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Problem 1
If x − y = 5, xy = 50, and x > y, find the value of x6 − y 6 .

Problem 2
Triangle ABC has D as the midpoint of AB. The ratio of AB to CD is 2 : 1.
If 6 DCA = 16◦ , what is the value of 6 ABC?

Problem 3
If (lcm(x, y))2 − xy ≥ k for all x, y ∈ Z + , x < y, compute the maximum
value of k.
Note: Z + is the set of positive integers.

Problem 4
A college in Manila named Jordano College offers a curriculum with four
subjects: Math, Biology, Physics, and Economy. Each day, at most one task
for each subject is given to a student. If Jordan, a student from this school,
wishes to accomplish his task/s for Day x in one sitting, in how many possi-
ble orders can he do this?
Examples: (math, biology), (math), (), (biology, physics, economy), (econ-
omy, math, biology, physics)

Problem 5
One face of a colorless cube and another face not adjacent to it are painted
red and blue, respectively. Another side adjacent to one of the previously
mentioned faces is colored yellow. The cube is then cut into 27 smaller con-
gruent cubes. If the probability that a cube containing at most one colored
face contains a yellow-colored face can be expressed as ab , where a and b are
coprime positive integers, compute b − a.

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