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International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019) p-ISSN: 2477-3328

Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development e-ISSN: 2615-1588

Tadabbur Al-Quran to Decrease Anxiety Among Students Facing

National Examination

Hasna Fadilla Sustring1, Hariz Enggar Wijaya1

Master of Professional Psychology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This literature review aims to find out how much influence Qur’an has to reduce the anxiety experienced
by students facing the National Examination. The national examination is a routine agenda carried
out to assess and see students’ abilities in mastering learning material during their education process.
Towards the national examination, many students who feel anxious and worried about their ability
to do the national examination, this situation is anxious. Some researchers applied the method with
tadabbur Qur’an, the results obtained indicate this method was effective in reducing student anxiety
facing the national examination. Students can control anxiety, bring a calm heart, and this condition
will increase the concentration of students while dealing with a problem. Become more positive,
healthier physically and psychologically, feel confident, and reduce unnecessary worries or fears about
national examinations.
Keywords: anxiety, students, national examination, tadabbur Qur’an

Based on the Republic of Indonesia’s National Minister of Education Regulation No. 34 of 2007
concerning the National Examination for the 2007/2008 school year, the National Examination
is an educational process for understanding or assessing students on certain subjects and is used as
a standard for educational programs to continuing education levels. Many learning processes that
are passed make students experience feelings of anxiety and stress (Pangastuti, 2014). To face the
National Examination, the students get a lot of internal and external pressure. External pressure
started of high expectations from parents, schools and the environment towards the graduation of
students themselves, while internal pressure comes from students themselves in facing examinations,
namely the existence of irrational thoughts such as fear of not being able to work, worrying, not
confident, and worrying about being ostracized by environment if not passed the test (Tresna,
Commonly, the triggering factors for students to experience anxiety comes from curriculum
factors such as curriculum targets that are difficult to implement, assignments that are very dense, so
high assessment systems, and the provision of material given by teachers who are monotonous and
less varied. The results of interviews conducted by Mukhlis and Koentjoro (2015) found that some
students felt difficult to concentrate properly when working on National Examination practice
questions and felt that the teacher had not maximally provided the material and was impressed not
to understand the condition of his students.
Survey conducted by Solehah (2012) one of school in Jakarta using a questionnaire, obtained
data factors for students anxiety facing the National exam as follows: 58.3% of students were afraid
of not graduating because they did not reach the graduation grade standard, 33.4% of students
were afraid of not being able to work on difficult questions or not in accordance with what they had
learned, 79.48% of students were not convinced of their abilities, 16.7% of supervision is too strict,
and 37.5% of students think about continuing education to tertiary institutions.

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p-ISSN: 2477-3328 International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019)
e-ISSN: 2615-1588 Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development

News in Kompas mention of a student called “Mawar” in Depok who chooses to end his
life for fear that she will not pass the National Examination later. A few days before her suicide,
“Mawar” had expressed her anxiety to parents before the national examination, “Mawar” says “if I
cannot pass the National Examination, it will be better I work at the supermarket”. “Mawar” is a
diligent student at her school (Hari. W, 2013). Strengthened by research in SMA Y in Yogyakarta
conducted by Mukhlis and Koentjoro (2015) found that 65% of students experienced anxiety
facing the National Examination and decreased sleep quality at night, feeling restless while waiting
for the implementation of the National Examination, difficulty concentrating when studying until
feel afraid facing the National Examination.
In educational settings this phenomenon is known as test anxiety. The research found that
there are several factors that cause anxiety in facing tests which show that the main characteristics
of an exam or tests can cause anxiety, namely: (1) the test is perceived as difficult, challenging and
threatening, (2) students see themselves as people who are not able to do the test, (3) students are
focused on the shadows of unwanted bad consequences, (4) students assume that he will fail and
lose respect from others (Revilla & Lina, 2009).
Santrock (Revilla & Lina, 2009) also explained that some students who succeeded in the exam
were students who had moderate or moderate levels of anxiety. While students who have a high
level of anxiety will be associated with low test scores. Actually the students master the material
being tested, but failed to show their true abilities because of the anxiety that struck them during
the test.
Based on the phenomena that occur above, it can be seen that the feelings that are often
experienced by students are feelings of fear and worry if they do not pass the National Examination.
This condition makes the students when facing national examinations experience a variety of
symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disturbances, cold sweat, feeling restless, nervous, and often go
to the toilet because they feel an unpleasant threat or unable to deal with. Mukhlis and Koentjoro
(2015) added that it was not failure itself that was the background of anxiety, if a student had
positive perceptions and assessments of the National Examination, students could control their
anxiety more positively, the anxiety felt would be used as motivation or improve themselves to study
Based on research surveys conducted to find out the truth of this possibility. The results show
that poor student test results are caused by test conditions and situations that make them anxious
and not just because of the students’ poor mastery of subject matter (Revilla & Lina, 2009). In
general, worry is considered a major factor in anxiety. Psychiatric clinicians believe that if they are
helped eliminate the process of anxiety that usually occurs automatically in their minds. Then they
can control conditions of anxiety which can usually be increased and difficult to handle (James &
David, 2000).
One of the studies conducted by Prapto, Nashori, dan Rumiani (2015) reduced anxiety by
used the Islamic psychology approach, namely religious coping by tadabbur Qur’an. Qur’an is a
guideline of life for Muslims who can resolve the problems of indecision in life, and can treat all
kinds of diseases including anxiety disorders, in case the heart will be calm, controlled mind, and
patient. Religious coping uses religious practices as a medium for the healing process. Religious
practices such as prayer, fasting, dhikr, and reading the Qur’an. According to Koszycki (2010)
practices in religion can increase positive emotions and concentration, as well as long-lasting
therapeutic effects compared to conventional psychotherapy. The Qur’an has many lessons and
lessons to calm the heart. Anxiety is a part of liver disease so it is very appropriate that the Koran
is used as an antidote for anxiety (Zahrani, 2005). According to Handa (2015) that tadabbur is to

