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study("*All Candlestick Patterns*", shorttitle = "All Patterns", overlay=true)

C_DownTrend = true

C_UpTrend = true

var trendRule1 = "SMA50"

var trendRule2 = "SMA50, SMA200"

var trendRule = input(trendRule1, "Detect Trend Based On", options=[trendRule1, trendRule2, "No

if trendRule == trendRule1

priceAvg = sma(close, 50)

C_DownTrend := close < priceAvg

C_UpTrend := close > priceAvg

if trendRule == trendRule2

sma200 = sma(close, 200)

sma50 = sma(close, 50)

C_DownTrend := close < sma50 and sma50 < sma200

C_UpTrend := close > sma50 and sma50 > sma200

C_Len = 14 // ema depth for bodyAvg

C_ShadowPercent = 5.0 // size of shadows

C_ShadowEqualsPercent = 100.0

C_DojiBodyPercent = 5.0

C_Factor = 2.0 // shows the number of times the shadow dominates the candlestick body

// length and height

C_BodyHi = max(close, open) // 实体上部

C_BodyLo = min(close, open) // 实体下部

C_Body = C_BodyHi - C_BodyLo // 实体长度

C_BodyMiddle = C_Body / 2 + C_BodyLo // 实体中部

C_BodyAvg = ema(C_Body, C_Len) // 平均实体长度

C_UpShadow = high - C_BodyHi // 上影线长度

C_DnShadow = C_BodyLo - low // 下影线长度

C_Range = high-low // 最大波动

// bool

C_SmallBody = C_Body < C_BodyAvg // 实体长

C_LongBody = C_Body > C_BodyAvg // 实体短

C_HasUpShadow = C_UpShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body // 有上影线

C_HasDnShadow = C_DnShadow > C_ShadowPercent / 100 * C_Body // 有下影线

C_WhiteBody = open < close // 是阳线

C_BlackBody = open > close // 是阴线

C_IsInsideBar = C_BodyHi[1] > C_BodyHi and C_BodyLo[1] < C_BodyLo

C_ShadowEquals = C_UpShadow == C_DnShadow or (abs(C_UpShadow - C_DnShadow) / C_DnShadow *

100) < C_ShadowEqualsPercent and (abs(C_DnShadow - C_UpShadow) / C_UpShadow * 100) <

C_IsDojiBody = C_Range > 0 and C_Body <= C_Range * C_DojiBodyPercent / 100

C_Doji = C_IsDojiBody and C_ShadowEquals

patternLabelPosLow = low - (atr(30) * 0.6)

patternLabelPosHigh = high + (atr(30) * 0.6)

CandleType = input(title = "Pattern Type", defval="All", options=["Bullish", "Bearish", "Neutral", "All",

"Except Neutral"])

language = input(title = "Language", defval="English + 中文", options=["English", "中文", "English + 中

bullishColor = input(title="Bullish Color", type=input.color,

bearishColor = input(title="Bearish Color", type=input.color,

neutralColor = input(title="Neutral Color", type=input.color, defval=color.gray)

textColor = input(title="Text Color", type=input.color, defval=color.white)

getLabel(name) =>

(name == 'none') ? label.style_none : (name == 'xcross') ? label.style_xcross : (name == 'cross') ?

label.style_cross : (name == 'triangle up') ? label.style_triangleup : (name == 'triangle down') ?
label.style_triangledown : (name == 'flag') ? label.style_flag : (name == 'circle') ? label.style_circle :
(name == 'arrow up') ? label.style_arrowup : (name == 'arrow down') ? label.style_arrowdown : (name
== 'label up') ? label.style_label_up : (name == 'label down') ? label.style_label_down : (name ==
'square') ? label.style_square : label.style_diamond

bullishLabel = getLabel(input(title="Bullish Label", options=['none', 'xcross', 'cross', 'triangle up', 'triangle

down', 'flag', 'circle', 'arrow up', 'arrow down', 'label up', 'label down', 'square', 'diamond'], defval='label

bearishLabel = getLabel(input(title="Bearish Label", options=['none', 'xcross', 'cross', 'triangle up',

'triangle down', 'flag', 'circle', 'arrow up', 'arrow down', 'label up', 'label down', 'square', 'diamond'],
defval='label down'))

neutralLabel = getLabel(input(title="Neutral Label", options=['none', 'xcross', 'cross', 'triangle up',

'triangle down', 'flag', 'circle', 'arrow up', 'arrow down', 'label up', 'label down', 'square', 'diamond'],
defval='label up'))

// ------------------------- bullish ------------------------- //

MarubozuWhiteInput = input(title = "Marubozu White 光头光脚阳线", defval=true)

HammerInput = input(title = "Hammer 锤子", defval=true)

InvertedHammerInput = input(title = "Inverted Hammer 倒锤子", defval=true)

LongLowerShadowInput = input(title = "Long Lower Shadow 长下影线", defval=true)

UpsideTasukiGapInput = input(title = "Upside Tasuki Gap 旭日东升", defval=true)

RisingWindowInput = input(title = "Rising Window 跳空上涨", defval=true)

PiercingInput = input(title = "Piercing 曙光初现", defval=true)

BullishEngulfingInput = input(title = "Engulfing 上涨吞没", defval=true)

TweezerBottomInput = input(title = "Tweezer Bottom 平底", defval=true)

BullishAbandonedBabyInput = input(title = "Abandoned Baby 看涨弃婴", defval=true)

MorningStarInput = input(title = "Morning Star 早晨之星", defval=true)

MorningDojiStarInput = input(title = "Morning Doji Star 晨星十字", defval=true)

DragonflyDojiInput = input(title = "Dragonfly Doji 蜻蜓十字", defval=true)

ThreeWhiteSoldiersInput = input(title = "Three White Soldiers 红三兵", defval=true)

RisingThreeMethodsInput = input(title = "Rising Three Methods 上升三法", defval=true)

TriStarInput = input(title = "Tri-Star 底部三星", defval=true)

