive Muscle Relaxation therapy procedure could exacerbate
any of these existing condition.

The relaxation therapy should never try in bed ridden patients.


 First take a comfortable position... lie down bed comfortably as you can on
your back. With all the parts of your body, loose, light and calm and
comfortable. Keep your eyes closed lightly.

 Now let us start the practice as you go on doing it concentrates on the

feelings from within your muscles and body. Observe the changes. Now
make your body completely loose, light and free.

 Clench your right fist as tightly as you can tighter and tighter. Observe the
tension on your palm muscles. Hold it for some time, slowly release it, and
make it completely loose and light. Now observe the lightness in your palm.
Be calm and relaxed. Repeat it again. Then breathe freely and gently.

 Clench your left fist: repeat as in right fist.

 Now clench both fists at a time: same as above.

 Now clench your fist and bend your arms: tighten your arm muscles as
tightly as you can feel the tightness on your arm muscles then make them
loose and light. Let your hands be straight. Observe the light feeling in your
muscles of the arms and hands and be relaxed. Repeat it again.

 Now straighten your hands as tightly as you can_make them stiff and press
them by the side of your body still more feel the tension within the muscles
at the back of your arms and forearms. Now again make them loose and
light completely free and relaxed. Repeat it again. Breathe freely and
 Now wrinkle your forehead: Push your eyebrows upwards as tightly as you
can feel the tension in your forehead and slowly soothe it out. Now feel the
comfortable sensation in your forehead and be relaxed. Repeat it again.
Observe the soothing sensation and be relaxed be calm and relaxed, keep
the entire body loose light. and free.

 Now switch your eyebrows: As if you are frowning someone feel the
tension in between your eyebrows and slowly soothe it out. Feel the
tightness in your forehead and be relaxed. Repeat it once again, tightly feel
the tension and slowly release it be calm and relaxed.

 Now bite your teeth tightly as hard as you can. Feel the tension in your
cheek muscles and slowly make it loose and light. Feel the soothing
sensation within and be relaxed. Repeat it again.

 Now bend your head forward and let your chin touch the chest. Turn your
face to the right as tightly as possible and observe the tension in your neck
muscles and now turn it to the left again bring it to the middle. Touch the
chin to the chest and slowly keep it back on the bed. Make it loose and
free. Be calm and relaxed. Repeat it again.

 Now bend your head backward and turn it to the left and right. Observe
the tension and slowly release it. Feel the soothing sensation within and be
relaxed. Repeat it again.

 Now bend your shoulders upwards in an are like manner as tightly as you
can. Still more feel the tension in your muscles and slowly release them.
Observe the difference. Be calm and relaxed. Keep the entire body loose,
light and free. Repeat it again.

 Now bend your shoulders backwards: Press them against your bed as
tightly as you can. Feel the tension and slowly release it. Make them
completely loose and free. Repeat it again. Be more relaxed and relaxed.

 Now take a deep breath and expand your chest as best as you can. Feel the
tension in your chest and slowly release it. Observe the comfortable
sensation within breathe lightly and freely. Now be relaxed. Repeat it
 Now swell your belly with air still more tightly feels the tension all over
your abdomen muscles. Slowly make it loose and free. Breathe freely,
observe the lightness in your abdomen and be more relaxed. Repeat it

 Now shrink your belly in as tightly as possible and feel the tension. Slowly
make it loose and light. Observe the difference. Repeat it again. Be calm
and more relaxed.

 Now bend the lower part of your back bone upward. Feel the tension and
slowly straighten it. Observe the difference. Feel the soothing sensation
within. Be calm and relaxed. Repeat it again.

 Now tighten your thigh muscles as tightly as possible. Feel the tension and
slowly release them. Feel the difference. Observe the soothing sensation
within and be still more relaxed. Repeat it again. Keep the entire body
loose, light and free. Be calm and more relaxed.

 Now bend your heel down and tighten your calf muscles. Feel the tension
within and slowly release them. Make them loose and light. Be calm and
relaxed. Repeat it again.

 Now bend your toes upwards: feel the tension in your legs and toes and
slowly release them. Make them completely loose and free. Observe the
soothing sensation within and be deeply relaxed. Calm and relaxed. Repeat
it again.

 Now bend the toes downwards as tightly as you can. Feel the tension
within your toes and feet and slowly release it. Observe the difference.
Repeat it again. Observe the soothing sensation in your toes and legs. Be
calm and relaxed.

 Now slowly take a deep breath and slowly release it. Keep the entire body
loose, light and free. Concentrate on the growing lightness in your hands,
face, neck, shoulder, chest, abdomen, back, relax more and more further
and further deeper and deeper.

 The entire sequence of progressive muscle relaxation sequence should take

20-30 minutes for first time and later. with practice you may decrease the
time needed to 15-20 minutes.

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