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Mac® [N-COUNT-1] A Mac® (Macintosh) is a type of computer CBT [N-UNCOUNT-3] CBT (Computer-Based Training) is the use redundancy [NOUN-UNCOUNT-5]

y [NOUN-UNCOUNT-5] Redundancy is the inclusion

from Apple®. typ komputera produkcji firmy Apple of a computer to train employees. nauczanie wspomagane of duplicate components in a system to maintain production
PC [N-COUNT-1] A PC (personal computer) refers to a komputerowo when one component fails. nadmiarowość
computer that runs a Windows® operating system. flash [N-UNCOUNT-3] Flash is a media format that can be used dashboard [N-COUNT-6] A dashboard is a display on a
komputer osobisty to add videos, animations, and other media to a website. computer that shows commonly or recently used files and
Apple® [N-UNCOUNT-1] Apple® is the company that produces Flash (technologia tworzenia animacji komputerowych) programs. tablica rozdzielcza
Macs® and other computing products. amerykańska MPEG [N-UNCOUNT-3] MPEG is a video format that is used to gallery [N-COUNT-6] A gallery is a collection of icons or pictures
korporacja zajmująca się projektowaniem i produkcją compress videos into smaller files. format zapisu danych that have been organized in a file or page. galeria
sprzętu i oprogramowania komputerowego, zawierających obraz i dźwięk message board [N-COUNT-6] A message board is an online
komputerów Mac multimedia [N-UNCOUNT-3] Multimedia is any type of media application that displays and organizes messages from users.
color matching [N-UNCOUNT-1] Color matching is the ability to used on a webpage, including images, animations, and tablica
create colors as you see them on the screen. videos. multimedia tour [N-COUNT-6] A tour is a series of web pages that offer
dostosowywanie kolorów reliability [N-UNCOUNT-3] Reliability is the probability that information about a product or site. zestaw stron
Microsoft® [N-UNCOUNT-1] Microsoft® is the company that something will function properly and without any failures. oferujących informacje na temat produktu
produces the Windows® operating system among other niezawodność Basecamp® [N-UNCOUNT-6] Basecamp® is a program offered
products. Microsoft (producent systemów operacyjnych i campaign [N-COUNT-4] A campaign is an agreement between by the company 37 signals that organizes projects and can
oprogramowania) an advertising company and a client that outlines which be accessed by multiple users simultaneously. program
OS X® [N-UNCOUNT-1] OS X® is an operating system from types of advertisements are to be used, where they are to zdalnego zarządzania projektami
Apple® for Mac® computers. system operacyjny dla be placed, and how long they will appear. kampania color-coding [N-UNCOUNT-6] Color-coding is the practice of
komputerów Macintosh (10 wersja) commission [N-COUNT-4] A commission is the amount of labeling things with different colors in order to tell them
prepress [N-COUNT-1] Prepress is the process of preparing a money charged by a website for hosting advertisements. apart. oznakowanie kolorystyczne
document, magazine or book to be printed on a large scale. prowizja real time [ADJ-6] If information is updated or shown in real
faza produkcyjna wyrobów poligraficznych ad product [N-COUNT-4] An ad product is an advertising time, it is updated or shown at the same time as new
processing speed [N-COUNT-1] Processing speed is a opportunity such as a banner that is located on a website. information is received. czas rzeczywisty
measurement of how quickly a computer can perform tasks. boks reklamowy web-based [AD-6] If something is web-based, it is available on
szybkość przetwarzania animated GIF [N-COUNT-4] An animated GIF is the combination the Internet instead of on a disk. dostępne w internecie
video subsystem [N-COUNT-1] The video subsystem is the part of multiple GIF files in one advertisement to create Skype™ [N-UNCOUNT-6] SkypeTM is software than enables
of the computer that presents the visuals on the screen. animation. animowany plik graficzny people to call one another using computers rather than
podsystem wideo click tracking [N-UNCOUNT-4] Click tracking is the process of telephones. Skype, forma telefonu internetowego
customize [V-TRANS-1] To customize something is to change it counting and keeping track of the number of clicks an centralize [V-T-6] To centralize things is to bring from multiple
to meet your individual needs and purposes. dostosować advertisement receives. statystyka kliknięć places and make them available in one location.