// ------------------------- bearish ------------------------- //

MarubozuBlackInput = input(title = "Marubozu Black 光头光脚阴线", defval=true)

GravestoneDojiInput = input(title = "Gravestone Doji 墓碑十字", defval=true)

HangingManInput = input(title = "Hanging Man 上吊线", defval=true)

LongUpperShadowInput = input(title = "Long Upper Shadow 长上影线", defval=true)

DownsideTasukiGapInput = input(title = "Downside Tasuki Gap 倾盆大雨", defval=true)

FallingWindowInput = input(title = "Falling Window 跳空下跌", defval=true)

DarkCloudCoverInput = input(title = "Dark Cloud Cover 乌云压顶", defval=true)

BearishEngulfingInput = input(title = "Engulfing 下跌吞没", defval=true)

TweezerTopInput = input(title = "Tweezer Top 平顶", defval=true)

AbandonedBabyInput = input(title = "Abandoned Baby 弃婴", defval=true)

EveningDojiStarInput = input(title = "Evening Doji Star 黄昏十字星", defval=true)

EveningStarInput = input(title = "Evening Star 黄昏之星", defval=true)

ThreeBlackCrowsInput = input(title = "Three Black Crows 三只乌鸦", defval=true)

FallingThreeMethodsInput = input(title = "Falling Three Methods 下降三法", defval=true)

ShootingStarInput = input(title = "Shooting Star 流星", defval=true)

BearishTriStarInput = input(title = "Tri-Star 顶部三星", defval=true)

// ------------------------- neutral ------------------------- //

DojiInput = input(title = "Doji 十字线", defval=true)

DojiStarInput = input(title = "Doji Star 十字星", defval=true)

SpinningTopBlackInput = input(title = "Spinning Top Black 纺锤阴线", defval=true)

SpinningTopWhiteInput = input(title = "Spinning Top White 纺锤阳线", defval=true)

HaramiCrossInput = input(title = "Harami Cross 十字胎", defval=true)

HaramiInput = input(title = "Harami 身怀六甲", defval=true)

KickingInput = input(title = "Kicking 不知道咋翻译", defval=true)

OnNeckInput = input(title = "On Neck 不知道咋翻译", defval=true)

var showBearishSignal = (CandleType =="Bearish" or CandleType == "All" or CandleType == "Except


var showBullishSignal = (CandleType =="Bullish" or CandleType == "All" or CandleType == "Except


var showNeutralSignal = (CandleType =="Neutral" or CandleType == "All")

getBullishLabel(text, tooltip) =>, patternLabelPosLow, text = text, style = bullishLabel, color = bullishColor,

textcolor = textColor, tooltip = tooltip)

getBearishLabel(text, tooltip) =>, patternLabelPosHigh, text = text, style = bearishLabel, color = bearishColor,

textcolor = textColor, tooltip = tooltip)

getNeutralLabel(text, tooltip) =>, patternLabelPosLow, text = text, style = neutralLabel, color = neutralColor,
textcolor = textColor, tooltip = tooltip)

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN) =>

tooltipMsg = language == "English" ? msg_EN : language == "中文" ? msg_CN : msg_EN + '\n\n' +


labelText = language == "English" ? label_EN : language == "中文" ? label_CN : label_EN + '\n' +


getBullishLabel(labelText, tooltipMsg)

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN) =>

tooltipMsg = language == "English" ? msg_EN : language == "中文" ? msg_CN : msg_EN + '\n\n' +


labelText = language == "English" ? label_EN : language == "中文" ? label_CN : label_EN + '\n' +


getBearishLabel(labelText, tooltipMsg)

_getNeutralLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN) =>

tooltipMsg = language == "English" ? msg_EN : language == "中文" ? msg_CN : msg_EN + '\n\n' +


labelText = language == "English" ? label_EN : language == "中文" ? label_CN : label_EN + '\n' +


getNeutralLabel(labelText, tooltipMsg)

C_OnNeckBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_OnNeckBearish = false

if C_DownTrend and C_BlackBody[1] and C_LongBody[1] and C_WhiteBody and open < close[1] and
C_SmallBody and C_Range!=0 and abs(close-low[1])<=C_BodyAvg*0.05

C_OnNeckBearish := true

alertcondition(C_OnNeckBearish, title = "On Neck", message = "New On Neck - Bearish pattern


if C_OnNeckBearish and OnNeckInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "On Neck\nOn Neck is a two-line continuation pattern found in a downtrend. The first
candle is long and red, the second candle is short and has a green body. The closing price of the second
candle is close or equal to the first candle's low price. The pattern hints at a continuation of a
downtrend, and penetrating the low of the green candlestick is sometimes considered a confirmation. "

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "ON"

var label_CN = "不知道咋翻译"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_RisingWindowBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_RisingWindowBullish = false

if C_UpTrend[1] and (C_Range!=0 and C_Range[1]!=0) and low > high[1]

C_RisingWindowBullish := true

alertcondition(C_RisingWindowBullish, title = "Rising Window", message = "New Rising Window - Bullish

pattern detected.")

if C_RisingWindowBullish and RisingWindowInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Rising Window\nRising Window is a two-candle bullish continuation pattern that forms
during an uptrend. Both candles in the pattern can be of any type with the exception of the Four-Price
Doji. The most important characteristic of the pattern is a price gap between the first candle's high and
the second candle's low. That gap (window) between two bars signifies support against the selling

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "RW"

var label_CN = "跳空上涨"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_FallingWindowBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_FallingWindowBearish = false

if C_DownTrend[1] and (C_Range!=0 and C_Range[1]!=0) and high < low[1]

C_FallingWindowBearish := true

alertcondition(C_FallingWindowBearish, title = "Falling Window", message = "New Falling Window -

Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_FallingWindowBearish and FallingWindowInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Falling Window\nFalling Window is a two-candle bearish continuation pattern that
forms during a downtrend. Both candles in the pattern can be of any type, with the exception of the
Four-Price Doji. The most important characteristic of the pattern is a price gap between the first candle's
low and the second candle's high. The existence of this gap (window) means that the bearish trend is
expected to continue."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "FW"

var label_CN = "跳空下跌"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_FallingThreeMethodsBearishNumberOfCandles = 5

