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 FoodCourt
 Customer
 Manager
 Machine Learning

Food court
Recipe Recommendation System for Indian cuisines is a system that learns from
the new recipes. a user’s preferred dishes to recommend him/her new, untested
cuisines. The basis of recommendation are the ingredients in the recipes already
liked by the user. First, we find the index of the recipe which is imputed by user
and then we create a series with similarity score using cosine similarity matrix.
Then we get the index of the top 2 most similar recipes and recommend those
recipes to the user.


the flow by which the recommender system carries out the process of suggesting
new cuisines to the user. The system has been provided with an extensive dataset
of over 100’s of Indian dishes collected from the web, with exhaustive data about
the ingredients and steps of each of the recipes. For each user, the system stores the
dishes liked by him/her, and then tries to match their ingredients with the ones in
its database. After the search ends, the system suggests the top results to the user.

The aim of manager is to approve the foodcourt and customer .Content based
recommendation system recommends based on contents of the matching profile.
Our collected dataset has alot of features like ingredient, steps, time to prepare etc.
but we need only a few features to recommend similar recipes. In this step we
select the column based on which we will perform the recommendation and drop
the other features

Machine learning
Machine learning refers to the computer’s acquisition of a kind of ability to
make predictive judgments and make the best decisions by analyzing and learning
a large number of existing data. The representation algorithms include deep
learning, artificial neural network, decision tree, enhancement algorithm and so on.
The key way for computers to acquire artificial intelligence is machine learning.
Nowadays, machine learning plays an important role in various fields of artificial
intelligence. Whether in aspects of internet search, biometric identification, auto
driving, Mars robot, or in American presidential election, military decision
assistants and so on, basically, as long as there is a need for data analysis, machine
learning can be used to play a role.


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