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1/18/24, 8:37 PM Reality to Fantasy

Day 3: Tilting and turning

heads made easy
Today, I'm giving you exclusive access to some of the PDFs and assignments from my best-selling portrait
course, Reality to Fantasy.

They will only be available until Sunday at 9 PM CEST.

So make sure to study them now:

👇Study today's lessons👇 1/7
1/18/24, 8:37 PM Reality to Fantasy

Resource 1: how to study tilting and turning heads.

You now have a good grasp of facial proportions in basic positions. But I'm sure you don't want to spend your life drawing only perfect front and
side portraits!

Drawing heads that are turning or tilting is actually the most exciting part. These asymmetrical poses are more organic and natural, making them
more interesting to capture.

In the PDF of this lesson, I show you how the face and its proportions change when the head is tilting or turning.

Pay special attention to the position of the ears and the middle line of the face, as they are very indicative of the positioning of the features!

Now it's time to study the cheat sheet carefully:

1️⃣ study and compare each one of the positions ;

2️⃣ reproduce them on a paper (make sure to draw bigger heads as smaller portraits are not suitable for learning) ;
3️⃣ move on to your drawing assignment (resource 2)
4️⃣ take it further and try tilting and turning the head in as many positions as you can find! Using a 3D head model could be helpful to generate
funny positions.

You'll find it challenging, but you're going to learn a lot from it 💪 2/7
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1/18/24, 8:37 PM Reality to Fantasy

best assignment for tilting and turning heads.


o this assignment as many times as you need! Over time, increase the difficulty by choosing more challenging poses.

to study my correction to compare it with your drawing and see if there are any adjustments to make.
tudy the corrections, pay attention to the construction lines and their angles.

of advice: KEEP IT SIMPLE! Try not to add any facial feature or go into the detail or the face. Remember? simplification is the most powerful tool you c 4/7
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