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1.2 Machine Learning

1.2.1 What is machine learning?

Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software
applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly
programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new
output values.

Recommendation engines are a common use case for machine learning. Other popular uses
include fraud detection, spam filtering, malware threat detection, business process
automation (BPA) and predictive maintenance.

1.2.2 Why we need machine learning?

Machine learning is important because it gives enterprises a view of trends in customer

behavior and business operational patterns, as well as supports the development of new
products. Many of today's leading companies, such as Facebook, Google and Uber, make
machine learning a central part of their operations. Machine learning has become a significant
competitive differentiator for many companies.

1.2.3 How does machine learning work?

Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that teaches computers to think in a
similar way to how humans do: Learning and improving upon past experiences. It works by
exploring data and identifying patterns, and involves minimal human intervention.

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Almost any task that can be completed with a data-defined pattern or set of rules can be
automated with machine learning. This allows companies to transform processes that were
previously only possible for humans to perform—think responding to customer service calls,
bookkeeping, and reviewing resumes.

1.2.4 Who uses Machine Learning?

Today, machine learning is used in a wide range of applications. Perhaps one of the most
well-known examples of machine learning in action is the recommendation engine that
powers Facebook's news feed.

Facebook uses machine learning to personalize how each member's feed is delivered. If a
member frequently stops to read a particular group's posts, the recommendation engine will
start to show more of that group's activity earlier in the feed.

Behind the scenes, the engine is attempting to reinforce known patterns in the member's
online behavior. Should the member change patterns and fail to read posts from that group in
the coming weeks, the news feed will adjust accordingly.

In addition to recommendation engines, other uses for machine learning include the

 Customer relationship management. CRM software can use machine learning

models to analyze email and prompt sales team members to respond to the most
important messages first. More advanced systems can even recommend potentially
effective responses.

 Business intelligence. BI and analytics vendors use machine learning in their

software to identify potentially important data points, patterns of data points and

 Human resource information systems. HRIS systems can use machine learning
models to filter through applications and identify the best candidates for an open position.

 Self-driving cars. Machine learning algorithms can even make it possible for a semi-
autonomous car to recognize a partially visible object and alert the driver.

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 Virtual assistants. Smart assistants typically combine supervised and unsupervised

machine learning models to interpret natural speech and supply context.

1.2.5 Machine Learning Methods:(Types of machine learning)

Classical machine learning is often categorized by how an algorithm learns to become more
accurate in its predictions.

There are four basic approaches:supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised

learning and reinforcement learning. The type of algorithm data scientists choose to use
depends on what type of data they want to predict.

 Supervised learning: In this type of machine learning, data scientists supply

algorithms with labeled training data and define the variables they want the algorithm to
assess for correlations. Both the input and the output of the algorithm is specified.

 Unsupervised learning: This type of machine learning involves algorithms that train
on unlabeled data. The algorithm scans through data sets looking for any meaningful
connection. The data that algorithms train on as well as the predictions or
recommendations they output are predetermined.

 Semi-supervised learning: This approach to machine learning involves a mix of the

two preceding types. Data scientists may feed an algorithm mostly labeled training data,
but the model is free to explore the data on its own and develop its own understanding of
the data set.

 Reinforcement learning: Data scientists typically use reinforcement learning to teach

a machine to complete a multi-step process for which there are clearly defined rules. Data
scientists program an algorithm to complete a task and give it positive or negative cues as
it works out how to complete a task. But for the most part, the algorithm decides on its
own what steps to take along the way.

1.2.6 Applications of Machine Learning in Daily Life

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Machine Learning Applications in Daily Life as follows:

1. Commute Estimation

In general, a single trip takes more than average time to complete, multiple modes of

transportation are used for a trip including traffic timing to reach the destination. Reducing

commute time is not simple yet, here below you find how machine learning is aiding in

reducing commute time,

1. Google’s Map: Using the location data from smartphones, Google Maps can inspect

the agility of shifting traffic at any time, moreover map can organize user-reported

traffic like construction, traffic, and accidents. By accessing relevant data and

appropriate fed algorithms, Google Maps can reduce commuting time by indicating

the fastest route.

2. Riding Apps: From how to fix the price of the ride, and how to minimize the waiting

time to how do riding cars fix up one’s trip with other passengers to lessen diversion.

Yes, the solution is machine learning. ML assists the company to estimate the price of

a ride, computing optimal pickup location and ensuring the shortest route of the trip,

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also for fraud detection. For example, Uber uses machine learning to optimizes its


3. Commercial flights to use Autopilot: With the help of AI technology, Autopilots are

taken care of Flights now. In a report of The NewYork Times, pilots reported doing

manual flying of seven minutes, mainly during takeoff and landing, and the rest fly is

done by autopilot.

