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Report on HR Issues and Strategies for Best Ham United

Football Club

On this battlefield of business and sports, where football is becoming more and more
professional, Best Ham United football club has managed to gain a prominent position
in the market, having built its identity among the fans and its considerable money
inflow. The soccer club may be proud of its growing reputation, but it should also realize
that the team is facing a plethora of human resource issues or the fact that it requires
timely intervention. This report talks about the root of this problem, like the
complications that it represents and the integral ways of solving it, for example, the
current HR problem in the organization. Through the identification of the strengths and
weaknesses of the present strategies and the creation of personalized
recommendations, it will be shown how to best suit the needs of the club both today and
in the future when the football industry becomes more dynamic (Gao, H., 2024)

The center of several issues for the HR department of Best Ham United can be pointed
out to be a complex case containing everything from pay and benefits differences to an
overall downfall in employee engagement and motivation. Trying to cut costs by
stopping hiring and limiting salary increases resulted in more tension among the
workers and consequently more people were leaving, and more injurious than formal
grievances were registered. Despite the lack of performance management practices
alongside failed attempts to meet the promotion commitments, there is an additional
reason for the employees’ low morale and low level of involvement. Also, inside the
management is the primary shortage of leading quality staff, coupled with external
pressures, such as trade union disputes and operating inefficiencies, which result from
ensuring some critical functions through undertrained and low-paid staff. (Cavanagh,

Current practices of the organization do not work for two reasons: they do not address
the roots of disharmony within the organization, and they do not improve
efficiency. Inadequate cost-cutting measures whicdeclinesnly of short-term effects and
poor communication within the workforce may lead to a bad image of the club society,
and eventually, the team performance decline. While these situations are demanding,
they can also manifest a huge nation-revitalizing chance.

Developing new compensation structures, reviving the performance management

practices, and setting up a talking channel for true communication are all necessary to
revive employee morale, ensure the maintenance of the performance level of the
organization, and protect the football community from harm together. Further, by
deliberating with trade unions and renegotiating the practice of outsourcing, the
corporation can reduce the acuteness of external pressures and build up productive
capacity. (Maclean, and Ned, 2024)

Overall this report can be as a roadmap for Best Ham United Football Club to solve the
HR issues with greater success. With a holistic approach that focuses on the health of
employees, operational effectiveness, and stakeholder engagement, the team can sail a
boat toward sustainable success and be one of the main forces in the competitive realm
of European football.

HR Issues Identified
1. Compensation and Benefits Disparities: The choice to halt recruitment and
restrict wages to a 5% raise won’t change employees’ minds, especially with an inflation
rate of 10%. This was the case where the cost of consumption went beyond income
thereby leaving employees' finances in a constrained state which results in
discontent. The salary differentials between an employee in the organization and a labor
worker worsen the feeling of unfairness and low morale.
2. Employee Engagement and Morale Decline: Layoffs and cost cutting, as
well as the lack of recognition or incentives, caused employee engagement to go down
as the morale of those individuals. Employees think they are underpaid, and no one
cares about them, so they start to be less productive, more often absent, and shift jobs
more frequently. Lack of motivation of workers also negatively affects the provision of
customer services and is a setback to the performance of the organization (Gao, H.,
3. Workload Imbalance and Work-Life Balance: Workers indicate up to the ceasing
margin and the lack of possibility to have a healthy work-life integration. Through
arranging job opportunities that are restricted and unclear career paths this group
immediately feels they are stuck, and even if they wanted to move forward there is a
very small chance this would even happen. Not having enough career advancement
and work-life balance causes burnout among employees and, as a result, stress, and
dissatisfaction (Cavanagh, 2024)

4. Trade Union Disputes: About 40% of the club's staff members are composed of
a trade association that has rallied for their wages to increase by 10%, to match the
ever-increasing inflation rate. The strike might further angrily influence the organization
that is already facing this situation and increase its negative image; besides, the club
has active community outreach projects (Gao, H., 2024)

5. Outsourced Staff Issues: Outsourcing fundamental tasks to third parties

involves an agency in the issues of qualifications and motivation of the agency staff that
is supervising procedures. These employees are mostly in entry-level positions, their
pay is not commensurate with the skills required to get the job done and have low
engagement progress because they work in multiple locations. The organizers may in
this way hurt the effective performance of the match officials, leading to operational
inefficiencies and crises concerning obtaining a good reputation kind, especially when
the passes interfere.