C_FallingThreeMethodsBearish = false

if C_DownTrend[4] and (C_LongBody[4] and C_BlackBody[4]) and (C_SmallBody[3] and C_WhiteBody[3]

and open[3]>low[4] and close[3]<high[4]) and (C_SmallBody[2] and C_WhiteBody[2] and open[2]>low[4]
and close[2]<high[4]) and (C_SmallBody[1] and C_WhiteBody[1] and open[1]>low[4] and
close[1]<high[4]) and (C_LongBody and C_BlackBody and close<close[4])

C_FallingThreeMethodsBearish := true

alertcondition(C_FallingThreeMethodsBearish, title = "Falling Three Methods", message = "New Falling

Three Methods - Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_FallingThreeMethodsBearish and FallingThreeMethodsInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Falling Three Methods\nFalling Three Methods is a five-candle bearish pattern that
signifies a continuation of an existing downtrend. The first candle is long and red, followed by three short
green candles with bodies inside the range of the first candle. The last candle is also red and long and it
closes below the close of the first candle. This decisive fifth strongly bearish candle hints that bulls could
not reverse the prior downtrend and that bears have regained control of the market."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "FTM"

var label_CN = "下降三法"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_RisingThreeMethodsBullishNumberOfCandles = 5

C_RisingThreeMethodsBullish = false

if C_UpTrend[4] and (C_LongBody[4] and C_WhiteBody[4]) and (C_SmallBody[3] and C_BlackBody[3] and
open[3]<high[4] and close[3]>low[4]) and (C_SmallBody[2] and C_BlackBody[2] and open[2]<high[4] and
close[2]>low[4]) and (C_SmallBody[1] and C_BlackBody[1] and open[1]<high[4] and close[1]>low[4]) and
(C_LongBody and C_WhiteBody and close>close[4])

C_RisingThreeMethodsBullish := true

alertcondition(C_RisingThreeMethodsBullish, title = "Rising Three Methods", message = "New Rising

Three Methods - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_RisingThreeMethodsBullish and RisingThreeMethodsInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Rising Three Methods\nRising Three Methods is a five-candle bullish pattern that
signifies a continuation of an existing uptrend. The first candle is long and green, followed by three short
red candles with bodies inside the range of the first candle. The last candle is also green and long and it
closes above the close of the first candle. This decisive fifth strongly bullish candle hints that bears could
not reverse the prior uptrend and that bulls have regained control of the market."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "RTM"

var label_CN = "上升三法"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_TweezerTopBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_TweezerTopBearish = false

if C_UpTrend[1] and (not C_IsDojiBody or (C_HasUpShadow and C_HasDnShadow)) and abs(high-

high[1]) <= C_BodyAvg*0.05 and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_BlackBody and C_LongBody[1]

C_TweezerTopBearish := true

alertcondition(C_TweezerTopBearish, title = "Tweezer Top", message = "New Tweezer Top - Bearish

pattern detected.")

if C_TweezerTopBearish and TweezerTopInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Tweezer Top\nTweezer Top is a two-candle pattern that signifies a potential bearish
reversal. The pattern is found during an uptrend. The first candle is long and green, the second candle is
red, and its high is nearly identical to the high of the previous candle. The virtually identical highs,
together with the inverted directions, hint that bears might be taking over the market."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "TT"

var label_CN = "平顶"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_TweezerBottomBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_TweezerBottomBullish = false

if C_UpTrend[1] and (not C_IsDojiBody or (C_HasUpShadow and C_HasDnShadow)) and abs(low-low[1])

<= C_BodyAvg*0.05 and C_BlackBody[1] and C_WhiteBody and C_LongBody[1]

C_TweezerBottomBullish := true

alertcondition(C_TweezerBottomBullish, title = "Tweezer Bottom", message = "New Tweezer Bottom -

Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_TweezerBottomBullish and TweezerBottomInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Tweezer Bottom\nTweezer Bottom is a two-candle pattern that signifies a potential
bullish reversal. The pattern is found during a downtrend. The first candle is long and red, the second
candle is green, its lows nearly identical to the low of the previous candle. The virtually identical lows
together with the inverted directions hint that bulls might be taking over the market."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "TB"

var label_CN = "平底"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_DarkCloudCoverBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_DarkCloudCoverBearish = false

if (C_UpTrend[1] and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_LongBody[1]) and (C_BlackBody and open >= high[1] and
close < C_BodyMiddle[1] and close > open[1])

C_DarkCloudCoverBearish := true

alertcondition(C_DarkCloudCoverBearish, title = "Dark Cloud Cover", message = "New Dark Cloud Cover -
Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_DarkCloudCoverBearish and DarkCloudCoverInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Dark Cloud Cover\nDark Cloud Cover is a two-candle bearish reversal candlestick
pattern found in an uptrend. The first candle is green and has a larger than average body. The second
candle is red and opens above the high of the prior candle, creating a gap, and then closes below the
midpoint of the first candle. The pattern shows a possible shift in the momentum from the upside to the
downside, indicating that a reversal might happen soon."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "DCC"

var label_CN = "乌云压顶"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_DownsideTasukiGapBearishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_DownsideTasukiGapBearish = false

if C_LongBody[2] and C_SmallBody[1] and C_DownTrend and C_BlackBody[2] and C_BodyHi[1] <
C_BodyLo[2] and C_BlackBody[1] and C_WhiteBody and C_BodyHi <= C_BodyLo[2] and C_BodyHi >=

C_DownsideTasukiGapBearish := true

alertcondition(C_DownsideTasukiGapBearish, title = "Downside Tasuki Gap", message = "New Downside