2. Email Intelligence

1. Spam Filters: Some rules-based filters aren’t served actively in an email inbox such

as when, for example, a message comes with the words “online consultancy”, “ online

pharmacy”, or from “unknown address”.

ML is offering a powerful feature that filters email from a variety of signals, like words

in the message, metadata of the message(such as who sent the message, from where it

is sent). Even though it filters the emails based on “everyday deals” or “welcome

messages” etc. With the use of ML, Gmail filters 99.9% of spam messages.

2. Email Classification: Gmail categories emails into groups Primary, Promotions,

Social, and Update and label the email as important.

3. Smart Replies: You must have observed how Gmail prompts simple phrases to

respond to emails like “Thank You”, “Alright”, “Yes, I’m interested”. These responses

are customized per email when ML and AI understand, estimate, and reflect on how

one counters over time.

3. Banking and Personal Finance

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1. Fraud Prevention: In most of the cases, daily based transaction data is so high in

volume and becomes complex for humans to review manually each transaction, then

how to find out if a transaction is fraudulent.

To tackle this problem, AI-based systems are designed that learn what type of

transactions are fraudulent. This is how banks use AI.

Companies are using neural networks to determine fraudulent transactions depending

upon factors like the latest frequency of transactions, transaction size and type of

retailer included.

2. Credit Decisions: When applying for credit cards or loans, the financial bodies have

to determine quickly whether to admit or not. And, if accepting the proposal what

could be the specific conditions to offer in terms of interest rate, credit line amount,


Financial institutions deploy ML algorithms to make credit decisions and determine the

particular risk assessment for users separately.

3. Check Deposit on Mobile: Moreover, AI technology has done mobile banking

personalized and handy for those who have no time to visit banks. For example, banks

offer the opportunity to submit checks through the smartphone app and dismiss the

need of users to physically deliver a check to the bank.

Most of the banks use the technology developed by Mitek to interpret and transform

handwriting on checks into text through optical character recognition.

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Applications of Machine Learning in Daily Life

4. Evaluation and Assessment

1. In checking Plagiarism: ML can be used to build a plagiarism detector. Many

schools and universities demand plagiarism checkers analyze the writing skills of


The algorithmic essence of plagiarism is the similarity functions that result in the

numerical estimation of how identical two documents are.

2. Robo-readers: Prior, essay grading is a very complex task, but now researchers and

organizations are building essay-grading AI systems. The GRE exam grades essays

through one human reader and one Robo-reader, known as e-Rater.

If the grade varies considerably, a second human reader is considered to settle the


Near in the future, one-size-fits classes are replaced by personalized and flexible learning that

will shape each students’ strengths and weaknesses individually.

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ML also assists in identifying students at-risk earlier so that schools can pay attention to those

students by providing them with extra resources of learning and reduces dropout rates.

For example, AI in the education sector helps in for personalized learning, voice assistants,

aiding educators in administrative tasks and many more.

5. Social Networking

1. Facebook: While uploading a photo on Facebook, it automatically reflects faces and

suggests friends tag. Facebook uses AI and ML to identify faces. Moreover;

 It uses the ANN algorithm that imitates the human brain and power facial recognition
 Facebook uses AI to personalize newsfeed and makes sure to reflect posts that
entertain one.
 It shows ads of a particular business that are relevant to one's' interest.

2. Pinterest: It employs computer vision to automatically recognize objects in the

images or “pin” and then recommend similar pins. Other applications cover pam

prevention, search, and discovery, email marketing, ad performance, etc with the help

of machine learning.

3. Snapchat: It offers facial filters (known as Lenses) that filter and track facial activity,

permits users to tag animated images or digital masks that shift when their faces


4. Instagram: With the help of ML algorithms, sentiments behind the emojis can be

identified. Instagram can make and auto-recommend emojis and emojis hashtags.

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There is the massive use of emoji across all demographics that are used to describe

and explore by Instagram at a massive scale through emoji-to-text-translation.

6. Medical Diagnosis and Healthcare

Machine Learning incorporates a soup of techniques and tools to deal with the diagnostic and

prognostic issues in the diverse medical realms. ML algorithms are highly used for;

o The analysis of medical data for detecting regularities in data,

o Handling inappropriate data,
o Explaining data generated by medical units,
o Also for effective monitoring of patients.

Machine learning also helps in estimating disease breakthroughs, driving medical

information for outcomes research, planning and assisting therapy, and entire patient

management. Along with machine learning, AI in healthcare is also implemented for efficient


7. Personal Smart Assistants

From Siri and Cortana to Google Assistant, there are plenty of functions when it comes to the

personal assistant along with Amazon Alexa and Google Home.