International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity 157 ISETH

International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019) p-ISSN: 2477-3328
Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development e-ISSN: 2615-1588

understand the meaning contained in the Qur’an and instructions in the Qur’an, what is contained
in it and the meanings taken by the heart to be able to obey and follow the instructions and advice
from the Qur’an. Reinforced with the statement of Yudani and Suharti (2017) therapy using the
Quran can reduce various forms of anxiety. If someone is doing Qur’an therapy every day then the
soul will be calmer and closer to the creator. This phenomenon is very interested to be explored
further that by tadabbur Qur’an can reduce student anxiety facing the National Examination.

Nevid et al (2005) explain that anxiety is an emotional state that shows characteristics of
physiological arousal unpleasant tense feelings and feelings of worry that something bad will
happen. Some things that can cause anxiety, namely, health, social relations, examinations, careers,
and environmental conditions. Anxiety is characterized by negative affect and symptoms of physical
strain where a person anticipates the possibility of danger or misfortune in the future with feelings
of worry (Duran & Barlow, 2006).
Atkinson (Maisaroh & Falah, 2011) explains that anxiety is an impulse threat that cannot
be controlled. Anxiety is not always based on reality, but also based on individual imagination.
Irrational anxiety is usually caused by an individual’s fear of one’s abilities. Anxiety is a state of
mood that is characterized by physical symptoms such as physical tension and worries about the
future. Anxiety is caused by an atmosphere that is oriented towards the future, which is marked by
a concern for themselves who are unable to predict or control the events that will come.
Satria (2013) explains that anxiety is often identified as emotional states that have physiological
characteristics, unpleasant tense feelings, and worries about something that has not yet happened.
Anxiety almost afflicts every person at a certain time in his life and is a normal reaction to a
situation that is very stressful for someone’s life, can appear alone or join with other symptoms of
various emotional disorders. Anxiety is a feeling that contains fear about future events without a
specific reason for the fear.
Concluded that anxiety is an unpleasant situation marked by worries about the future. Anxiety
in students is a common reaction to the inability or concern of students when conducting national
examinations. These erratic feelings cause physiological changes (shaking and increased heart rate)
and psychological (panic, confusion, and difficulty concentrating).
In the world of education this phenomenon is known as test anxiety. Test anxiety is “an
unpleasant feeling or emotional state that has a physiological impact and behavior simultaneously
and is experienced when facing a formal examination or other assessment situations”. Test anxiety is a
dangerous psychological condition that has a debilitating effect on students’ academic performance,
motivation, and self-confidence in solving problems (Chapell et al. 2005).
Anxiety in facing exams is triggered by uncontrolled states of mind, feeling and behavior.
According to Tresna (2011) anxiety facing exams arises based on three aspects namely, cognitive
manifestations, affective manifestations, and motor behavior. Uncontrolled cognitive manifestations
make it difficult for students to concentrate on learning, while uncontrolled affective manifestations
create a feeling that something bad will happen to him, and uncontrolled motor behavior causes
students to become nervous and tremble when facing exams. Mortensen (2014) added, anxiety can
be a nuisance if it is characterized by fears and deep and prolonged fears as emotional conditions
that do not wear, conditions such as these can be feared to reduce one’s productivity in dealing with
situations or conditions that exist in the environment.