typography [N-COUNT-1] Typography is a computer’s use of CPC [N-UNCOUNT-4] CPC (cost per click-through) is a pricing centralizować
typefaces. typografia model wherein rates are charged according to how many telecommute [V-I-6] To telecommute is to work at a location
Windows® [N-UNCOUNT-1] Windows® is the operating system clicks an advertisement receives. płatność za kliknięcie (w away from a main office by using technology. pracować
created by Microsoft® that is used on many PCs. system reklamie internetowej) zdalnie
operacyjny Windows CPM [N-UNCOUNT-4] CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) is a toggle [V-I-6] To toggle is to move from one file or setting to
command line [N-COUNT-2] A command line is a word or pricing model wherein rates are charged according to how another. przełączać
phrase that makes a computer perform an operation. wiersz many thousands of people view the advertisement. płatność hacker [N-COUNT-7] A hacker is a person who exploits
polecenia za kliknięcie (w reklamie internetowej) computer hardware and software for their own purposes.
free software license [N-COUNT-2] A free software license frequency capping [N-UNCOUNT-4] Frequency capping is the haker
allows users to change and distribute programs. licencja process of ensuring that a specific website visitor does not host [N-COUNT-7] A host is a computer system that has a
darmowego oprogramowania see the same advertisement an excessive number of times. computer virus attached to it. komputer główny
TCP/IP protocol [N-COUNT-2] A TCP/IP protocol is a set of rules ograniczenie częstotliwosci pokazywania tej samej reklamy resident extension [N-COUNT-7] A resident extension is an add-
that determine how a computer connects to a network or geo targeting [N-UNCOUNT-4] Geo targeting is the process of on to a computer virus that causes it to become a part of the
the Internet. protokół sterowania transmisją w sieci showing advertisements in geographical areas where they host computer’s operating system. część programu aktywna
vendor [N-COUNT-2] A vendor is someone who distributes are relevant. targetowanie geograficzne po jego zakończeniu
programs and utilities. sprzedawca above the fold [ADJ-4] If something on a website is above the resident virus [N-COUNT-7] A resident virus is a computer virus
interface [N-COUNT-2] An interface provides a way for a user fold, it is visible without scrolling down after the page has that becomes part of a file or disk drive but does nothing
to interact with a computer. interfejs loaded. widoczny na ekranie po załadowaniu strony until activated by a trigger event. wirus rezydentny
open source [ADJ-2] If software is open source, it can be click-through rate [N-COUNT-4] The click-through rate is the virus [N-COUNT-7] A virus is a harmful computer program file
distributed with the same basic source code. o otwartym ratio of clicked advertisements to the number of that takes up residence in a computer without the owner’s
kodzie źródłowym advertisements that are viewed. współczynnik klikalności (w knowledge or permission. wirus komputerowy
Linux® [N-UNCOUNT-2] Linux® is a computer operating system. reklamę internetową) anti-antivirus virus [N-COUNT-7] An anti-antivirus virus is a
system operacyjny Linux Linux® distribution [N-COUNT- hang [V-T-4] To hang a website is to prevent it from loading all computer virus that attacks and often disables anti-virus
Microsoft Office® [N-UNCOUNT-2] Microsoft Office® is a the way. zawiesić software. wirus atakujący programy antywirusowe
software package that offers word processing and priority inversion [NOUN-COUNT-5] A priority inversion is a overwriting virus [N-COUNT-7] An overwriting virus is a
spreadsheet programs. pakiet biurowy firmy Microsoft delay that occurs in a computer system when a lowpriority computer virus that copies its code over and destroys the
OpenOffice® [N-COUNT-2] OpenOffice® is an open source task is dealt with before a high-priority task. inwersja files of the original data. oscyloskop
software package similar to Microsoft Office®. pakiet priorytetów imbed [V-T-7] To imbed is to become a part of something.
biurowy OpenOffice embedded system [N-COUNT-5] An embedded system is a wbudować
Samba® [N-UNCOUNT-2] Samba® is a Linux® program that combination of hardware and software designed to perform infect [V-T-7] To infect a computer is to contaminate it with a
allows Linux® to act as a client on a Windows®-based a specific task. system wbudowany computer virus. zainfekować
network. serwer plików i drukarek przeznaczony dla Ethernet network [NOUN-COUNT-5] An Ethernet network is a log in [V-I-7] To log in is to provide a computer security system
platformy Linux high-speed network that links computers together. sieć with the proper identification to use the computer.
