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A Full Semester Internship report on

Submitted in a partial fulfillment for the award of the degree




Submitted by


Under the esteemed Guidance of


Professor, Dept. of ECE.



Accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade | Accredited by NBA
Approved by AICTE | Affiliated to JNTUA
NH5 Bypass Road, Gudur – 524101, Tirupati (DT.)
Andhra Pradesh
Organization Profile

At Ed-Vedha, we are dedicated to improving the way people learn by
Making high-quality education accessible to all. Our team of experienced
educators and technology experts are passionate about leveraging the latest
advancements in technology to create personalized learning experience that
meet the unique needs of every student.
Basic Information at Ed-vedha, their aim is to empower individuals with the
knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the rapidly evolving world of technology.
They believe that education should be accessible to all, and their carefully curated
bundles in ethical hacking, programming, Android and web development, as well as
AI and machine learning, are designed to do just that.

Headquarters : Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana.

Founding Date : 19 April 2023

Founder & Ceo: Morupoju Saicharan

No. of Employees : 11 to 50

Read more at:

Domain Name:
Beginner-Friendly: Python's syntax is clear, concise, and resembles natural
language, making it highly accessible for beginners with no prior programming
experience. This simplicity reduces the barrier to entry for students who are learning
to code for the first time.
Readability: Python's emphasis on readability promotes good coding practices and
helps students focus on understanding the logic behind the code rather than getting
bogged down in syntax complexities. This readability also aids educators in
teaching programming concepts effectively.
Versatility: Python's versatility allows educators to teach a wide range of
programming concepts and applications. Whether it's basic programming
fundamentals, data analysis, web development, artificial intelligence, or scientific
computing, Python can be adapted to suit various educational goals and curricula.
Active Community and Resources: Python's popularity has led to a thriving
community of educators, developers, and enthusiasts who create and share
educational resources such as tutorials, courses, books, and coding challenges.
Real-World Relevance: Python's widespread use in industry ensures that students
are learning a programming language that is highly relevant in the job market.
Teaching Python equips students with skills that are directly applicable to various
fields, increasing their employability and career prospects.
Project-Based Learning: Python's ease of use and versatility make it ideal for
project-based learning approaches, where students can apply their knowledge to
solve real-world problems or create their own projects. Project-based learning
fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration skills among students.

Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high

level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented
programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its
interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application
development in many areas on most platforms.

Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It was

initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software
Foundation. It was mainly developed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax
allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code. Python is a
programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more

There are many interpreters available freely to run Python scripts like IDLE
(Integrated Development Environment) which is installed when you install the python
software from Steps to be followed and remembered:
Step 1: Select Version of Python to Install.
Step 2: Download Python Executable Installer.
Step 3: Run Executable Installer.
Step 4: Verify Python Was Installed On Windows.
Step 5: Verify Pip Was Installed.
Step 6: Add Python Path to Environment Varia

Python is a versatile language with a rich ecosystem of software tools that aid in
various tasks such as development, data analysis, machine learning, web
development, and more. Here's a list of some popular software tools used in

1. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):

 PyCharm
 Visual Studio Code
 Spyder
 JupyterLab/Notebook
 Sublime Text
 Atom
2. Text Editors:
 Vim
 Emacs
 Nano
 Notepad++
3. Package Managers:
 pip
 Anaconda (conda)
4. Version Control Systems:
 Git
 Mercurial
 SVN (Subversion)
5. Documentation Tools:
 Sphinx
 MkDocs
6. Virtual Environments:
 virtualenv
 conda
7. Testing Frameworks:
 pytest
 unittest
 nose2
8. Web Development Frameworks:
 Django
 Flask
 Pyramid
 FastAPI
9. Database Management:
 SQLAlchemy
 Django ORM
 psycopg2 (for PostgreSQL)
 pymysql (for MySQL)
10.Data Analysis and Visualization:
 Pandas
 NumPy
 Matplotlib
 Seaborn
 Plotly
 Bokeh
11. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:
 TensorFlow
 PyTorch
 Scikit-learn
 Keras
 OpenCV
12. Text Processing and Natural Language Processing (NLP):
 spaCy
 TextBlob
 Gensim
13.Web Scraping:
 BeautifulSoup
 Scrapy
14.GUI Development:
 Tkinter
 PyQt
 wxPython
15.Deployment and DevOps:
 Docker
 Kubernetes
 Fabric
 Ansible
16. Code Quality and Analysis :
 pylint
 Flake8
 mypy
17. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) :
 Jenkins
 Travis CI
 CircleCI
 GitLab CI/CD
18. Documentation and Collaboration :
 GitHub
 GitLab
 Bitbucket
 Read the Docs
Internship Dairy
Name of the Student: B. Venkata Prakash
Mode of Internship: Online
Domain of the Internship: Python Programming Internship
Company Name: Evedha

S NO Day Date Name of the Day Topics/work completed

1 1 05-02-24 Monday Introduction
2 2 06-02-24 Tuesday History of python
3 3 07-02-24 Wednesday Keywords
4 4 08-02-24 Thursday Environmental Setup
5 5 09-02-24 Friday How to create a file using IDLE
6 6 10-02-24 Saturday Basic Structure
7 7 12-02-24 Monday Data types Introduction
8 8 13-02-24 Tuesday Data types in depth
9 9 14-02-24 Wednesday Variables and constants
10 10 15-02-24 Thursday Number system
11 11 16-02-24 Friday Conversions
12 12 17-02-24 Saturday Integer Data type
13 13 19-02-24 Monday Operators Introduction
14 14 20-02-24 Tuesday Arithmetic & logical operators
15 15 21-02-24 Wednesday Relational and Assignment operators
16 16 22-02-24 Thursday Increment and Decrement operators
17 17 23-02-24 Friday Conditional Operator
18 18 24-02-24 Saturday Introduction to control statements
19 19 26-02-24 Monday If & If – else statement
20 20 27-02-24 Tuesday Example programs
21 21 28-02-24 Wednesday Nested if, else if ladder
22 22 29-02-24 Thursday Example programs
23 23 01-03-24 Friday Switch case
24 24 02-03-24 Saturday Loops Introduction
25 25 04-03-24 Monday For Loop
26 26 05-03-24 Tuesday While Loop
27 27 06-03-24 Wednesday Example programs
28 28 07-03-24 Thursday Do while
29 29 08-03-24 Friday Practice problems

In conclusion, this report has explored [brief summary of the main

findings or topics covered in the report]. Through the use of Python, we
were able to [highlight the benefits or achievements of using Python in
the context of the report].
Overall, Python has proven to be a powerful and versatile tool for
[description of the overall impact or benefit of using Python]. This
report serves as a testament to the effectiveness and efficiency of
Python in [context of the report].

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