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Write about the realities of struggles that happened in a country

faced with an oppressive ruler.

The realities of struggles against oppressive rulers are marked by a multitude of

challenges. Oppressive regimes typically resort to suppressing dissent by censoring the
media, curbing freedom of speech, and employing violence against activists and
political opponents. Human rights abuses, including arbitrary detention, torture, and
extrajudicial killings, instill fear and maintain control over the populace. Economic
mismanagement exacerbates hardships, leading to widespread poverty and inequality,
while political repression stifles opposition parties and civil society organizations.
Despite these obstacles, courageous individuals and groups persist in resisting through
peaceful protests, civil disobedience, and grassroots organizing, driven by a quest for
justice and freedom. International support and solidarity often bolster these efforts,
with global condemnation of abuses and assistance for activists. Despite the risks, these
struggles reflect a universal yearning for dignity and rights in the face of oppression.

2. Relate the details and images in the poem, and how it can be
related to actual historical events in the story.

This imagery reflects the fragility of life in such conditions and the omnipresence of
the oppressive regime, making the poem relatable to various historical instances of
resistance against tyranny.

3. Explain the dramatic situation presented in a poem.

The dramatic situation unfolds through vivid imagery, depicting the struggles of
poverty, hunger, and oppression faced by those in the Third World. The poem serves as
a poignant critique of the indifference and exploitation perpetuated by global power
dynamics, calling for empathy and action to address systemic inequalities.
4. Explain how allegory was demonstrated in the poem by
identifying the literal and symbolic meaning of a poem.

Symbolic Meaning:

 A country without miracles: Symbolizes a nation plagued by difficulties and

lacking in positive transformation or progress. It suggests a sense of stagnation
and hopelessness.
 Banana trees rotting in the sunlight: Represents the decay of agricultural
resources and economic decline. It symbolizes the waste and neglect of natural
 The man carrying a sack of hopes: Symbolizes the government or ruling
authority burdened by the expectations of the people. The sack containing "just
a handful of feathers" signifies the empty promises and false hopes offered by
those in power.
 Kneeling on parched earth and praying for rice: Symbolizes the struggle for
survival and basic necessities in a harsh environment. It reflects the futile
efforts of the people to find relief or assistance in their dire circumstances.

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