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p-ISSN: 2477-3328 International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019)
e-ISSN: 2615-1588 Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development

Calhoun dan Accocella (Safaria & Saputra, 2009) classified anxiety into several aspects,
1. Emotional reactions
Emotional reactions are components of anxiety related to individual perceptions of the
psychological influence of anxiety, such as feelings of concern, tension, sadness, self-deprecation
or others.
2. Cognitive reaction
Cognitive reactions are fears and worries that affect the ability to think clearly so that they
interfere in solving problems and addressing the demands of the surrounding environment.
3. Physiological reaction
Physiological reaction is the reaction displayed by the body to the source of fear and anxiety.
This reaction is related to the nervous system that controls the muscles and glands of the body
until a reaction occurs in the form of heart beating harder, breathing moves faster, blood
pressure rises.


1. Irrational mind
Adler and Rodman (Ghufron, M. Nur, & Rini, Risnawati S, 2014) stated that irrational
thoughts are divided into three forms, namely:
a. Catastrophic failure, the assumption of the individual that something bad will happen
to him. Individuals experience anxiety and feelings of inability and inability to overcome
their problems.
b. Perfection, individuals expect themselves to behave perfectly and not have disabilities.
Individuals make a measure of perfection as a target and source that can provide
c. Incorrect generalization, it’s this excessive generalization, this happens to people who have
little experience.
2. Social support
Social support can play an important role in academic success and increase student learning
motivation in school. Support from parents, teachers, and peers can facilitate students in
solving problems that are being experienced such as when facing anxiety in facing national
exams (Conger in Harjani, 2019).
3. Religiosity
Religiosity is manifested in various aspects of human life Where religiosity includes religious
knowledge, religious beliefs, religious ritual experiences (reciting, murotal, tadabbur al-quran).
The role of religion is very influential on the emergence of anxiety experienced especially by
students to prepare themselves for the national exam. Values in ​​ religion can make a person not
easily discouraged by failures or situations that might be encountered or something bad will
happen. By drawing closer to the religion of students personally they will be closer to Allah
SWT (Darajat, 2003).

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International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019) p-ISSN: 2477-3328
Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development e-ISSN: 2615-1588

Qur’an is the word of Allah SWT which was revealed as the superior book of Muslims and
is a complete guide for humans as a guide in error, savior for people in extinction and a guide to
the right path and guarantee happiness in this world and the hereafter. Humans can achieve the
happiness of the afterlife if they tadabbur to understand Qur’an and are able to apply it in everyday
life (Zakaria, Fuad, & Rusdi, 2014).
Along with the development of the science of Psychology with the emergence of transpersonal
flow in humanistic theory. The theme of anxiety is associated with the spiritual and religious
dimensions of a person. In transpersonal psychology there is a structure of human thought so that
some religious psychotherapy appears to deal with anxiety, use religious traditions and practices
as a medium for the healing process, such as: prayer, fasting, dzikr, and reading Qur’an including
tadabbur Qur’an (Mar’ati & Chaer, 2016).
Zakaria, Fuad, & Rusdi (2014) explain tadabbur Qur’an based on the definition of as-Sheikh
Ibn Kathir is understanding the meaning of lafaz Qur’an, and to think about what the verses of the
Qur’an indicate and what they contain from alerts and warnings that do not appear in the Qur’an,
and the benefit of the heart by following all the instructions and abstaining from the prohibitions,
obeying his commands, and taking the guidance of Allah SWT.
Tadabbur is a recitation of the Qur’an by meditating on the verses of the Qur’an that can
calm one’s heart and mind. The Quran is essentially a book that can change one’s mind, desires,
and behavior, give instructions to them, change their health, and direct them to something that is
good for them (Najati, 2004). That way if students do tadabur Qur’an, is expected to be able to
open their minds and hearts to be more positive in processing anxiety and be able to become whole,
balanced, peaceful and peaceful people.
Humans are essentially as God’s creatures who must have a close relationship with their creator.
The Qur’an is a guide that is able to overcome or treat anxiety including anxiety disorders, the
Qur’an is a guide and a way out for all kinds of problems. By often getting closer to Allah SWT
through reading and tadabbur Qur’an the heart will be calm, the mind becomes more positive and
the soul feels spacious. Research conducted by Yudhani and Suharti (2017) reduces anxiety with
tadabbur Qur’an using 3 verses in its commitment, namely:
Surah al-insyirah: 1-8 “haven’t we cleared it for you? And we have taken away your burden, who
burdens your back? And we leave out your name. Because actually after the hardship there is ease.
Indeed, after such hardships there is ease. So when you are done (of something). Work hard on other
things. And to your god you hope”. In that paragraph explained that after there are difficulties
there must be ease.
Surah Al-Ra’d: 28. This letter means “(ie) those who believe and their hearts become at peace
in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, it is only by remembering Allah that the heart becomes
at peace”. The letter explains that by reading this verse, God willing, the heart will be calm
because of remembering Allah SWT.
Surah Al-Zalzalah: 7-8. “Whoever does good deeds as heavy as dzarrah, surely He will watch
(replies). And whoever commits a crime as big as dzarrah, he will surely watch (his reply too)”. In
this letter explains that not a few people underestimate small things, even though everything we do
will be take into account even though an atom.
Research conducted by Rifa, H (2002) the research subjects consisted of 80 students of
Madrasah Aliyah Al-Islam Joresan Mlarak Ponorogo who were randomly selected and divided into
two groups randomly; 40 subjects as a control group and 40 subjects as an experimental group.

