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1. Websites with Free Practice Problems:

- Khan Academy - Physics
- Physics Classroom - The Calculator Pad
- HyperPhysics - Mechanics
- MIT OpenCourseWare - Physics
- Physics Forums - Homework Help

2. YouTube Channels for Mechanics:

- Michel van Biezen
- The Science Asylum
- Jeff Hanson
- Learn Engineering

Integral Calculus:
1. YouTube Channels for Integral Calculus:
- BlackPenRedPen
- Professor Leonard
- PatrickJMT
- Krista King Math
- The Math Sorcerer

2. Websites with Free Practice Problems:

- Paul's Online Math Notes - Calculus II
- Khan Academy - Integrals
- Integral Calculator
- Mathway - Integrals
- MIT OpenCourseWare - Single Variable Calculus

1. Websites with Free PDF Practice Sheets:
- Physics Classroom - The Calculator Pad
- MIT OpenCourseWare - Electricity and Magnetism
- Physics Worksheets
- PhysicsLAB
- Physics Classroom - Concept Builders - Electricity and Magnetism

2. YouTube channels for electromagnetism:

- AllAboutEE
- CrashCourse Engineering
- Electrical Engineering - Let's Learn
- Engineering with Rosie

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