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Apellido: Andregnette
Nombre: Sibila
DNI: 35796297
Primer examen parcial
 El plazo de entrega de este examen finaliza el 03/05/19, a las 23:59 hs.
 Los exámenes enviados fuera de término están desaprobados y se deben recuperar.
 Este examen es individual.
 Para completar los ejercicios, consulte los contenidos de la materia, los archivos de la
Biblioteca y las explicaciones de los foros de las primeras cuatro unidades.
 Use un diccionario para buscar el significado de las palabras que no conozca y que considere
indispensables para resolver los ejercicios.

A) Lea el siguiente fragmento de un artículo publicado en el sitio web de Harvard English Review.
Busque en el diccionario únicamente las palabras que considere necesarias para comprender el
sentido general del texto y resolver los ejercicios.

Don’t Like Your Job? Change It

(Without Quitting)
Sometimes you know your job just isn’t right for you. Maybe you’re in the wrong field, don’t
enjoy the work, feel surrounded by untrustworthy coworkers, or have an incompetent boss.
Most people would tell you to find something that’s a better fit. But that may not be possible.
There are many reasons you may not be able to leave: a tough economy, family
commitments, or limited opportunities in your field. So what do you do when you’re stuck in
the wrong job?

What the Experts Say

According to Gretchen Spreitzer, professor of management and organizations at University of
Michigan’s Ross School of Business […],” people are highly dissatisfied when their job has no
meaning or purpose to them, provides little opportunity to learn, or leaves them depleted at
the end of the work day.

Whatever the reason you are unhappy, you don’t have to just live with it or quit. In fact, even
if you are able to find another job, staying put may be the best option. “Job searching and
changing jobs is not a trivial matter. It is often costly to career momentum and earnings as
much as it is a boon,” says Amy Wrzesniewski, an associate professor of organizational
behavior at the Yale School of Management […]. ”The good news is that there is usually more
leeway to alter your job than you think. “There are often real areas for movement and change
that people tend not to recognize,” she says. Here’s how to make the most of an imperfect job
Look at yourself
Whether or not you are satisfied with your job often has to do with your disposition, says Sigal
Barsade, Professor of Management at The Wharton School. Some people are naturally inclined to be
unhappy, while others have a brighter take on life. Before you declare your job a bad fit, take a look at
yourself. Barsade says it’s worth asking: Are you just the kind of person who tends to be dissatisfied?
This understanding may not make you like your job better, but may make you think twice before you
look for a new position.


B) Complete los siguientes ejercicios.

1. Identifique dos de las construcciones nominales presentes en la siguiente oración. Transcriba cada
construcción completa y señale el núcleo de cada una. (2 puntos)

The good news is that there is usually more leeway to alter your job than you think.

a. Primera construcción nominal: The good news

Núcleo: news

b. Segunda construcción nominal: your job

Núcleo: job

2. ¿Cuáles de los siguientes adjetivos de cantidad se pueden usar con los sustantivos que aparecen a
continuación? (2 puntos)
some – any – many – few – all - several
a. news: some, any, all (sustantivo incontable)
b. people: some, any, many, few, all, several (sustantivo contable plural)

3. Clasifique los siguientes verbos en regulares e irregulares. Escriba el pasado de los verbos irregulares
en la tercera columna de la tabla. (2 puntos)

change – quit – know – have – find – be – leave – stuck

Verbos regulares Verbos irregulares Pasado de los verbos irregulares


Know Knew
Have Had
Find Found
Be Was/were
Leave Left

4. Marque con una X cuál de los siguientes usos de los artículos le corresponde a cada uno de estos
ejemplos. (1 punto)

Sustantivos Objeto o persona

Objeto o persona
plurales en sin especificar uno
general en particular
a. have an incompetent boss x

b. people are highly dissatisfied x

c. The employees that perform
d. stuck in the wrong job x
Adjetivo grado positivo Comparativo Superlativo
a. incompetent More incompetent Most incompetent
b. tough tougher Toughest
c. good Better Best
d. bright brighter Brightest

5. Complete la siguiente tabla con el comparativo y el superlativo de los siguientes adjetivos. (2 puntos)

6. Explique el uso de los siguientes verbos modales. No traduzca las oraciones. (1 punto)

a. Most people would tell you to find something that’s a better fit.
Expresa deseo o preferencia, en este caso lo que la mayoría de las personas (most people) le
dirían al sujeto (you).
b. Whatever the reason you are unhappy, you don’t have to just live with it or quit.
Expresa obligacion o necesidad; afirma que sea cual sea la razon de algo (en este caso la infelicidad
laboral), no debería vivir con ella o renunciar.

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