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The Philippine Crocodile

Two species of crocodiles are indigenous to the Philippines: the "saltwater

crocodile". Crocodylus porosus, also known as the Indo-Pacific crocodile,
thrives in the Indo-Pacific region. The Mindoro crocodile (Crocodylus
mindorensis) is unique to the Philippines that tends to prefer a freshwater

Crocodylus porosus
Crocodylus mindorensis

The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is a crocodilian native to

saltwater habitats, brackish wetlands and freshwater rivers. The saltwater
crocodile is the largest living reptile. Males can grow up to a weight of
1,000–1,500 kg and a length of 6 meters, rarely exceeding 6.3meters.
Females are much smaller and rarely surpass 3 meters.

Crocodiles help maintain the balance of Philippine ecosystems such as

wetlands; crocodile farming in the Philippines is also geared towards the
rescue and conservation of both C. porosus and the "endangered and
endemic" C. mindorensis. Crocodile farms also contribute to tourism in the
Philippines and offer public education about crocodiles.
In the past, the crocodiles were starting to have a decline in numbers and
so the Crocodile Park was built in order to help in this issue.
The crocodiles in our region are mostly found in Crocodile Park and I was
able to visit the place with my family.

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