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NCCN Guidelines for Cervical Cancer V.1.

2022 –Annual on 06/11/21

Guideline Page Panel Discussion/References Institution Vote

CERV-10 and CERV-A Based on the review of data and discussion, the panel 29 0 0 3
External Request consensus was to include the following bullets under Workup
Submission from Foundation Medicine, Inc for persistent or recurrent disease (CERV-10):
(05/14/21) requesting to • Consider comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) via a
1. Recommend comprehensive genomic validated and/or FDA-approved assay
profiling via a validated and/or FDA-approved • If tissue biopsy of metastatic site is not feasible or tissue
assay in the workup of persistent or recurrent not available, consider CGP via a validated plasma ctDNA
disease (page CERV-10) and Principles of assay
Pathology section (CERV-A) for patients with
“recurrent, progressive, or metastatic disease”
in order to improve patient access to timely
and accurate diagnosis of NCCN-
recommended biomarkers (NTRK fusions,
MMR alterations, Microsatellite instability
(MSI), and tumor mutational burden (TMB)).
2. Allow for CGP via a validated plasma ctDNA
assay as part of the workup for recurrent
disease as a potential alternative to surgical
exploration to determine options for clinical
trial enrollment (CERV-10) and when tissue
biopsy of the metastatic site is not feasible in
metastatic disease in Principles of Pathology
section (CERV-A).
CERV-12 Based on a review of the data and discussion, the panel 0 29 0 3
External Request consensus was not to make changes to the current
Submission from Illumina, Inc (05/13/21) request recommendations.
to amend footnote ff to “Consider tumor
mutational burden (TMB) testing as determined by
a validated and/or FDA-approved
comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP)
CERV-A 1 of 3 Based on a review of the data and discussion, the panel 0 29 0 3
External Request consensus was not to make changes to the current
Submission from Illumina, Inc (05/13/21) request recommendations.
to Amend the last bullet point to “Consider TMB
testing through a validated and/or FDA approved
comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP)
NCCN Guidelines for Cervical Cancer V.1.2022 –Annual on 06/11/21

Guideline Page Panel Discussion/References Institution Vote

CERV-A 1 of 3 Based on a review of the data and discussion, the panel 0 29 0 3
External Request consensus was not to make changes to the current
Submission from Illumina, Inc (05/13/21) request recommendations.
to add a new bullet point to the end under
Pathologic assessment: Comprehensive
genomic profiling with a validated and/or FDA-
approved assay is informative for predicting
rare pantumor targeted therapy opportunities.
CERV-F 1 of 3 Based on the review of the data in the noted reference, the 29 0 0 3
Internal Request panel consensus was to include nivolumab for PD-L1–positive
Consider adding nivolumab for PD-L1 positive tumors as a second-line or subsequent therapy option for
tumors recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer. The panel consensus
supported a category 2A, preferred regimen recommendation.
• Naumann RW, Hollebecque A, Meyer T, et al. Safety and
Efficacy of Nivolumab Monotherapy in Recurrent or
Metastatic Cervical, Vaginal, or Vulvar Carcinoma: Results
From the Phase I/II CheckMate 358 Trial. J Clin Oncol.
CERV-F 1 of 3 • Based on a review of the data and discussion, the panel 29 0 0 3
External Request consensus supported making the following change:
Submission from Illumina, Inc (05/13/21) request Footnote h: For the treatment of patients with
to amend footnote h to “For the treatment of unresectable or metastatic tumor mutational burden-high
patients with unresectable or metastatic (TMB-H) [≥10 mutations/megabase (mut/Mb)] tumors, as
tumor mutational burden-high (TMB-H) [≥10 determined by an a validated and/or FDA-approved test,
mutations/megabase (mut/Mb)] tumors, as that have progressed following prior treatment and who
determined by have no satisfactory alternative treatment options.
a validated and/or FDA-approved
comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) test, • Based on a review of the data and discussion, the panel 0 29 0 3
that have progressed consensus was not to make changes to include
following prior treatment and who have no comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) to the current
satisfactory alternative treatment options.” recommendations on this page.

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