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Sashiko Embroidery

● Arias Sánchez Mauricio

● Chiapas Cervantes Marco Isaí
● Hurtado Buenavista Eric Gael
● Marcial Pinal Isaí
● Marín Gómez Mariel

a) What Sashiko
embroidery is

Sashiko.- “little stabs”

We can do this
embroidery to:

- Reinforce clothes
- Re-use fabrics
- Decoration
- Therapy
- Hobby
b) History
Sashiko, originating from Japanese
terms "sashi" meaning "stitch" and "ko"
meaning "little," translates to "little
stitches." Traditionally crafted with white
thread on indigo fabric, sashiko serves
both practical and decorative purposes.
Its patterns, ranging from simple to
intricate designs inspired by nature,
carry symbolic meanings such as
longevity and protection. Valued for its
blend of functionality and aesthetics,
sashiko has endured over time,
adapting to modern contexts while
preserving its significance in Japanese
Traditional materials used in sashiko:
1. Fabric: Mainly cotton in indigo tones for its
durability and aesthetic appearance.
2. Thread: Generally, white cotton thread,
thicker than standard thread to create visible
and durable stitches.
3. Needles: Special for sashiko, longer and
thicker with a large eye to easily pass the
thread through the fabric.
4. Fabric markers: Used to mark patterns
before sewing, such as fabric pencils or chalk.
5. Patterns: Ranging from simple to intricate,
inspired by nature and Japanese daily life,
with geometric, floral, and abstract motifs."

The Therapeutic Aspects of Embroidery in Art
Therapy from the Perspective of Adolescent
Girls in a Post-Hospitalization Boarding School

(a) control versus release/freedom

(b) calmness that comes from the repetitive

c) Therapeutic action and focus

value (c) the experience of being exceptional

versus conventional

(d) the “stitch through time” experience,

which involves a dialogue with the past,
present, and future through embroidery

(e) the overt-latent layers of consciousness.

Research Conclusions

“This study demonstrates how embroidery

can facilitate a dialogue regarding the self,
groups, and cultural identities as part of the
recovery process of adolescent girls who
have experienced a mental crisis. The
descriptions of the participants’ experiences
offer valuable insights into the therapeutic
potential of embroidery and can inform the
practice of creative art therapists working
with this population.”
The importance of Sashiko
embroidery is the social and cultural
relevance until these days. This is
one of the examples of Japanese
heritage, that even if times are
changing, the original meaning still
the same generation by generation.
“The purpose of
stitching caring
somebody, is called
Personal Opinion

Sashiko embroidery is not just a skill; it's a

journey into Japanese tradition and
artistry. Its origins as a practical method
for clothing repair have evolved into a
beloved form of decorative needlework.
The therapeutic nature of Sashiko,
combined with its aesthetic charm, makes
it a rewarding and enriching hobby.
Personal Opinion

As someone passionate about preserving

and exploring traditional crafts, I find
Sashiko to be a deeply satisfying pursuit.
Its simplicity and beauty offer a sense of
connection to both the past and the
present, making every stitch a testament
to the lasting legacy of Japanese culture.
Adapted from:
- atsushijp. (2017). How to Start Sashiko | A tutorial from Sashiko Artisans. Upcycle Stitches.
- atsushijp. (2021). Sashiko Story to share what Sashiko is for us. Upcycle Stitches.
- Howie S. (2018) Sashiko — An Appreciation. Indigo Niche.
- Littlechild B. (2023). Therapeutic Aspects of Embroidery in Art Therapy from the Perspective of
Adolescent Girls in a Post-Hospitalization Boarding School. PubMed Central.
- Muzquiz A. (2018). The History of Sashiko – Repair, Decoration, and Martial Arts. Heddels.

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