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NCCN Guidelines for Testicular Cancer V.1.

2021 – Annual on 06/19/20

Guideline Page Panel Discussion/References Institution Vote

and Request

External request:

TEST-G 2 of 3: Based on a review of the data and discussion, the panel consensus supported 17 0 0 13
Submission from Merck & the inclusion pembrolizumab as a treatment option for patients with advanced
Co. (06/17/20) to request tumor mutational burden-high (TMB-H) testicular germ cell tumors who have
the inclusion of progressed following prior treatment and have no satisfactory alternative
pembrolizumab as a treatment.
treatment option for
patients with advanced
tumor mutational burden-
high (TMB-H) testicular
germ cell tumors who have
progressed following prior
treatment and have no
satisfactory alternative
treatment to pages TEST-G
(1 and 2 of 3)

Submission request from Based on a review of the data and discussion, the panel consensus was not to 1 16 1 12
Lawrence Einhorn, MD at make changes to the current recommendations due to insufficient available data.
Indiana University Simon
Cancer Center requesting
BEP x 3 should be the
preferred option for patients
with good-risk metastatic
disease and that
surveillance should be the
preferred option for post-
management following a
complete remission.

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