Tasuki Gap - Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_DownsideTasukiGapBearish and DownsideTasukiGapInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Downside Tasuki Gap\nDownside Tasuki Gap is a three-candle pattern found in a
downtrend that usually hints at the continuation of the downtrend. The first candle is long and red,
followed by a smaller red candle with its opening price that gaps below the body of the previous candle.
The third candle is green and it closes inside the gap created by the first two candles, unable to close it
fully. The bull’s inability to close that gap hints that the downtrend might continue."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "DTG"

var label_CN = "倾盆大雨"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_UpsideTasukiGapBullishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_UpsideTasukiGapBullish = false

if C_LongBody[2] and C_SmallBody[1] and C_UpTrend and C_WhiteBody[2] and C_BodyLo[1] >
C_BodyHi[2] and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_BlackBody and C_BodyLo >= C_BodyHi[2] and C_BodyLo <=

C_UpsideTasukiGapBullish := true

alertcondition(C_UpsideTasukiGapBullish, title = "Upside Tasuki Gap", message = "New Upside Tasuki

Gap - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_UpsideTasukiGapBullish and UpsideTasukiGapInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Upside Tasuki Gap\nUpside Tasuki Gap is a three-candle pattern found in an uptrend
that usually hints at the continuation of the uptrend. The first candle is long and green, followed by a
smaller green candle with its opening price that gaps above the body of the previous candle. The third
candle is red and it closes inside the gap created by the first two candles, unable to close it fully. The
bear’s inability to close the gap hints that the uptrend might continue."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "UTG"

var label_CN = "旭日东升"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_EveningDojiStarBearishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_EveningDojiStarBearish = false

if C_LongBody[2] and C_IsDojiBody[1] and C_LongBody and C_UpTrend and C_WhiteBody[2] and
C_BodyLo[1] > C_BodyHi[2] and C_BlackBody and C_BodyLo <= C_BodyMiddle[2] and C_BodyLo >
C_BodyLo[2] and C_BodyLo[1] > C_BodyHi

C_EveningDojiStarBearish := true

alertcondition(C_EveningDojiStarBearish, title = "Evening Doji Star", message = "New Evening Doji Star -
Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_EveningDojiStarBearish and EveningDojiStarInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Evening Doji Star\nThis candlestick pattern is a variation of the Evening Star pattern. It
is bearish and continues an uptrend with a long-bodied, green candle day. It is then followed by a gap
and a Doji candle and concludes with a downward close. The close would be below the first day’s
midpoint. It is more bearish than the regular evening star pattern because of the existence of the Doji."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "EDS"

var label_CN = "黄昏十字星"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_DojiStarBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_DojiStarBearish = false

if C_UpTrend and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_LongBody[1] and C_IsDojiBody and C_BodyLo > C_BodyHi[1]

C_DojiStarBearish := true

alertcondition(C_DojiStarBearish, title = "Doji Star", message = "New Doji Star - Bearish pattern

if C_DojiStarBearish and DojiStarInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Doji Star\nThis is a bearish reversal candlestick pattern that is found in an uptrend and
consists of two candles. First comes a long green candle, followed by a Doji candle (except 4-Price Doji)
that opens above the body of the first one, creating a gap. It is considered a reversal signal with
confirmation during the next trading day."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "DS"

var label_CN = "十字星"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_DojiStarBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_DojiStarBullish = false

if C_DownTrend and C_BlackBody[1] and C_LongBody[1] and C_IsDojiBody and C_BodyHi < C_BodyLo[1]

C_DojiStarBullish := true

alertcondition(C_DojiStarBullish, title = "Doji Star", message = "New Doji Star - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_DojiStarBullish and DojiStarInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Doji Star\nThis is a bullish reversal candlestick pattern that is found in a downtrend and
consists of two candles. First comes a long red candle, followed by a Doji candle (except 4-Price Doji) that
opens below the body of the first one, creating a gap. It is considered a reversal signal with confirmation
during the next trading day."
var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "DS"

var label_CN = "十字星"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_MorningDojiStarBullishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_MorningDojiStarBullish = false

if C_LongBody[2] and C_IsDojiBody[1] and C_LongBody and C_DownTrend and C_BlackBody[2] and
C_BodyHi[1] < C_BodyLo[2] and C_WhiteBody and C_BodyHi >= C_BodyMiddle[2] and C_BodyHi <
C_BodyHi[2] and C_BodyHi[1] < C_BodyLo

C_MorningDojiStarBullish := true

alertcondition(C_MorningDojiStarBullish, title = "Morning Doji Star", message = "New Morning Doji Star -
Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_MorningDojiStarBullish and MorningDojiStarInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Morning Doji Star\nThis candlestick pattern is a variation of the Morning Star pattern. A
three-day bullish reversal pattern, which consists of three candlesticks will look something like this: The
first being a long-bodied red candle that extends the current downtrend. Next comes a Doji that gaps
down on the open. After that comes a long-bodied green candle, which gaps up on the open and closes
above the midpoint of the body of the first day. It is more bullish than the regular morning star pattern
because of the existence of the Doji."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "MDS"

var label_CN = "晨星十字"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_PiercingBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_PiercingBullish = false

if (C_DownTrend[1] and C_BlackBody[1] and C_LongBody[1]) and (C_WhiteBody and open <= low[1] and
close > C_BodyMiddle[1] and close < open[1])

C_PiercingBullish := true

alertcondition(C_PiercingBullish, title = "Piercing", message = "New Piercing - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_PiercingBullish and PiercingInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Piercing\nPiercing is a two-candle bullish reversal candlestick pattern found in a

downtrend. The first candle is red and has a larger than average body. The second candle is green and
opens below the low of the prior candle, creating a gap, and then closes above the midpoint of the first
candle. The pattern shows a possible shift in the momentum from the downside to the upside, indicating
that a reversal might happen soon."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "P"

var label_CN = "曙光初现"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_HammerBullishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_HammerBullish = false

if C_SmallBody and C_Body > 0 and C_BodyLo > hl2 and C_DnShadow >= C_Factor * C_Body and not

if C_DownTrend

C_HammerBullish := true

alertcondition(C_HammerBullish, title = "Hammer", message = "New Hammer - Bullish pattern


if C_HammerBullish and HammerInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Hammer\nHammer candlesticks form when a security moves lower after the open, but
continues to rally into close above the intraday low. The candlestick that you are left with will look like a
square attached to a long stick-like figure. This candlestick is called a Hammer if it happens to form
during a decline."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "H"

var label_CN = "锤子"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_HangingManBearishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_HangingManBearish = false

if C_SmallBody and C_Body > 0 and C_BodyLo > hl2 and C_DnShadow >= C_Factor * C_Body and not

if C_UpTrend

C_HangingManBearish := true

alertcondition(C_HangingManBearish, title = "Hanging Man", message = "New Hanging Man - Bearish

pattern detected.")