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p-ISSN: 2477-3328 International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019)
e-ISSN: 2615-1588 Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development

This research is an experimental research with a control group pretest and posttest design. The tool
used to collect data is the anxiety test facing scale. Analyzed were subject anxiety scores before and
after treatment. The analysis shows that there is a very significant difference between the control
group and the experimental group. The experimental group experienced a decrease in anxiety
scores, namely the anxiety of the experimental group before treatment 115,625 and after treatment
96,200. The results of interviews with several research subjects showed that they felt the benefits of
the verses of the Koran to reduce anxiety in the face of the test while providing peace of mind. The
results of the overall analysis prove that the Koran can reduce student anxiety in the face of the test.
Research conducted by Maisaroh and Falah (2011) with 116 students as research samples. Data
were taken with two psychological measurement tools, namely the scale of religiosity and anxiety
scale facing the UN, then analyzed using the product moment correlation technique that produces
a correlation coefficient (rxy) = - 0.430 with p = 0.000 (p <0.01; very significant). The results of the
data analysis show that there is a very significant relationship between student religiosity and anxiety
in facing the National Examination (UN). The results of the coefficient of determination of 0.185
indicate the effective contribution of religiosity to anxiety facing the National Examination (UN)
on students. This value means that religiosity has a contribution to anxiety facing the National
Examination (UN) in students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Semarang by 18.5%. Students who
have high religiosity will not experience anxiety in the face of the National Examination, conversely
students who have low religiosity tend to experience anxiety in facing the National Examination.
Zati and Permana (2017) conducted a study on 33 intervention groups. Intervention in the
form of playing Al-Qur’an readings of Surah Ar-Rahman while reading the translation was given
to the intervention group for 14 days. From the research conducted, it was found that there was a
significant decrease in the average level of anxiety pre-test and post-test of the intervention group
with a significance of 0.028 (> 0.05). These results prove that listening to the Qur’an while reading
the translation has an effect on reducing the level of student anxiety in the face of the National
Examination. In line with research conducted by Yudani and Suharti (2017) on reducing anxiety by
tadabbur the Quran. There is a significant difference between anxiety scores in the experimental and
control groups, that students who are treated tadabbur Qur’an feel calmer in facing the National
Examination and the subject can apply it in daily life by introspecting themselves when getting
into trouble. Before training the subject feels lazy, afraid, anxious, and tense and many negative
thoughts about the value that will be obtained during the test. During the training process, the
subject feels happy because he can know a lot of knowledge such as ways to relieve tension and
anxiety during the exam so that the subject becomes relieved and calmer. The subject feels that
Allah SWT will always provide help even though the problem is felt heavy but the heart becomes
roomy because God always gives problems according to human ability. This training helps subjects
better understand the content of the Qur’an regarding anxiety so that subjects understand and can
control themselves by following teachings that have been recommended by Allah SWT.
From the studies above, it can be seen that tadabbur Qur’an is an effective way to help reduce
anxiety experienced by students facing national examinations.


Based on the summary above, it can be concluded that carrying out activities with the Koran,
especially tadabbur Al-Quran to reduce student anxiety facing the national exam has a positive
impact to reduce anxiety in facing the exam. Increasing religiosity by doing tadabbur al-quran,
students can bring a calm heart, controlling anxiety and getting closer to the creator (Allah), and

International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity 161 ISETH

International Summit on Science Technology and Humanity (ISETH2019) p-ISSN: 2477-3328
Advancing Scientific Thought for Future Sustainable Development e-ISSN: 2615-1588

when conditions like this can increase the concentration of students in dealing with a problem.
Become more positive, healthier physically and psychologically, feel confident, and reduce
unnecessary worries or fears about national examinations.
Readers and writers can continue this topic into empirical research to enrich research that
raises tadabbur al-quran in order to reduce student anxiety about examining and expand the scope
of the research area so as to reach the interests of the wider community.

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