Ubuntu® [N-UNCOUNT-2] Ubuntu® is an operating system Ethernet zalogować się
based on Linux. dystrybucja systemu operacyjnego, głównie integrated circuit [N-COUNT-5] An integrated circuit is a small piggyback [V-I-7] To piggyback is to gain unauthorized access to
do zastosowań biurowych i domowych chip that has several electronic devices attached to it. układ a computer system by taking advantage of the owner’s
DVD [N-COUNT-3] A DVD (Digital Video Disc) is a storage disc scalony legitimate connection. uzyskanie nielegalnego dostępu do
that is read by a laser and can store media files such as open system [NOUN-COUNT-5] An open system is a system internetu za pomocą cudzego połączenia
videos and images. płyta DVD that can use many different types of machines. otwarty replicate [V-T-7] To replicate is to make copies of oneself.
FAQ [N-COUNT-3] A FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section system komputerowy replikować, powielać
is a list of common questions with their answers. często oscilloscope [NOUN-COUNT-5] An oscilloscope is a device that scanner [N-COUNT-8] A scanner is a device used to capture the
zadawane pytania allows the user to view the electrical voltage of a machine. personal information stored on credit cards, debit cards, and
media player [N-COUNT-3] A media player is used to play oscyloskop passports. czytnik
media such as videos and animations and can be embedded Automation [NOUN-UNCOUNT-5] Automation is the use of Trojan horse [N-COUNT-8] A Trojan horse is a computer
in a web page. odtwarzacz plików dźwiękowych i filmowych programmed machines to perform tasks without human program that appears to be beneficial but is actually
terminal [N-COUNT-3] A terminal is a computer that allows assistance. automatyzacja malicious. koń trojański
users to input command lines. terminal Computer Aided Manufacturing [NOUN-UNCOUNT-5] worm [N-COUNT-8] A worm is a type of malicious software that
anchor [N-COUNT-3] An anchor is a word, phrase, or image Computer Aided Manufacturing is the use of computers to replicates itself through emails. robak
that includes a hyperlink and can be used for navigation. control production equipment. produkcja wspomagana card scanning [N-UNCOUNT-8] Card scanning is the practice of
kotwica, etykieta komputerowo capturing the personal information stored on credit cards,
applet [N-COUNT-3] An applet is a small application that is Encoder [NOUN-COUNT-5] Encoders are devices that convert debit cards, or passports. skanowanie kart
embedded in a webpage. aplet (rodzaj programu mechanical information into electronic signals. urządzenie fraud [N-UNCOUNT-8] Fraud is an action that results in the loss
komputerowego) kodujące of another person’s property. oszustwo
electronic bulletin board [N-COUNT-3] An electronic bulletin fault tolerant [NOUN-UNCOUNT-5] Fault tolerant is the ability identity theft [N-UNCOUNT-8] Identity theft is the process of
board is a shared file that can be used to spread to continue functioning even though an error has occurred. stealing another person’s personal information and using it
information. elektroniczna tablica ogłoszeń odporny na problemy for personal gain. kradzież tożsamości
CAD [N-UNCOUNT-3] CAD (Computer-Aided Design) is the use latency [NOUN-UNCOUNT-5] Latency is the time between the cyber [ADJ-8] If something is cyber, it is related to computers or
of a computer to design things such as machines or end of one computer communication and the start of the Internet. cybercyber
buildings. projektowanie wspomagane komputerowo another. opóźnienie (czas między wysłaniem żądania a malware [N-UNCOUNT-8] Malware is any type of malicious,
otrzymaniem odpowiedzi) harmful software. złośliwe oprogramowanie
pharming [N-UNCOUNT-8] Pharming is a process wherein CDN [N-COUNT-11] A CDN (content delivery network) is a web portal [N-COUNT-13] A web portal is a webpage that
thieves reroute people to a fake website that appears to be system of computers on a network containing copies of data displays information gathered from several different places.