if C_HangingManBearish and HangingManInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Hanging Man\nWhen a specified security notably moves lower after the open, but
continues to rally to close above the intraday low, a Hanging Man candlestick will form. The candlestick
will resemble a square, attached to a long stick-like figure. It is referred to as a Hanging Man if the
candlestick forms during an advance."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "HM"

var label_CN = "上吊线"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_ShootingStarBearishNumberOfCandles = 1
C_ShootingStarBearish = false

if C_SmallBody and C_Body > 0 and C_BodyHi < hl2 and C_UpShadow >= C_Factor * C_Body and not

if C_UpTrend

C_ShootingStarBearish := true

alertcondition(C_ShootingStarBearish, title = "Shooting Star", message = "New Shooting Star - Bearish

pattern detected.")

if C_ShootingStarBearish and ShootingStarInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Shooting Star\nThis single day pattern can appear during an uptrend and opens high,
while it closes near its open. It trades much higher as well. It is bearish in nature, but looks like an
Inverted Hammer."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "SS"

var label_CN = "流星"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_InvertedHammerBullishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_InvertedHammerBullish = false

if C_SmallBody and C_Body > 0 and C_BodyHi < hl2 and C_UpShadow >= C_Factor * C_Body and not

if C_DownTrend

C_InvertedHammerBullish := true

alertcondition(C_InvertedHammerBullish, title = "Inverted Hammer", message = "New Inverted Hammer

- Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_InvertedHammerBullish and InvertedHammerInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Inverted Hammer\nIf in a downtrend, then the open is lower. When it eventually trades
higher, but closes near its open, it will look like an inverted version of the Hammer Candlestick. This is a
one-day bullish reversal pattern."
var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "IH"

var label_CN = "倒锤子"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_MorningStarBullishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_MorningStarBullish = false

if C_LongBody[2] and C_SmallBody[1] and C_LongBody

if C_DownTrend and C_BlackBody[2] and C_BodyHi[1] < C_BodyLo[2] and C_WhiteBody and C_BodyHi
>= C_BodyMiddle[2] and C_BodyHi < C_BodyHi[2] and C_BodyHi[1] < C_BodyLo

C_MorningStarBullish := true

alertcondition(C_MorningStarBullish, title = "Morning Star", message = "New Morning Star - Bullish

pattern detected.")

if C_MorningStarBullish and MorningStarInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Morning Star\nA three-day bullish reversal pattern, which consists of three candlesticks
will look something like this: The first being a long-bodied red candle that extends the current
downtrend. Next comes a short, middle candle that gaps down on the open. After comes a long-bodied
green candle, which gaps up on the open and closes above the midpoint of the body of the first day."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "MS"

var label_CN = "早晨之星"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_EveningStarBearishNumberOfCandles = 3
C_EveningStarBearish = false

if C_LongBody[2] and C_SmallBody[1] and C_LongBody

if C_UpTrend and C_WhiteBody[2] and C_BodyLo[1] > C_BodyHi[2] and C_BlackBody and C_BodyLo <=
C_BodyMiddle[2] and C_BodyLo > C_BodyLo[2] and C_BodyLo[1] > C_BodyHi

C_EveningStarBearish := true

alertcondition(C_EveningStarBearish, title = "Evening Star", message = "New Evening Star - Bearish

pattern detected.")

if C_EveningStarBearish and EveningStarInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Evening Star\nThis candlestick pattern is bearish and continues an uptrend with a long-
bodied, green candle day. It is then followed by a gapped and small-bodied candle day, and concludes
with a downward close. The close would be below the first day’s midpoint."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "ES"

var label_CN = "黄昏之星"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_MarubozuWhiteBullishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_MarubozuShadowPercentWhite = 5.0

C_MarubozuWhiteBullish = C_WhiteBody and C_LongBody and C_UpShadow <=

C_MarubozuShadowPercentWhite/100*C_Body and C_DnShadow <=
C_MarubozuShadowPercentWhite/100*C_Body and C_WhiteBody

alertcondition(C_MarubozuWhiteBullish, title = "Marubozu White 光头光脚阳线", message = "New

Marubozu White - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_MarubozuWhiteBullish and MarubozuWhiteInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Marubozu White\nA Marubozu White Candle is a candlestick that does not have a
shadow that extends from its candle body at either the open or the close. Marubozu is Japanese for
“close-cropped” or “close-cut.” Other sources may call it a Bald or Shaven Head Candle."

var msg_CN = "光头光脚阳线\n 光头光脚阳线就是一根大阳线,干就完了!"

var label_EN = "MW"

var label_CN = "光头光脚阳线"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_MarubozuBlackBearishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_MarubozuShadowPercentBearish = 5.0

C_MarubozuBlackBearish = C_BlackBody and C_LongBody and C_UpShadow <=

C_MarubozuShadowPercentBearish/100*C_Body and C_DnShadow <=
C_MarubozuShadowPercentBearish/100*C_Body and C_BlackBody

alertcondition(C_MarubozuBlackBearish, title = "Marubozu Black", message = "New Marubozu Black -

Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_MarubozuBlackBearish and MarubozuBlackInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Marubozu Black\nThis is a candlestick that has no shadow, which extends from the red-
bodied candle at the open, the close, or even at both. In Japanese, the name means “close-cropped” or
“close-cut.” The candlestick can also be referred to as Bald or Shaven Head."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "MB"

var label_CN = "光头光脚阴线"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_DojiNumberOfCandles = 1

