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Orders of Discourse

The public media are the wheels of vehicle of conditioning the society and the consent of people.
Language is a very powerful tool and a tool of power. Language most shows a man, his ideas and
his ideologies. Because language has always a room for manipulation, thus it can easily be used
to shape a public opinion. We live in the world of media. The newspaper that we read in in our
daily life to keep ourselves updated with the Social Order Order of Discourse
information contains countless news items, like Types of practice Types of Discourse
political, religious, fundamentalists, extremists, and Actual practice Actual Discourse
many more. To quote Michel Foucault “that in every society the production of discourse is at
once controlled, selected, organized and redistributed by a certain number of procedures whose
role is to ward of its powers and dangerous, to gain mastery over its chance events, to evade its
ponderous, formidable materiality” ("The Order of Discourse 52”). The institutions like School,
Social Structure Madarssahaz, public and private educational institutions (governmental or
non-governmental organizations) are the places where discourse doesn‟t
happen, it is rather designed and created, be it a television news,
Practice, discourse newspaper headlines, Instagram, twitter or Facebook posts, or a political
slogan (which apparently seems a motivation or a stimulus for the people) but actually, they are
being controlled, directed, diverted through the discourse. Let‟s look at schools how language is
manipulated to maintain a situation that forms and norms the social structure. It is a peon / a
gatekeeper is directed to use the limitations of discourse. In the same manner, the society is
conditioned in such a way that a student has to remain a student and teachers has to play the
dominant role as a teacher, both the roles are properly controlled through the use of language and
discourse. The Media discourses have „Felicitous Ambiguities‟. Discourse forms a society and
society has a social order through discourse. The news, we generally listen on Tv, radio or read
in the newspaper is basically a product which is controlled, selected and organized by invisible
hands behind. They may definitely have hidden agendas behind that production of news. The
discourse is decided on institutional and societal levels. Thus the discourse has an order in all
sorts of societies and in the institutions. The chain of command in the university (from a Vice
chancellor to a peon, has an order of discourse quite controlled and organized). The discourse
itself reflects back the amount and a form of power in it, the power in discourse or power behind
discourse. The doctor and patient relationship is the best instance of power in discourse whereas
the policeman‟s discourse is a good example of behind discourse. In every situation, we find the
discourse is decided, created, organized, controlled, and redistributed.

Assignment submitted by,

Badal Ram (MPhil English ID 21599)

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