legitimate in order to trick them into giving away their that nearby users can access. sieć obsługująca dostarczanie portal internetowy
personal information. przekierowanie do fałszywej strony treści egress filter [N-COUNT-13] An egress filter prevents harmful
internetowej w celu wyłudzenia poufnych informacji private cloud [N-COUNT-11] A private cloud is a service offered software from leaving a network. filtr połączeń
phishing [N-UNCOUNT-8] Phishing is a process wherein thieves to specific users who have purchased it and is not available wychodzących
trick people into giving away their personal information publicly. prywatna (płatna, skierowana do konkretnych ingress filter [N-COUNT-13] An ingress filter prevents harmful
through email. phishing (wyłudzanie poufnych informacji odbiorców) chmura obliczeniowa software from entering a network. filtr połączeń
osobistych przez podszywanie się pod jakąś osobę lub public cloud [N-COUNT-11] A public cloud is a service offered przychodzących
instytucję) for any users on the Internet. publiczna (płatna, skierowana natural language [N-UNCOUNT-13] Natural language is the use
pretexting [N-UNCOUNT-8] Pretexting is a process wherein do ogółu społeczeństwa) chmura obliczeniowa of phrases from normal speech in search engines. język
thieves trick people into giving away their personal cloud computing [N-UNCOUNT-11] Cloud computing is use of naturalny
information over the phone. wyłudzanie poufnych informacji the Internet for software and other resources. chmura PCI compliance [N-13] PCI (payment card industry) compliance
przez telefon obliczeniowa is upholding certain security standards for accepting credit
spyware [N-UNCOUNT-8] Spyware is a type of computer deployment [N-UNCOUNT-11] Deployment is introducing new and other payment cards. standardy bezpieczeństwa dla
program that gathers someone’s personal information software into a group of hardware. wdrażanie płatności za pomocą kart
without their knowledge. program szpiegujący elasticity [N-COUNT-11] Elasticity is a computer system’s ability root directory [N-COUNT-13] The root directory is the main
backdoor [N-COUNT-9] A backdoor is a hidden way to get by to gain or lose computer resources as a user sees fit. directory of a file system and is where all other branches of
security in computers and programs, sometimes elastyczność gromadzenia danych the system come from. katalog główny
intentionally created. luka w zabezpieczeniach systemu IaaS [N-UNCOUNT-11] IaaS (infrastructure as a service) delivers mask [V-COUNT-13] To mask information is to block it from
bug [N-COUNT-9] A bug is a flaw in a computer program. błąd such elements as servers and software over the Internet. being viewed. maskować
w kodzie programu komputerowego usługa polegająca na dostarczeniu przez dostawcę redesign [V-COUNT-13] To redesign a website is to change,
firewall [N-COUNT-9] A firewall is a program that restricts infrastruktury informatycznej add, or delete certain elements, but keep others.