By implementing the AI to its entirety, these home devices, and personal assistants follow

one’s commands including setting a reminder, searching online information, controlling

lights, etc.

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These devices and personal assistants, such as ML chatbots rely on Ml algorithms to collect

information, understand one’s preferences, and improve the experience based on prior

interactions with individuals.

1.3 Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a part of Machine Learning used to solve complex problems and build
intelligent solutions. The core concept of Deep Learning has been derived from the structure
and function of the human brain. Deep Learning uses artificial neural networks to analyze
data and make predictions. It has found its application in almost every sector of business. In
this article, we’ll learn the top Deep Learning Applications.

Let’s begin exploring all the above Deep Learning Applications one by one.

1.3.1 Deep Learning Applications

1. Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistants are cloud-based applications that understand natural language voice
commands and complete tasks for the user. Amazon Alexa, Cortana, Siri, and Google
Assistant are typical examples of virtual assistants. They need internet-connected devices to

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work with their full capabilities. Each time a command is fed to the assistant, they tend to
provide a better user experience based on past experiences using Deep Learning algorithms.

2. Chatbots

Chatbots can solve customer problems in seconds. A chatbot is an AI application to chat

online via text or text-to-speech. It is capable of communicating and performing actions
similar to a human. Chatbots are used a lot in customer interaction, marketing on social
network sites, and instant messaging the client. It delivers automated responses to user inputs.
It uses machine learning and deep learning algorithms to generate different types of reactions.

The next important deep learning application is related to Healthcare.

3. Healthcare

Deep Learning has found its application in the Healthcare sector. Computer-aided disease
detection and computer-aided diagnosis have been possible using Deep Learning. It is widely
used for medical research, drug discovery, and diagnosis of life-threatening diseases such as
cancer and diabetic retinopathy through the process of medical imaging.

4. Entertainment

Companies such as Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, and Spotify give relevant movies, songs, and
video recommendations to enhance their customer experience. This is all thanks to Deep
Learning. Based on a person’s browsing history, interest, and behavior, online streaming
companies give suggestions to help them make product and service choices. Deep learning
techniques are also used to add sound to silent movies and generate subtitles automatically.

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Next, we have News Aggregation as our next important deep learning application.
5. News Aggregation and Fake News Detection

Deep Learning allows you to customize news depending on the readers’ persona. You can
aggregate and filter out news information as per social, geographical, and economic
parameters and the individual preferences of a reader. Neural Networks help develop
classifiers that can detect fake and biased news and remove it from your feed. They also warn
you of possible privacy breaches.

6. Composing Music

A machine can learn the notes, structures, and patterns of music and start producing music
independently. Deep Learning-based generative models such as WaveNet can be used to
develop raw audio. Long Short Term Memory Network helps to generate music
automatically. Music21 Python toolkit is used for computer-aided musicology. It allows us to
train a system to develop music by teaching music theory fundamentals, generating music
samples, and studying music.

Next in the list of deep learning applications, we have Image Coloring.

7. Image Coloring

Image colorization has seen significant advancements using Deep Learning. Image
colorization is taking an input of a grayscale image and then producing an output of a
colorized image. ChromaGAN is an example of a picture colorization model. A generative

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network is framed in an adversarial model that learns to colorize by incorporating a

perceptual and semantic understanding of both class distributions and color.

8. Robotics

Deep Learning is heavily used for building robots to perform human-like tasks. Robots
powered by Deep Learning use real-time updates to sense obstacles in their path and pre-plan
their journey instantly. It can be used to carry goods in hospitals, factories, warehouses,
inventory management, manufacturing products, etc.

Boston Dynamics robots react to people when someone pushes them around, they can unload
a dishwasher, get up when they fall, and do other tasks as well.

Now, let’s understand our next deep learning application, i.e. Image captioning.

9. Image Captioning

Image Captioning is the method of generating a textual description of an image. It uses

computer vision to understand the image's content and a language model to turn the
understanding of the image into words in the right order. A recurrent neural network such as
an LSTM is used to turn the labels into a coherent sentence. Microsoft has built its caption
bot where you can upload an image or the URL of any image, and it will display the textual
description of the image. Another such application that suggests a perfect caption and best
hashtags for a picture is Caption AI.

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10. Advertising

In Advertising, Deep Learning allows optimizing a user's experience. Deep Learning helps
publishers and advertisers to increase the significance of the ads and boosts the advertising
campaigns. It will enable ad networks to reduce costs by dropping the cost per acquisition of
a campaign from $60 to $30. You can create data-driven predictive advertising, real-time
bidding of ads, and target display advertising.

