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Name _________________________________ Moving Class _______

Unit 8 Review
Task 1: Read the sentences and write the missing letters.
1. P _ _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a serious problem. We should recycle all plastic.
2. The weather is getting hotter and the problem of m______ ice c _ _ _ is getting
more serious.
3. Global w _ _ _ _ _ _ causes climate to change and it is a serious problem.
4. Ice starts melting and it leads to r _ _ _ _ _ sea l _ _ _ _ s.

Task 2: Finish the story. Remember to use CAPITAL letters, full stops . and ? where

One day John had a great idea. He said “Dad, ____________________________________

___________________________________”. Dad agreed to go ______________________ .
Next morning, John and his dad were by the river. Oh no! What is that ___ The river is has a
lot of plastic pollution. John and his Dad are shocked. They decided to
___________________ ______________________________________. Some time later, the
river was ____________ and John and Dad felt
_________________________________________. Then, they got in the boat and
In the evening

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