The concerns of HR lead to the intersection of and snowballing each other, in a toxic
workplace and disturbing performance. What is addressed here is the complex issue of
tackling these problems through the double-sided approach that starts within the
company and ends outside it. (Hidalgo, 2024)

Analysis of Current Strategies

Unfortunately, Best Nation United Football Club's present methods to handle its HR
issues are deficient in several aspects. The problems of the organization are thus
1. Short-Term Cost Reduction Measures: The cutback in recruitment and the
general rules on salaries during the first year, making a 5% increase at the most, shows
the pressure to save money temporarily. Although these initiatives surely create
temporary relief to the clubs' monetary health, they do nothing to tackle the real issues
of what makes employees demoralized to stay and what is the club doing wrong. Rather
than trying to grow its workforce team, the club is only focused on short-term financial
gains. This is done not without cost as the future health and sustainability of the
organization are affected (Hidalgo, M.A., 2024)

2. Lack of Employee-Centric Approach: In existence are the strategies that

look at book planning as the only option, as a result, there is a heightened barrier in
communication between the management and the employees. The organization ignores
employee needs such as fair pay, career development, and work-life balance; it sets up
a workplace where employees are less connected, and the employees experience low
satisfaction levels. This lack of an employee-well-being-focused plan has two immediate
consequences that impact the reputation of the club as an employer of choice, too;
these are a decrease in staff morale and productivity (Maclean, and Ned,2024).

3. Absence of Performance Management Practices: Moreover, employment

stricken with perplexed assessment practices only worsens the issue of employee
motivation and the alignment of inner abilities. Without performance goals, feedback
mechanisms, and special recognition programs in place, the workers will not have any
directives or motivation to do well in their work performance. Missing performance
management as well is also an obstacle to the club inhibiting their ability to find and
provide professional development for the youth which, as a result, turned the stagnation
in organizational growth and progress into the norm (Hidalgo, M.A., 2024)

4. Poor Communication and Broken Promises: Social capital loses its value
because of two main reasons: the absence of transparency on the communication
channels and the promises that aren’t apparent regarding career
advancement. Employees who had a career advancement opportunity and development
prospects after their new jobs have imagined their disillusionment and demotivation
because the advertised promotion is nowhere to be found. This communication gap
further exacerbates employee morale erosion and promotes a regressive trend of
mission obfuscation and collective disenchantment (Gao, H., 2024).

5. Outsourcing Challenges: Naturalizing the pivotal practices to agencies causes

lapses in the capacity and input of the outsourced staff. The low-paid, undertrained
employees imported from outsourced staff not only give a substandard service but also
represent the club at reputational risks when handling high-stakes events like crowd
control in the stadiums on match days. Thus, the club does not have a good platform for
fan satisfaction and stakeholders by putting cost savings in the front seat along with the
quality and engagement of the employees (Hidalgo, M.A., 2024)

Eventually, it can be highlighted the approach of the club, namely Best United Football
Club has proved to be a non-successful way that provided a solution for solving the
challenges recognized as the shortage of human resources existing in the
organization. By reducing workforce benefits and employees rather than putting more
emphasis on improving employee well-being, workers, and engagement, the
organization is simply cutting costs that are harmful to long-term productivity in the
club. To solve these issues, the club must change its way of thinking and start treating
employees as human beings, or, in other words, it must switch to more humanized and
employee-oriented strategies in HR management, paying attention to the creation of the
culture of openness, communication, and constant evolution. (Hidalgo, M.A., 2024)

Potential Suitable Strategies

Solving the human resource challenges of Best Ham United Football Club entails a
comprehensive plan with the well-being of the staff, organizational effectiveness, and
stakeholders considered as major focus issues. Below are potential suitable strategies
to address the identified issues:
1. Revised Compensation and Benefits:

 Review completely the compensation package and benefits and see if they
reflect the market standards. This can include comparing industrial standards
with our own and salary studies, uncovering areas of disadvantage, and targeted
 Think about installing a reward system based on the results and bonuses to
honor the best results and push people forward to be productive.
 In addition, providing flexible work arrangements, like the possibility of remote
work or flexible schedules would be an excellent option. This could effortlessly
improve work-life balance and call for talented people for the jobs. (Verónico,

2. Enhanced Employee Engagement:

 Design systems to improve employee engagement, for example, monthly
feedback, employee recognition programs, and chances to build up their
 Encourage an environment of interactive personality and disclosure, where
workers truly feel encouraged to articulate their issues and make reasonable
suggestions for advancement.
 Spend money on wellness programs and ways to enhance staff physical,
mental, and emotional wellness so that the morale of staff will be improved,
resulting in increased productivity.

