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A + Skills

VP 1 group
1. Use modal verbs to complete the sentences and mention the
type of the modal verbs.

a. “Welcome everyone! We’re so happy to have you here with us.

1.____ everyone hears and sees me? Yes? Great.”
b. “I think you 2. ________ have some knowledge about the topic that
I’m going to start in a bit because it’s not something new but I’m
going to explore a new angle.
c. So, a hangout 3. _________be going around now. Also, 4.
______everyone turn off their phones? Thank you.”
d. “Don’t worry, I 5. _____ turn on the volume…”
… “I’m sorry miss, 6. ____I ask you a question?”
“Sure, you 7. _____.”
e. “Ok, I also want to touch on the near future…Oh, sorry I
8.________ stop now. Time’s up!”

2. What is education going to be like in the future?

Answer the question using the modal verbs (for future) and some
expressions to soften your opinion.

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