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The manger suggest that to restore the time to weather and local news that means its going to be

higher or lower time allocation than what it currently is their viewer rating as well as cash in flow
from advertisment would increase of stop dropping.

Increasing or further reducing the time for weather and local news might attract a couple of viewers
but not a lot. There are so many ways stations attract vewers such as through airing news bloopers,
being free and not tied up going down this path can help attract more viwers because, humans being
motonous is not what we prefer we like dynanism and thats why it transfers into what we watch.
Altering the time does not add any effect if the actions are going to be the same

Further more local buisnesses cancelling contracts probably has a little to do with time but i dont
think it will make much of a difference. Buisnesses are groomed to make money and if they find
better offers in other broadcasting companies for advertisment they woukd take it. More airtime
could be a factor but there could be other underlying factors that would attract the buisness it could
be company interviews, hosting shows in the company again funny news hosts by menmbers of the
local buisness themselves.

The buisness manager was focusing on one aspect of the problem which was time while there were
other diverse problems that time wouldnt solve. Offering more attention on the other hand coulld
be a game changer.

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