3. Performance Management Revival:

 Define performance management processes, such as formulating explicit

performance goals, providing timely feedback, and conducting performance
 Create private personalized worker plans, aimed at identifying areas for
development and skills enhancement, and linking these with the
organizational targets and management objectives.
 Offer avenues for evolving and developing yourself through training
programs, workshops, and mentorship platforms.

4. Effective Communication and Transparency:

 Make the door open for employees so they won't feel embarrassed to come to
the managers or HR representatives if they have anything to ask or any
suggestions or complaints. Encourage free expression of opinion and
truthfulness in the communication process.
 Make Ensure employees are constantly informed about the organization
through regular bulletins, newsletters, or town halls that provide updates and
signal changes. Adjust the mechanisms of data distribution so that they are
fast and clear. (Stokes, 2016)
 Carefully share the obstacles and boundaries of the utility company, for
example, financial restrictions or even hidden internal malfunctions, with its
employees. Transparency in delivering the facts of the given situation makes
the employee more credible in the eyes of the leadership and thus gains trust
and support for management decisions.

5. Address Trade Union Demands:

 Enter productive dialogue with worker’s representatives and trade unions to listen
to their problems and work out advocate joint endeavoring to the benefit of both
parties. Engage with compromises that perceive employees` and employer`s
fears and anxieties.
 Seek to implement equitable and sustainable solutions to address trade union
concerns. Partially reflects upon the club’s ability to finance and maintain its
competitiveness in the long term. Consider worthwhile ideas, for example, raising
the salaries gradually or rewarding the employees with bonuses based on their
performance. (Verónico, 2024)
 Maintain your employees aware of the negotiation progress, and let them take
part in the decision, as much as you can. Through actively pursuing the
development of a continuous dialogue, which combines trust and downtime with
activities, a relationship of mutual respect between management and workers
can be taught.

6. Revamp Outsourcing Practices:

 Make the quality of the service the top priority when choosing partner firms
for outsourcing. Pick the companies that value quality, employee relations,
and service delivery.
 Train and develop outsourcing staff to equip them with more skills and
capabilities such that they can work with the highest competence. This is
particularly important in ensuring that a satisfactory level of service
delivery is maintained, and trust and faith are boosted among outsourced
 Give priority to alternative options that provide optimal insurance against
loss of critical function due to outsourcing, such as in-sourcing or
recruitment. These options should be considered, whenever applicable. It
is possible also that dynamic institutions may do this through internally
building capacities or strategic partnerships as a way of reducing
contractors’ and agencies’ reliance on them. (Cavanagh, 2024)

By putting forward strategies as above, Best Ham United put in place a system to
manage its HR problems properly and thereby improve employee morale and,
eventually, the organization’s performance and competitiveness in the world of football.

Recommended Course of Action

To deal with the current situation and obstacles of the West Ham United Football
Club, it is advisable to carry out an all-embracing renovation of the HR management
system of the organization to deal with the basic problems causing the unrest of
labor and inefficiency of the organization. (Stokes, 2016) This includes revising the
existing compensation and benefits scheme that matches the prevailing market
tuning, reinstating performance evaluation, and know-how contracts, and through
facilitating open and productive dialog between the trade union representatives,
getting common understanding and agreement on resolving specific problems or
issuing common beneficial policies. Besides that, a club should rethink its
outsourcing strategy basing primarily on quality instead of costs, providing additional
training and development for the outsourced manpower as a way of improving the
service delivery in the club, and lastly, exploring the different forms of outsourcing
where possible. By envisioning the employees’ well-being, constructing a culture
based on transparency and communication, and tackling external pressures, the
club can improve the internal atmosphere, organizational performance, and in the
end the brand reputation in terms of the football industry. (Verónico, 2024)

However, the best approach to fixing these essential HR issues is immediate
attention. All this can be achieved by implementing a staffing model that gives
attention to workers’ requirements without compromising on financial aspects
thereby improving personnel satisfaction, the performance of the organization, and
its reputation within the football industry. As for the strategies, they should be
outlining and implementing such as revising the compensation packages, restarting
performance management practices, and using constructive dialogue with the trade
unions, these are the key points that will make addressing this issue effectively
possible. Moreover, reshaping the outsourcing policy in place and moving up the
ladder to prioritize quality shall also enhance service delivery and endow the
organization with the flexibility and resilience to adapt to changing
circumstances. Also, we can overcome these challenges by adopting a
comprehensive approach that starts with employees’ wellness and does everything
to promote employee happiness. It will allow Best Ham United to sail through the
crises of changing the football world and to become a much stronger and more
resilient club stayed the competition.
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