Deep Learning has found its prominence in almost every sector of business. It is being used
in E-Commerce, Healthcare, Advertising, Manufacturing, Entertainment, and many other

Deep Learning has revolutionized our lives by making tasks easier. Do you have any
questions related to this article on Deep Learning Applications? Do you think we missed out
on any essential applications? Then, please put your queries/inputs in the comments section.
We'll be happy to help you. To start your Deep Learning career, click on the following
link: AI and Machine Learning certification courses.

Exercises to assess understanding of the concepts

1. You go to a shopping mall and purchase some provisions. You are a regular customer of the

Do you think AI is being used in this situation to make your shopping better?

2. You order food through an online delivery app frequently. Is AI influencing your ordering


Assignments to test assimilation of knowledge

1. Write three situations in your daily life, where AI is coming to your aid.

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2. Can you think of how AI can be used to make life easier for senior citizens? Mention a few


Practical Assignments using common tools

1. Using any popular search-engine (Google, Bing), type any word in the search-box, and
note down

the automatic suggestions that are being displayed. Note down how many of these are

relevant or related to current happenings.

2. Use any word-processor to type a small report on any topic or type a small SMS on your

smartphone. Deliberately make spelling mistakes, or grammatical mistakes. Note down the

suggestions that are being offered by the in-built spell-check utility.

3. Identify a few websites/portals which use chatbots to enhance user experience.

4. Install any activity tracker on your android smart-phone and study which health parameters
it monitors.

5. Using any search-engine, find out which Indian healthcare companies have products that
use AI

and make a list of the same, with the features that they offer.

6. Use Google translate to get translations from English to Kannada/Hindi/Marathi, and vice


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7. Use Google assistant on any android smartphone to dictate commands and to launch apps,

can try this in your local language.

8. Download the NASA simulator on your smartphone and find out about our solar system
and outer space through simulations.

Note: The trainer is instructed to encourage the students to work in groups of 02-03 and
discuss the above exercises before submitting the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.What is Artificial Intelligence?

• Artificial Intelligence is when a software or a particular model developed can perform

complex tasks on its own without requiring any assistance from humans. Artificial
Intelligence is a field of study consisting of various sub-fields, including machine learning,
deep learning, neural networks, computer vision, natural language processing, and so much

2. How powerful is AI?

• The power of AI depends on the capability of the researcher working on the computation of

the program. As of now, AI is quite powerful to solve a set of tasks that is assigned to it

efficiently and effectively. However, it hasn’t reached its peak yet, and we are a few years
away from that point.

3.Will AI steal our jobs?

• The demand for skilled AI specialists is growing faster like never before. Requirements and

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open positions for experts in the sub-fields of AI like machine learning, deep learning,

computer vision, statistics, and natural language processing are growing each day. So, AI will

pave the way for more jobs for humans to control them. Humans are intellectual beings.

Hence, AI willsimplify the complexity of human work but won’t actually take away our jobs.

4.Can AI take over the world?

• Artificial Intelligence has come a long way and developed into a unique feature of the
modern world. Despite the advancements in AI, most of the tasks are still done under some
kind of human supervision in the working or the development stages.

• Artificial Intelligence is also limited to be the particular task that it is programmed to

complete. So, as of today, AI taking over the world is unlikely.

5.What are the advantages of AI?

• Apart from the massive job opportunities created by AI, it also has other advantages, such as
the completion of looping or repetitive tasks that humans need to perform without making

• Artificial Intelligence, similar to a computer program, cannot tire and hence has the capacity
to work all day long on a particular task until the desired results are accomplished.
• They have the ability to perform faster computations compared to human speed on a wide
range of problems with precise results. They also have tons of real-life applications to make
our daily lives simpler.
6.What are the disadvantages of AI?

• The construction of Artificial Intelligence models from scratch can sometimes be

timeconsuming and resourcefully exhaustive. Building such models may not be possible on a
regular PC.

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• The deployment of Artificial Intelligence models can also be quite expensive in some cases.
Also, the maintenance costs in case of malfunctioning of the AI models in peculiar cases can
be annoying to deal with and solve.
AI cannot be used to accomplish more superior and intellectual tasks, as of today.
7.What are the applications of AI?

• Artificial Intelligence in the natural world has a wide variety of applications. These include
your journey from the start of the day till the end of the day. When you usually start your day
with your smartphone, you make use of the AI capabilities of smart face lock or other
fingerprint AI measures to unlock your phone.