C_DragonflyDoji = C_IsDojiBody and C_UpShadow <= C_Body

C_GravestoneDojiOne = C_IsDojiBody and C_DnShadow <= C_Body

alertcondition(C_Doji and not C_DragonflyDoji and not C_GravestoneDojiOne, title = "Doji", message =
"New Doji pattern detected.")

if C_Doji and not C_DragonflyDoji and not C_GravestoneDojiOne and DojiInput and showNeutralSignal
var msg_EN = "Doji\nWhen the open and close of a security are essentially equal to each other, a doji
candle forms. The length of both upper and lower shadows may vary, causing the candlestick you are left
with to either resemble a cross, an inverted cross, or a plus sign. Doji candles show the playout of buyer-
seller indecision in a tug-of-war of sorts. As price moves either above or below the opening level during
the session, the close is either at or near the opening level."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "D"

var label_CN = "十字线"

_getNeutralLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_GravestoneDojiBearishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_GravestoneDojiBearish = C_IsDojiBody and C_DnShadow <= C_Body

alertcondition(C_GravestoneDojiBearish, title = "Gravestone Doji", message = "New Gravestone Doji -

Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_GravestoneDojiBearish and GravestoneDojiInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Gravestone Doji\nWhen a doji is at or is close to the day’s low point, a doji line will

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "GD"

var label_CN = "墓碑十字"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_DragonflyDojiBullishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_DragonflyDojiBullish = C_IsDojiBody and C_UpShadow <= C_Body

alertcondition(C_DragonflyDojiBullish, title = "Dragonfly Doji", message = "New Dragonfly Doji - Bullish
pattern detected.")

if C_DragonflyDojiBullish and DragonflyDojiInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Dragonfly Doji\nSimilar to other Doji days, this particular Doji also regularly appears at
pivotal market moments. This is a specific Doji where both the open and close price are at the high of a
given day."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "DD"

var label_CN = "蜻蜓十字"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_HaramiCrossBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_HaramiCrossBullish = C_LongBody[1] and C_BlackBody[1] and C_DownTrend[1] and C_IsDojiBody and

high <= C_BodyHi[1] and low >= C_BodyLo[1]

alertcondition(C_HaramiCrossBullish, title = "Harami Cross", message = "New Harami Cross - Bullish

pattern detected.")

if C_HaramiCrossBullish and HaramiCrossInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Harami Cross\nThis candlestick pattern is a variation of the Harami Bullish pattern. It is
found during a downtrend. The two-day candlestick pattern consists of a Doji candle that is entirely
encompassed within the body of what was once a red-bodied candle."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "HC"

var label_CN = "十字胎"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_HaramiCrossBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_HaramiCrossBearish = C_LongBody[1] and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_UpTrend[1] and C_IsDojiBody and

high <= C_BodyHi[1] and low >= C_BodyLo[1]

alertcondition(C_HaramiCrossBearish, title = "Harami Cross", message = "New Harami Cross - Bearish

pattern detected.")

if C_HaramiCrossBearish and HaramiCrossInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Harami Cross\nThis candlestick pattern is a variation of the Harami Bearish pattern. It is
found during an uptrend. This is a two-day candlestick pattern with a Doji candle that is entirely
encompassed within the body that was once a green-bodied candle. The Doji shows that some
indecision has entered the minds of sellers, and the pattern hints that the trend might reverse."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "HC"

var label_CN = "十字胎"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_HaramiBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_HaramiBullish = C_LongBody[1] and C_BlackBody[1] and C_DownTrend[1] and C_WhiteBody and

C_SmallBody and high <= C_BodyHi[1] and low >= C_BodyLo[1]

alertcondition(C_HaramiBullish, title = "Harami", message = "New Harami - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_HaramiBullish and HaramiInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Harami\nThis two-day candlestick pattern consists of a small-bodied green candle that
is entirely encompassed within the body of what was once a red-bodied candle."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "BH"

var label_CN = "身怀六甲"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_HaramiBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_HaramiBearish = C_LongBody[1] and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_UpTrend[1] and C_BlackBody and

C_SmallBody and high <= C_BodyHi[1] and low >= C_BodyLo[1]

alertcondition(C_HaramiBearish, title = "Harami", message = "New Harami - Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_HaramiBearish and HaramiInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Harami\nThis is a two-day candlestick pattern with a small, red-bodied candle that is
entirely encompassed within the body that was once a green-bodied candle."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "BH"

var label_CN = "身怀六甲"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_LongLowerShadowBullishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_LongLowerShadowPercent = 75.0

C_LongLowerShadowBullish = C_DnShadow > C_Range/100*C_LongLowerShadowPercent

alertcondition(C_LongLowerShadowBullish, title = "Long Lower Shadow", message = "New Long Lower

Shadow - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_LongLowerShadowBullish and LongLowerShadowInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Long Lower Shadow\nTo indicate seller domination of the first part of a session,
candlesticks will present with long lower shadows and short upper shadows, consequently lowering

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "LLS"

var label_CN = "长下影线"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_LongUpperShadowBearishNumberOfCandles = 1

C_LongShadowPercent = 75.0

C_LongUpperShadowBearish = C_UpShadow > C_Range/100*C_LongShadowPercent

alertcondition(C_LongUpperShadowBearish, title = "Long Upper Shadow", message = "New Long Upper

Shadow - Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_LongUpperShadowBearish and LongUpperShadowInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Long Upper Shadow\nTo indicate buyer domination of the first part of a session,
candlesticks will present with long upper shadows, as well as short lower shadows, consequently raising
bidding prices."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "LUS"

var label_CN = "长上影线"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_SpinningTopWhiteNumberOfCandles = 1

C_SpinningTopWhitePercent = 34.0

C_IsSpinningTopWhite = C_DnShadow >= C_Range / 100 * C_SpinningTopWhitePercent and