access on a network. zapora sieciowa PaaS [N-UNCOUNT-11] PaaS (platform as a service) is a service przeprojektować
keylogger [N-COUNT-9] A keylogger is a type of trojan virus where users receive a computing operating system and cover letter [N-COUNT-14] A cover letter is a document that
that tracks what keystrokes are entered into a computer. related components over the Internet. usługa polegająca na explains why a person is applying for a job and why that
keylogger (koń trojański śledzący znaki wpisywane na udostępnieniu przez dostawcę wirtualnego środowiska pracy person believes he or she is qualified for that job. list
klawiaturze) pay as you go [N-UNCOUNT-11] Pay as you go is a model for motywacyjny
patch [N-COUNT-9] A patch is a piece of code that is used to fix payment where customers pay according to how much they duty [N-COUNT-14] A duty is a task that someone is
a flaw in a computer program. poprawka do programu use a resource. płacenie za wykorzystane środki responsible for completing at a job. obowiązek
komputerowego SaaS [N-UNCOUNT-11] SaaS (software as a service) is a service résumé [N-COUNT-14] A résumé is a document that shows a
popup [N-COUNT-9] A popup is an advertisement that suddenly where users receive applications over the Internet instead of person’s education, work history and qualifications and is
appears in a new window in an Internet browser. reklama buying and installing them. usługa polegająca na dystrybucji used when applying for jobs. życiorys
wyskakująca na stronie internetowej oprogramowania, przechowywanego i udostępnianego przez system administrator [N-COUNT-14] A system administrator is
attack [N-COUNT-9] An attack is an attempt to get through internet a person whose job is to manage and maintain a computer
computer security. atak scalability [N-COUNT-11] Scalability is a system’s ability to system. administrator systemu
audit log [N-COUNT-9] An audit log is a record of who has change size as needed in a given situation. skalowalność file archiving [N-UNCOUNT-14] File archiving is the process of
accessed a computer system and what actions they took. utility computing [N-UNCOUNT-11] Utility computing is a way organizing computer files in an orderly way. This lets you
dziennik kontroli; zapis przebiegu przetwarzania danych of selling computer use as a metered service like water and retrieve them easily. archiwizacja plików
intruder [N-COUNT-9] An intruder is a person or program that electricity. usługa polegająca na udostępnianiu komputerów performance tuning [N-UNCOUNT-14] Performance tuning is
attempts to access a network or computer without na godziny the act of adjusting a network or system so that it works as
permission. intruz (usiłujący bez zezwolenia dostać się do lab-on-a-chip [N-COUNT-12] A lab-on-a-chip is a tiny device efficiently as possible. ulepszenie działania systemu
plików danych) that holds cells and fluid that can be analyzed easily. układ technical [ADJ-14] Something that is technical involves
protocol [N-COUNT-9] Protocol is a set of rules that must be miniaturowej aparatury diagnostycznej umieszczony na information from the areas of science and industry.
followed for the sake of security. protokół czipie techniczny
security [N-UNCOUNT-9] Security is a the state of being safe ADM [N-COUNT-12] An ADM (Automated Dispensing Machine) configure [V-T-14] To configure something is to modify or
from attack. zabezpieczenie, bezpieczeństwo is a hospital machine that measures out specific amounts of arrange it so that it works in a certain way. konfigurować
authenticate [V-TRANS-9] To authenticate something is to medication into containers. automatyczny dozownik install [V-T-14] To install something is to add a new component
make sure that it is legitimate. uwierzytelnić lekarstw or program to a computer or system. instalować
cyber criminal [N-COUNT-10] A cyber criminal is a person who EHR [N-COUNT-12] An EHR (Electronic Health Record) is a purge [V-T-14] To purge is to delete files or data from a
uses computers and the Internet to commit crimes such as computerized version of a patient’s health record. computer. wyczyścić
identity theft and fraud. przestępca internetowy komputerowa karta pacjenta troubleshooting [N-UNCOUNT-14] Troubleshooting refers to
false negative [N-COUNT-10] A false negative is when anti-virus implanted microchip [N-COUNT-12] An implanted microchip is the process of identifying and fixing technical problems.
software incorrectly indicates that an infected file is clean. a tiny device in a person’s body that releases specific wykrywanie i usuwanie usterek
omyłkowe sklasyfikowanie zainfekowanego pliku jako amounts of medicine. wszczepiony mikroczip Unix® [N-UNCOUNT-14] Unix® is a specific type of computer
„zdrowy” optic scanner [N-COUNT-12] An optic scanner is a device that operating system. Servers often use this operating system.
false positive [N-COUNT-10] A false positive is when anti-virus reads and records identification labels on medications. system operacyjny Unix
software incorrectly indicates that a clean file has been skaner optyczny component [N-COUNT-15] A component is a part of something
infected with a computer virus. omyłkowe sklasyfikowanie bar coding [N-UNCOUNT-12] Bar coding is a system in which bigger. składnik, komponent
„zdrowego” pliku jako zainfekowanego doctors scan medicines and match them to patients. system GUI [N-UNCOUNT-15] A GUI (graphical user interface) is how a
rootkit [N-COUNT-10] A rootkit is a type of computer virus that oznaczania lekarstw przypisanych do konkretnych pacjentów user interacts with a computer using images and text.