• Then you decide to google something, you are greeted with AI features of autocomplete and

autocorrect, which utilizes technologies of sequence to sequence modeling. Apart from

smartphones, Artificial Intelligence has tons of other applications, including email spam
detection, virtual assistants, chatbots, optical character recognition, and so much more.
• Artificial Intelligence also finds its applications in many other fields, such as topics ranging
from robotics, medical sciences, logistics and transportation, finances, and tons more utility
services in industries.

8.Do you need to be a genius to start learning AI?

No, not necessarily. Artificial Intelligence is a field containing a lot of sub-fields. It is worth
investing your precious time to gain further knowledge in the subject of AI if you are
particularly interested in the various intriguing concepts that are offered by learning AI.
• While learning AI from scratch might sometimes be hard at the beginning, it becomes more
interesting and cool as you proceed to invest more time learning numerous concepts related
to AI. You will gain exposure to mathematics, programming, machine learning, and so much
more that will expand your vast knowledge.
• Even if you find that the field of Artificial Intelligence is not suitable for your particular

it is still totally fine as long as you learn something about the numeroustopics of AI.
• The knowledge you gain from learning AI can be partially or completely utilized for various

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software applications and jobs as well.

9.How will artificial intelligence affect healthcare?

• AI can lead to better care outcomes and improve the productivity and efficiency of care

delivery. It can also improve the day-to-day life of healthcare practitioners, letting them
spend more time looking after patients and in so doing, raise staff morale and improve

Which is the best application of AI in the healthcare sector?

• Some of the beneficial applications of AI for healthcare purposes would be administrative

workflows, image analysis,robotic surgery, virtual assistants, and clinical decision support

10.Will AI in healthcare make doctors redundant?

• AI can enhance clinical productivity due to its ability to handle a large capacity of tasks that
are well suited for automation. AI can reduce the burden of clerical work of physician's thus
improving the quality of care and allow them to spend more time with patients and the
healthcare team

11.What do you understand by the term robotics?

• Robotics is a combined branch of engineering and science which deals with the study of
development, operation, and control of intelligent robots. Robotics is a part of Artificial
intelligence. Robotics technology is used for the development of machines which can
perform a complex human task in a very efficient way.

12.What are various types of sensors used in the robotics?

• Various types of sensors used in robots include light sensors, sound sensors, temperature
sensors, proximity sensors, acceleration and navigation sensors.
What can a digital assistant do?

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• A digital assistant pulls data from multiple sources and puts it into context. Advanced
natural language processing gives it the ability to process what you are saying or typing.
Advanced natural language understanding (NLU) gives it the ability to parse what you say or
type and then generate accurate answers

13.Is a chatbot a digital assistant?

• Data-driven and predictive (Conversational AI) chatbots are also called a Virtual Assistant
or Digital Assistant. Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa are examples of consumer-oriented,
datadriven, predictive AI chatbots

14.What is autonomous software?

• An autonomous system is one that can achieve a given set of goals in a changing

– gathering information about the environment and working for an extended period of time
without human control or intervention.

What technologies are needed for autonomous vehicles?

• There are several critical technologies behind safe and efficient autonomous-vehicle
operation—AI, safety and security, cameras, network infrastructure, and the sensor
technologies radar and lidar, or laser-light radar.
15.Why are autonomous things important?

• Autonomous things are fundamentally important because they represent the first real
disconnection of machines from explicit human guidance. Humans are used to programming
things, but are not used to them acting in autonomous ways. Self-driving vehicles are still
making their way onto the roads.

Note: Trainer should encourage discussion on these FAQs and motivate students to come up
with different answers

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1. Future Skills Prime content developed by MeitY-NASSCOM

2. Wikipedia
5. Future Skills Prime content developed by MeitY-NASSCOM
6. Wikipedia
7. An Introduction to Deep Learning, James Liang,
13. The difference between Artificial Intelligence, Machine
Learning and Deep Learning, Calum McClelland, 2017
14. Explained: Neural Networks, Larry Hardesty, 2017
18. Top 10 applications of machine learning
19. Machine Learning for Video Games
20. Want to know how deep learning works, Radu Raicea,
22. What is an artificial neural network?, Luke Dormehl, 2019
23. Deep Learning for Businesses, ODSC, Open Data Science, 2019
24. Truths about deep learning

CHAPTER – 2: Database Management for Data Science, Big Data


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1)Uses recommendation based system(RBS) -

Through this technology, it gathers data from their customers (Can also be called Big Data).
The more data they have the better it is for them because once they understand what the user
wants, they then streamline the process and try to encourage the customers to purchase the
products. RBS seeks and predicts the “rating” or “preference” a user would give to an item.

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