C_UpShadow >= C_Range / 100 * C_SpinningTopWhitePercent and not C_IsDojiBody

C_SpinningTopWhite = C_IsSpinningTopWhite and C_WhiteBody

alertcondition(C_SpinningTopWhite, title = "Spinning Top White", message = "New Spinning Top White
pattern detected.")

if C_SpinningTopWhite and SpinningTopWhiteInput and showNeutralSignal

var msg_EN = "Spinning Top White\nWhite spinning tops are candlestick lines that are small, green-
bodied, and possess shadows (upper and lower) that end up exceeding the length of candle bodies. They
often signal indecision between buyer and seller."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "STW"

var label_CN = "纺锤阳线"

_getNeutralLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_SpinningTopBlackNumberOfCandles = 1

C_SpinningTopBlackPercent = 34.0

C_IsSpinningTop = C_DnShadow >= C_Range / 100 * C_SpinningTopBlackPercent and C_UpShadow >=

C_Range / 100 * C_SpinningTopBlackPercent and not C_IsDojiBody

C_SpinningTopBlack = C_IsSpinningTop and C_BlackBody

alertcondition(C_SpinningTopBlack, title = "Spinning Top Black", message = "New Spinning Top Black
pattern detected.")

if C_SpinningTopBlack and SpinningTopBlackInput and showNeutralSignal

var msg_EN = "Spinning Top Black\nBlack spinning tops are candlestick lines that are small, red-
bodied, and possess shadows (upper and lower) that end up exceeding the length of candle bodies. They
often signal indecision."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "STB"

var label_CN = "纺锤阴线"

_getNeutralLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_ThreeWhiteSoldiersBullishNumberOfCandles = 3
C_3WSld_ShadowPercent = 5.0

C_3WSld_HaveNotUpShadow = C_Range * C_3WSld_ShadowPercent / 100 > C_UpShadow

C_ThreeWhiteSoldiersBullish = false

if C_LongBody and C_LongBody[1] and C_LongBody[2]

if C_WhiteBody and C_WhiteBody[1] and C_WhiteBody[2]

C_ThreeWhiteSoldiersBullish := close > close[1] and close[1] > close[2] and open < close[1] and open
> open[1] and open[1] < close[2] and open[1] > open[2] and C_3WSld_HaveNotUpShadow and
C_3WSld_HaveNotUpShadow[1] and C_3WSld_HaveNotUpShadow[2]

alertcondition(C_ThreeWhiteSoldiersBullish, title = "Three White Soldiers", message = "New Three White

Soldiers - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_ThreeWhiteSoldiersBullish and ThreeWhiteSoldiersInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Three White Soldiers\nThis bullish reversal pattern is made up of three long-bodied,
green candles in immediate succession. Each one opens within the body before it and the close is near to
the daily high."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "3WS"

var label_CN = "红三兵"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_ThreeBlackCrowsBearishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_3BCrw_ShadowPercent = 5.0

C_3BCrw_HaveNotDnShadow = C_Range * C_3BCrw_ShadowPercent / 100 > C_DnShadow

C_ThreeBlackCrowsBearish = false

if C_LongBody and C_LongBody[1] and C_LongBody[2]

if C_BlackBody and C_BlackBody[1] and C_BlackBody[2]

C_ThreeBlackCrowsBearish := close < close[1] and close[1] < close[2] and open > close[1] and open <
open[1] and open[1] > close[2] and open[1] < open[2] and C_3BCrw_HaveNotDnShadow and
C_3BCrw_HaveNotDnShadow[1] and C_3BCrw_HaveNotDnShadow[2]
alertcondition(C_ThreeBlackCrowsBearish, title = "Three Black Crows", message = "New Three Black
Crows - Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_ThreeBlackCrowsBearish and ThreeBlackCrowsInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Three Black Crows\nThis is a bearish reversal pattern that consists of three long, red-
bodied candles in immediate succession. For each of these candles, each day opens within the body of
the day before and closes either at or near its low."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "3BC"

var label_CN = "三只乌鸦"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_EngulfingBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_EngulfingBullish = C_DownTrend and C_WhiteBody and C_LongBody and C_BlackBody[1] and

C_SmallBody[1] and close >= open[1] and open <= close[1] and ( close > open[1] or open < close[1] )

alertcondition(C_EngulfingBullish, title = "Engulfing", message = "New Engulfing - Bullish pattern


if C_EngulfingBullish and BullishEngulfingInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Engulfing\nAt the end of a given downward trend, there will most likely be a reversal
pattern. To distinguish the first day, this candlestick pattern uses a small body, followed by a day where
the candle body fully overtakes the body from the day before, and closes in the trend’s opposite
direction. Although similar to the outside reversal chart pattern, it is not essential for this pattern to
completely overtake the range (high to low), rather only the open and the close."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "BE"

var label_CN = "上涨吞没"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_EngulfingBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_EngulfingBearish = C_UpTrend and C_BlackBody and C_LongBody and C_WhiteBody[1] and

C_SmallBody[1] and close <= open[1] and open >= close[1] and ( close < open[1] or open > close[1] )

alertcondition(C_EngulfingBearish, title = "Engulfing", message = "New Engulfing - Bearish pattern


if C_EngulfingBearish and BearishEngulfingInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Engulfing\nAt the end of a given uptrend, a reversal pattern will most likely appear.
During the first day, this candlestick pattern uses a small body. It is then followed by a day where the
candle body fully overtakes the body from the day before it and closes in the trend’s opposite direction.
Although similar to the outside reversal chart pattern, it is not essential for this pattern to fully overtake
the range (high to low), rather only the open and the close."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "BE"

var label_CN = "下跌吞没"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_AbandonedBabyBullishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_AbandonedBabyBullish = C_DownTrend[2] and C_BlackBody[2] and C_IsDojiBody[1] and low[2] >

high[1] and C_WhiteBody and high[1] < low

alertcondition(C_AbandonedBabyBullish, title = "Abandoned Baby", message = "New Abandoned Baby -

Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_AbandonedBabyBullish and BullishAbandonedBabyInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Abandoned Baby\nThis candlestick pattern is quite rare as far as reversal patterns go.
The first of the pattern is a large down candle. Next comes a doji candle that gaps below the candle
before it. The doji candle is then followed by another candle that opens even higher and swiftly moves to
the upside."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "AB"

var label_CN = "看涨弃婴"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_AbandonedBabyBearishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_AbandonedBabyBearish = C_UpTrend[2] and C_WhiteBody[2] and C_IsDojiBody[1] and high[2] <

low[1] and C_BlackBody and low[1] > high

alertcondition(C_AbandonedBabyBearish, title = "Abandoned Baby", message = "New Abandoned Baby -

Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_AbandonedBabyBearish and AbandonedBabyInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Abandoned Baby\nA bearish abandoned baby is a specific candlestick pattern that
often signals a downward reversal trend in terms of security price. It is formed when a gap appears
between the lowest price of a doji-like candle and the candlestick of the day before. The earlier
candlestick is green, tall, and has small shadows. The doji candle is also tailed by a gap between its
lowest price point and the highest price point of the candle that comes next, which is red, tall and also
has small shadows. The doji candle shadows must completely gap either below or above the shadows of
the first and third day in order to have the abandoned baby pattern effect."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "AB"

var label_CN = "弃婴"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_TriStarBullishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_3DojisBullish = C_Doji[2] and C_Doji[1] and C_Doji

C_BodyGapUpBullish = C_BodyHi[1] < C_BodyLo

C_BodyGapDnBullish = C_BodyLo[1] > C_BodyHi

C_TriStarBullish = C_3DojisBullish and C_DownTrend[2] and C_BodyGapDnBullish[1] and

alertcondition(C_TriStarBullish, title = "Tri-Star", message = "New Tri-Star - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_TriStarBullish and TriStarInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Tri-Star\nA bullish TriStar candlestick pattern can form when three doji candlesticks
materialize in immediate succession at the tail-end of an extended downtrend. The first doji candle
marks indecision between bull and bear. The second doji gaps in the direction of the leading trend. The
third changes the attitude of the market once the candlestick opens in the direction opposite to the
trend. Each doji candle has a shadow, all comparatively shallow, which signify an interim cutback in

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "3S"

var label_CN = "底部三星"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_TriStarBearishNumberOfCandles = 3

C_3Dojis = C_Doji[2] and C_Doji[1] and C_Doji

C_BodyGapUp = C_BodyHi[1] < C_BodyLo

C_BodyGapDn = C_BodyLo[1] > C_BodyHi

C_TriStarBearish = C_3Dojis and C_UpTrend[2] and C_BodyGapUp[1] and C_BodyGapDn

alertcondition(C_TriStarBearish, title = "Tri-Star", message = "New Tri-Star - Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_TriStarBearish and BearishTriStarInput and showBearishSignal

var msg_EN = "Tri-Star\nThis particular pattern can form when three doji candlesticks appear in
immediate succession at the end of an extended uptrend. The first doji candle marks indecision between
bull and bear. The second doji gaps in the direction of the leading trend. The third changes the attitude
of the market once the candlestick opens in the direction opposite to the trend. Each doji candle has a
shadow, all comparatively shallow, which signify an interim cutback in volatility."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "3S"

var label_CN = "顶部三星"

_getBearishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_KickingBullishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_MarubozuShadowPercent = 5.0

C_Marubozu = C_LongBody and C_UpShadow <= C_MarubozuShadowPercent/100*C_Body and

C_DnShadow <= C_MarubozuShadowPercent/100*C_Body

C_MarubozuWhiteBullishKicking = C_Marubozu and C_WhiteBody

C_MarubozuBlackBullish = C_Marubozu and C_BlackBody

C_KickingBullish = C_MarubozuBlackBullish[1] and C_MarubozuWhiteBullishKicking and high[1] < low

alertcondition(C_KickingBullish, title = "Kicking", message = "New Kicking - Bullish pattern detected.")

if C_KickingBullish and KickingInput and showBullishSignal

var msg_EN = "Kicking\nThe first day candlestick is a bearish marubozu candlestick with next to no
upper or lower shadow and where the price opens at the day’s high and closes at the day’s low. The
second day is a bullish marubozu pattern, with next to no upper or lower shadow and where the price
opens at the day’s low and closes at the day’s high. Additionally, the second day gaps up extensively and
opens above the opening price of the day before. This gap or window, as the Japanese call it, lies
between day one and day two’s bullish candlesticks."

var msg_CN = "翻译中……!"

var label_EN = "K"

var label_CN = "不知道咋翻译"

_getBullishLabel(msg_EN, msg_CN, label_EN, label_CN)

C_KickingBearishNumberOfCandles = 2

C_MarubozuBullishShadowPercent = 5.0
C_MarubozuBearishKicking = C_LongBody and C_UpShadow <=
C_MarubozuBullishShadowPercent/100*C_Body and C_DnShadow <=

C_MarubozuWhiteBearish = C_MarubozuBearishKicking and C_WhiteBody

C_MarubozuBlackBearishKicking = C_MarubozuBearishKicking and C_BlackBody

C_KickingBearish = C_MarubozuWhiteBearish[1] and C_MarubozuBlackBearishKicking and low[1] > high

alertcondition(C_KickingBearish, title = "Kicking", message = "New Kicking - Bearish pattern detected.")

if C_KickingBearish and KickingInput and showBearishSignal

var ttBearishKicking = "Kicking\nA bearish kicking pattern will occur, subsequently signaling a reversal
for a new downtrend. The first day candlestick is a bullish marubozu. The second day gaps down
extensively and opens below the opening price of the day before. There is a gap between day one and
two’s bearish candlesticks.", patternLabelPosHigh, text="K", style = label.style_label_down, color =

bearishColor, textcolor = textColor, tooltip = ttBearishKicking)

getBearishLabel("K", ttBearishKicking)

var ttAllCandlestickPatterns = "All Candlestick Patterns\n", patternLabelPosLow, text="Collection", style = label.style_label_up, color =

neutralColor, textcolor = textColor, tooltip = ttAllCandlestickPatterns)

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