is created to gain total control over a computer system by CDSS [N-UNCOUNT-12] CDSS (Clinical Decision Support System) graficzny interfejs użytkownika
overwriting parts of its operating system. narzędzie is a system that helps doctors diagnose problems. It also programmer [N-COUNT-15] A programmer is someone who
ukrywające niebezpieczne pliki i procesy, które umożliwiają suggests treatment options. kliniczny system wspomagania writes computer programs. programista
utrzymanie kontroli nad systemem decyzji script [N-COUNT-15] A script is a group of commands to be
anti-virus software [N-UNCOUNT-10] Anti-virus software CPOE [N-UNCOUNT-12] CPOE (Computerized Provider Order carried out automatically. skrypt
searches a computer system for computer viruses. program Entry) is a system that lets a doctor fill out electronic orders. web developer [N-COUNT-15] A web developer is someone
antywirusowy komputerowy system rejestracji zaleceń lekarskich who builds a website. twórca stron internetowych
security software [N-UNCOUNT-10] Security software is EMM [N-UNCOUNT-12] EMM (Electronic Materials editor [N-COUNT-15] An editor is a program that is used to
software that keeps a computer safe from threats such as Management) is a system that helps hospitals keep track of create and change files. edytor
computer viruses and cyber crimes. oprogramowanie medications and medical supplies. elektroniczny system HTML [N-UNCOUNT-15] HTML (hypertext markup language) is
zabezpieczające zarządzania lekarstwami i materiałami medycznymi a way to alter the look of text on web pages. hipertekstowy
backup [V-T-10] To backup is to create a duplicate copy of data interoperability [N-UNCOUNT-12] Interoperability is the ability język znaczników (język do tworzenia stron www)
that is stored on a separate hard drive or computer system to easily send or combine electronic health data from one back end [ADJ-15] If something is back end, it occurs at the end
to prevent the loss of the data. robić kopię zapasową system into another. współdziałanie of a project or job. wewnętrzny, wyjściowy
block [V-T-10] To block something is to prevent access to it. microrobotic tweezers [N-COUNT-12] Microrobotic tweezers user-friendly [ADJ-15] If something is user-friendly, it is easy to
blokować are very tiny tweezers that allow a doctor to operate in access and use. przyjazny dla użytkownika
detect [V-T-10] To detect something is to discover it. wykrywać extremely small or delicate areas. automatyczna PHP [N-UNCOUNT-15] PHP is a scripting language that is used
quarantine [V-T-10] To quarantine something is to place it in mikropęseta chirurgiczna to create dynamic web pages. język programowania PHP
complete isolation where it cannot access or infect anything PACS [N-UNCOUNT-12] PACS (Picture Archiving and visual basic [N-UNCOUNT-15] Visual basic is a simple
else. poddawać kwarantannie Communications System) is a system that captures and programming language with a graphical component. język
sweep [V-T-10] To sweep a computer system is to search it for stores medical images from different sources. system programowania z komponentem graficznym
computer viruses. wyczyścić archiwizacji obrazów i danych medycznych XML [N-COUNT-15] XML (extensive markup language) is a
virus removal software [N-UNCOUNT-10] Virus removal blog [N-13] A blog is a personal website that is maintained by programming language that is used to encode web pages.
software destroys computer viruses, removing them from an individual. blog rozszerzalny język znaczników
the files they have infected. oprogramowanie do usuwania keyword [N-UNCOUNT-13] A keyword is a term or phrase that
wirusów is created to describe a webpage, so that it can be found in a
web page analysis [N-UNCOUNT-10] Web page analysis is a search engine. słowo kluczowe
process wherein the security of a website is determined in trust logo [N-COUNT-13] A trust logo is a seal that appears on a
order to help computer users know whether or not the web page and means that the security of information on
website is safe. analiza bezpieczeństwa stron internetowych that page is assured by an accredited company. logo
systemu zaufanego

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